Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Workin' on my fitness...

In January my CrossFit coach Jared started up another health & wellness challenge within our gym. Some of us changed our diets to Paleo while others took their own route. The new year was the perfect time to start this up, as all of us were carrying around some extra weight from all the holiday treats. Clean eating = healthy and fit body.

We started with a baseline WOD, weighed, measured and body fat % taken. After 30 days of clean eating and 5 days a week in the gym we were then to perform the original baseline WOD again. Along with measurements to see improvements. Since I had been through this once before I knew how much it transformed my body (basically lost water weight/bloat and several percentage points of body fat...while my muscle mass increased). The results are very motivating, but it's definitely hard work and a strong commitment to eating clean.
In conjunction with our Paleo challenge, my company rolled out a wellness program where we have to wear a pedometer daily to track our activity. The more steps = the greater health insurance discounts we receive. It's gotten a lot of employees into both of our gyms and motivated many people.

I have had some issues with my pedometer (washed it once) and to this day it just isn't the same. But I will tell you the full rice submersion brought mine back to life after a tumble in the washer!
Since I loathe my pedometer (it's not convenient for athletes to be wearing a dangling pedometer, and when you put it in your pocket or sports bra the sweat shorts out the little bugger)...one of our Nike reps sent me one of these beauties:
I'm in love with my Nike Fuelband. Not only does it count my steps, but it also keeps track of calories burned. Love comparing a long run to a CF workout (I burn more in 1 hour at CF than I do running for 1.5 hours!).

My birthday fell smack dab in the middle of the challenge and our coach always puts together birthday wods. Mine consisted of 36 reps of all my favorite movements (all the gymnasty things: handstand pushups, pistols, pull ups, etc). Some teammates of mine cursed me under their breath during the wod...but my closest friends found humor in my age = number of reps we had to do. Kristi said while box jumping, "If it were my birthday I'd be done by now!" She's 11 years my junior. Her birthday wod was much shorter than mine :)
My CF FINL buddies post birthday wod.
So true...
With 5 wods a week comes a little sacrifice. You know, like sacrificing my ability to grasp objects. I've had to start pulling out old gymnastics tricks: sleeping with Aquap.hor on my covered hands and making good old fashioned tape grips to work through the bloody mess.
The working out is the easy part for me. It's the clean eating that comes as a more difficult lifestyle change. What helped me this time around is that Mike started clean eating a few weeks before the challenge started, so our fridge was already stocked with fresh fruits, veggies and meats. Sundays we both do food prep...I'll chop veggies while Mike prepares meals for the week (chili, chicken salad, pork ribs, hamburgers, salmon). It definitely is more expensive and time consuming to eat clean, but it's worth it in the end.

I'm typically known for being a junk food junky (not proud of that and am making changes in my life towards healthier choices). So the day before the challenge started of course I had one of these beauties:
Then my desserts from then on out looked more like this:
Baked apple with raisins, cinnamon and walnuts
And my favorite dark chocolate chip Paleo cookies. I'm addicted (made 4 batches in 4 weeks) and both Mike and the girls love them, too. Score!

As for my endurance training, running has been happening only once a week these days. I've only hit the trails twice this year, opting for the indoor track instead. It's warmer. And I can wear 10 pounds less in apparel.
Kristi joined me one week...
The next week I was solo...
And last week Jaime joined me.
Throughout the 30 day challenge, I hit a few PRs on some lifts and felt overall stronger than I did before. The clean eating allows me to perform better as I'm fueling my body better. I'm slowly getting stronger at some of my weaker moves (ie snatches, deficit handstand push ups and bar muscle ups). It's just rewarding to see what hard work and dedication can do for my performance.
I'm still eating Paleo the majority of the day...but I allow more "cheats" without the guilt or the looming weigh-ins. Next up? The CrossFit Open!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Age of Aquarius...

My 36th birthday was a pretty good one. I had the day off. I spent the first half of the day with my girls and the second half of the day with my friends. Perfection, in my opinion.

Started the morning off with a trip to the dentist. Izzy hasn't been since she got her "golden teeth" back in the Fall. You would never have known that the last time she left the dentist's office that she was in an anesthetic stupor, crying and swollen. Nope. She marched in and was ready to show the entire staff how pretty she's kept her teeth.

