Monday, July 20, 2009

Pigtails by daddy...

Every morning I call Mike to ask when Izzy woke up, her mood, what she was dressed in for school, etc. Most mornings I have already laid out clothes for the day...and on the mornings when I don't Mike - will tell me he dressed her "Punky Brewster" style. Always fun to come home to see what she's wearing on those days (usually something a little more tomboy-ish, but cute). This morning Mike surprised me by telling me he put pigtails in her hair. I dug deeper (as they could have been placed anywhere on her head!): were they using all the hair on her head or just 1/2 of her hair? were they on top of her head or on the sides? would she still be able to nap ok? I only asked these questions b/c he'd never put TWO piggies in her hair before. I immediately emailed Jaime to ask her if she'd seen them at drop-off that morning. She hadn't. I had to have blind faith that they were presentable. Which they were. I'm so proud of my we just have to teach him how to put all the hair in the piggies and to use a comb to make the part. Baby steps :)