Sunday, February 13, 2011

Moose sighting & Snowman building

Friday night the entire Moosebrugger clan came over for dinner. We hadn't been together as families in way too long. It was a treat for me, as I had just spent last Friday at the pool with Meg and the boys; seeing Meg twice in 7 days!!!
 Sassy Princess
 Mike's relay team's shirts arrived this the boys had to try them on. Team name: R.I.L.F.s. Work it out.
 There aren't words for this one.

 Saturday morning we had ballet...
...and Izzy's last gymnastics class. Every last class of the session ends with a few minutes on a large bounce house. Was hard to tell Izzy's favorite teacher we wouldn't be back (for now), especially when Miss Sarah told us that Izzy was ready to move up to the next class. We'll give ballet a year, just like we gave gymnastics, then let Izzy choose which one she'd like to continue with. Regardless, we take the summers off to make time for swim lessons. (Side note: I'm in the final process of finding a summer nanny for the girls so they can spend the summer outside of the same 4 walls of God.dard. Yet another reason why those swim lessons are imporant!)

 Laney and I watched while Izzy & Mike built a snowman in the front yard:

 Aunt Carla gave the girls a snowman kit, and Izzy was able to put all the accouterments on him:

 This afternoon when Mike left for a run, Izzy decided she was going to go for a run too. She put on a cap, sweatbands on her arms (and legs) and a watch. She ran approximately 23 laps around our main floor (counting each one) and yelling out her times as she turned the corners (her times were 20, 22, etc.). She kept on saying she had to find things to put on (or take off) to make her run faster. It was hysterical. I probably should have videotaped instead of photographed, it was that funny.
Saturday night I went out with Molly & Meghan to celebrate Meggie's birthday. Had so much fun dining with friends and meeting new ones. I also spent a long time talking about marathons with some peeps and got so inspired that I signed up for another one (gasp)! More on that later. Was a fun night with friends.

Of course there were nametags! Happy 30th Meggie!