We've changed a lot of our daily habits since the 12-cavity-nightmare hit us a few months ago. No more juice. No more fruit snacks or suckers or candy. We added daily mouth-washing and flossing into our routine. And boy, did our extra efforts pay off. No cavities and some pretty amazing feedback, "Her teeth have very minimal plaque build-up!" Well we will take that!
 We learned that Laney also has the same great hygiene as her big sister but has the "start" of a cavity. Ugh. The dentist also told us Lane has the exact same cross bite that Izzy has...even to the same side and almost to the same degree. Now we have to start saving for not one, but TWO sets of expanders and braces. So there's that birthday surprise I was hoping to never get.
 Regardless, we had to celebrate the great no-cavity news with some fun indoor play time at a local warehouse that sells recreational equipment (trampolines, basketball hoops, tree houses and enormous playsets).

I was lucky enough to have birthday lunch with my bestie, Jaim...where she gifted me the most beautiful handmade infinity scarf. And you KNOW I had to wear it that night :)
 Our old neighbors threw a birthday party for me (and let's be serious, Matt's birthday is 2 days before mine...so it was more like a combo party but I felt special nonetheless).
 Matt and I are both Aquarius (Aquari?) so the theme of the evening was obvious...

And our Saturday mornings continue to look like this...gymnastics. This little girl is getting so big I can hardly stand it. After class we came home and made a birthday video for one of our favorite Aquarius men, Mr. Dave. His 60th was on Monday and the girls had an extra special message for him:

January went where???

I cannot believe January has come and gone already. Where in the world did the time go? We're doing our typical mid-winter activities...dance parties, obstacle nights, dress up and lots of snuggling in front of the fire. Starting to get cabin fever (or as I like to call it 'ants in our pants')!
 Feel like I have a hundred of these pics...Izzy decked out in accessories and costumes galore. We are definitely that family you see out in public dressed like this.
 Izzy has always rolled up her leggings and just today I rolled them down and explained that they are supposed to be worn long, down to her ankles. She wouldn't have it. Said you couldn't see her ankle bracelets with her pants all the way down. Mmmmkay, you're the boss.
 Very, very rare sight...the girl snuggling with (a very plump) Katie Monster.
 With the temps in the single digits I have been doing my long runs (and let's face it, my only weekly run) indoors on the track. Eight laps = a mile. Notsofun.
 I never, ever want to forget this. Izzy has always slept with her lovies lined up. But as she gets old she accumulates more and more. And adds them to her nighttime lineup. If you lay down to hug or read to her and one of these plush beauties gets moved out of place...watch out! Sister has to reorganize every one of them. Good thing she has such a large bed to fit everyone in!
 Bathing beauties. I'm not going to lie, bath time isn't my favorite time of day. I'm exhausted. They're exhausted. No bueno.
 Over the last 6 weeks I've taken on a lot of new responsibility at work. I'm being stretched outside of my comfort zone. And Mike keeps reminding me that I'll never grow if I stay comfortable or complacent. So I'm welcoming the change...and hoping for great things ahead.
 Girl time with Mags
 I think I ran outside twice in January...and I welcomed the wide open path to log some miles. Very peaceful and I always get a lot of good thinking done when I pound the pavement solo.
 It's been a verrrry good year for IU basketball. The girls are learning the fight song and I couldn't be more proud.
 Another track run...this time with my girl Kristi!
A new obsession of the girls': bubble gum! My girlfriend, Jenny, introduced it to them back in November and ever since it's been the BEST bribery tool in our house. Don't judge. You know you bribe, too. Sugar free gum in a bazillion flavors. But we have rules: 1. No playing with your gum. 2. You must throw your gum out when you are done with it. And 3. And no swallowing your gum. Strict rules. But it works SO well with the girls (they even consider a piece of gum dessert!). Jackpot! 
 Mike bought season tickets to Butler basketball again (talk about another amazing team to watch this season!). We originally chose one game to take the girls to (as it was the only game with a reasonable time...instead of nap time or 8pm). However, since Butler is playing so well and ranked so high...the games are now sold out. Read: we only have two tickets and would have to buy 2 children's tickets to get the girls in. Since that didn't work out as a family, Mikey suggested I turn it into a girls' night. Don't mind if I do!
Amy is an alumni and scored us entrance into the private gym during halftime (which means we get to buy $2 beers at a collegiate game, what what!!!). So fun.

