Sunday, July 19, 2009

Unseasonably cold weekend...

This weekend held all-time low temperatures in night it was in the 50's and during the days it was in the 60's. Was nice for a growing pregnant woman, but not so fun when all we want to do is be at the pool :( Instead, we found alternative activities to pass the weekend away. We ventured out to the Hamilton County 4H Fair (bet you didn't know we had one!?!?!). We met the Morses there and experienced a lot of firsts:
Izzy liked the new baby chicks
And we saw hundreds of prize bunnies and roosters (and goats, pigs, llamas, etc.)

Izzy ate her first corn dog (and funnel cake!)


And Izzy pet her first horse

We also visited the Falciones and their new baby, Christopher. At first, Izzy was semi-interested; pointing to his eyes and nose and mouth, then extending her arms in attempt to either hug or hold the baby. After that, she was not interested in him at all...instead, she showed off all her new tricks in front of a new audience. Katie is recovering well and Ricky is in full daddy mode. They make wonderful parents already!

This afternoon we were supposed to go down to the Indianapolis Museum of Arts (IMA) for some family photos with Molly; however, the weather did not cooperate and we turned the car around for home. I thought Izzy looked too precious NOT to snap a picture of her...
And one of her and daddy...

We are pleased to report that Izzy has slept two days in her big girl bed with no problems. She wakes up and starts reading her books that are on her night stand until one of us comes to get her. She's 100% moved in (clothes, toys, et al) and the old nursery is slowly being converted back into a newborn-ready room. Strange to have to pull out the Boppy, move the mattress back up to the highest level, find all my pumping gear, dig out the newborn clothes and find the sleep positioner & swaddle blankets. Visiting Katie at the hospital and at home made it very real that we will be bringing home a newborn in 6 short weeks. Yikes!