Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Save a life...

Did you know you can save up to 3 people's lives by donating blood just one time?

Last week I donated blood for the first time (voluntarily) in many years.

During the initial screening, they took my vitals and reviewed my health history. There was a moment when they didn't think I would be able to donate, as I was 1 pound away from their cut-off. The volunteer had to ask his supervisor if they could go ahead with my blood draw...I was instantly nervous and saddened that I may not be able to save lives. However, they decided not to turn me away...but to simply draw significantly less blood from me.

I used to donate every other month when I lived in Minneapolis, as Target had blood drives all the time & it was a way to get out of working for an hour. This time I donated for reasons far more important than skipping out on work.

First, a young pregnant woman got shot during a bank robbery very near my office last month and lost both of her babies. My girlfriend, Karen Zurcher (who donates blood on a regular basis), told me when she donated a few weeks ago she learned this young woman's story through others donating. This gal went through fertility to get pregnant with these twins. She wanted these babies so much that she used the miracle of science to help make them. Devastating that the lives of her twins were taken from her unexpectedly. This mother needed several blood transfusions to survive.

Secondly, we have several friends whose sisters have given birth very prematurely to their babies in the last few months. Long hospital stays. Intensive critical care. One mother unexpectedly lost her baby shortly before she was to be discharged. Devastating.

Finally, through the miracle of cyberspace, I have discovered many stories of premature births & rare genetic disorders (see my sidebar for blogs that tug at my heart). Several of these babies have survived and several have not. I follow these stories on a daily basis, as I now feel like they are a part of my life. I cry reading these stories & often wonder how I could help. Last week I found out how I could...

While my blood was pumping into this small bag, the nurse asked if I was ok...I must have been wearing my disappointment on my sleeve, literally. I told her I was sad I wasn't going to save 3 people's lives today b/c of my smaller donation. She smiled and said, "No honey, but you will be saving a baby's life today." Instant tears flowed. I couldn't stop them from coming. All I could think about were the twins. My girlfriend's sisters. The blogger babies.

I helped save a baby.

My cup runneth over.


Sue said...

Such sweet thoughts. I haven't donated in a while, because it always makes me feel woozy afterwards. Not a good reason, I know.

Just an FYI...Ginny--the mom of Elliott from 99 balloons--is a sorority sister of mine from college. She was the little sister of one of my two best friends/pledge sisters.