Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutus & Warmer Temps

If you've ever visited our house (or our living room-turned-playroom) you'd know we have many, many dress up items, costumes, hats, jewelry, accessories & tutus. I believe we have 6 tutus to be exact. Some nights just call for dancing (to hip hop Mick.ey in our tutus:

 And some nights call for snuggle time with daddy:
 The weather slowly climbed upwards into the 50's over the last few days and we tried to play outside both Friday and Saturday. Izzy loved being able to climb on her monkey bars, swing and slide once again.
 Here' is Laney telling Katie to "shhhh" her barking:

In other news, the first week of Mini Mara.thon training went well. I mean, if you call having to stop frequently on the treadmill to catch my breath a good thing. