Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cookies & a new Swim Suit

Over the last few days we've been on the road. Thursday we left and headed north, making a stop in Ft. Wayne. Izzy got a special treat: baking with her Grandma Laura! Laura is always baking goodies and whenever Izzy is with her they do this together. I LOVE that I got to see it myself this time!
Getting all the ingredients out
Stirring (and licking)
And then the long wait!
We then headed up to Michigan for my Nana's Memorial. Was a sad time; however, the good part about funerals is that you get to see your family. To blow off steam, all the cousins swam at the hotel. I let Izzy pick out a new swimsuit at Target and of COURSE she chose the yellow one.
This is what she classified as "swimming": floating on the first step of the pool! Ha!
And this is how Mikey swims :)