Sunday, January 24, 2010

Girls' night, Guys' night and a Colts WIN!!!

Fun, fun, FUN weekend. Life with a 2 1/2 year old and a 5 month old is anything but when an opportunity to spend a night with some of my favorite girls (minus one -JZF) I did NOT pass it up. I have been looking forward to this girls' night out for a few months and it surely didn't disappoint! Lori hosted a girls' get-together and let's just say I laughed the entire night and didn't go to bed until well after 1 am. Look out!!! Thanks to all the girls for such a fun night out!
The Banana Republic girls: Mol, Sarah, Lori, Laura & myself
Trouble = Kelly & Molly
The Finish Line girls: Brenna, Ellen, Kari, Allyson, me and Lori
Saturday night Mike went to a surprise 40th birthday party for an old friend (not literally old, but Mike's been friends with this entire family since High School). It was a James Bond Casino Royale Mike was dressed in his black suit for the blackjack tables and martinis. Wish I could have been there; however, Miss Delaney June has just started sleeping through the night (!!!) and I didn't want to mess up her new routine by taking her to her Aunt Jaime's.

We started hard-core sleep training on Monday: we didn't go to her all night and let her cry it out. Any parent will tell you this is incredibly hard to do; however, the reward is priceless. Delaney has slept through the night (7pm-6am) the last THREE nights in a row!!! A few rough nights of crying and TA-DA! Everyone in the house is soundly sleeping. I wanted to do this about 8 weeks ago; however, with all the holiday travel and such, it was nearly impossible to let her cry at family's house or have her cry at ours with family in the next room. So here we are: rested.

Today Mike spent cooking in the kitchen (pulled pork and chili) while I cleaned to prepare for some friends to come over to watch the Colts game. It was a great game and we are very excited for them to be returning to the Super Bowl in February!!! (And I'm excited they won b/c we have a lot of Colts apparel left in our stores and this win will help us SELL OUT of the inventory - VERY good for business!!!)
Delaney and Christopher
Mommy and Laney Bug
Katie & Christopher
Izzy was cheering on the Colts by playing her drums
And this is an action shot of Delaney ROLLING OVER!! She started rolling from her back to her tummy this week. It's an exciting milestone; however, I do NOT like it when she rolls over in her crib and wakes up crying b/c she can't figure out how the heck to roll onto her back! Ugh.
And finally, a picture of mommy & Izzy Lou