 And just like every winter, we head to the indoor pool on Sundays to burn energy. Mike swims laps while we girls play. The girls love it and it tires them out enough to take long naps. Mission accomplished.
 One fish, two fish...
 Watching daddy swim
 Laney swims with her face in the water now...and as of last Sunday she is now swimming underwater to dive for sticks. Unassisted. Sans floaties. So proud.

Iz and Lane love when their daddy comes into their pool to play. He went down the slides a few times and the next day Izzy drew this:
Daddy going down the big slide while the three girls wait at the bottom for him.

Here's to February and March flying by so we can get back to sunny Florida for Spring Break!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years 2013

Since we returned home to all of this snow the girls and I ventured out for some play time yesterday (NYE) while daddy had a little work to do. As usual, the prep time to get outdoors takes longer than the actual activity lasts. But it was well worth it. There were zero complaints of being cold, so I considered it a success!
 I pulled the girls in a sled along the unfinished (and unplowed) portion of our street
 The girls made snow angels

 And ate a lot of snow. They also learned what yellow snow was...you know, basic life lessons.

 We took a walk along the Monon
 And then came home to warm baths, long naps and relaxing the rest of the day and evening. We invited our old neighbors over last minute to share in a large pot of chili Mike made and to ring in the New Year together.

 Surprisingly the kiddos made it until midnight and did some seriously loud banging of pots with wooden spoons. They were so proud.

 I'm not one for new year's resolutions but I am one to reflect on what the last 12 months has meant to me. Here are a few of my favorite memories from 2012:

Perfect Strangers Girls Night Out in January
 Best girls from Chicago made their annual trip to visit
 Turning 35 with a surprise party from my amazing husband
 Friday day drinking with my girls on an unseasonably warm March day
 Putting up our beloved home for sale end of March
 Spring Break with friends
 and family to Destin, Florida

 Carmel half and full marathon in April
 Backyard bbq in May with my closies
 Annual Indy 500 with my lovie
 A meaningful 5k pushing kiddos
 Watching my girls finish a 50k in May
 Celebrating 8 years of marriage with hiking through state parks
 The girls last day of pre-school before their last summer home with Nanny Natalie
 Perfect Strangers do the Mini (and a pyramid)
 Late night sillies with my sillies
 Moving out of our home of over 7 years...
 ...new beginnings...and living in an apartment for 10 weeks!
 Building strength and stamina inside the CrossFit gym
 Watching this little fish learn to swim underwater
 Perfect Strangers do Ragnar...best memories...and where our Call Me Maybe video transpired
 Serene run along Lake Michigan
 Family trip to Wisconsin
Visiting new friends...
 ...and catching up with old friends in July.
 Making great workout buddy friends that carry me through tough workouts
 Outdoor concerts with Mikey...
 And lots of pool time
 Moving into our new house in August
 And watching Izzy attempt team sports
 Perfect Strangers do Vegas
 Celebrating my dad's 25th wedding anniversary in August

 And stepping outside of my box and comfort zone by participating in a CF competition
 Exploring our new neighborhood nightly
 The girls' first trip to IU in September
 Watching our baby turn 5 and blossom into a beautifully sweet little girl in October
 Family hikes
 Monumental half marathon
 Family date nights
 Big Ten Football with our favorites
 Learning new skills
 And teaching new skills
Witnessing two super girls conquer Halloween
 Another trip from my Chicago girls in November
 First annual McCulloch Hops Trot 5k
 Witnessing my best friend PR her full and half marathon times and win the Hops Trot 5k
 Having my whole family at our house for Thanksgiving
 Having my heart grow leaps and bounds from the love of these two beauties
 And a Christmas to remember
 Here's to a New Year full of love, life and memories just as amazing and fulfilling as the last. Here's to 2013!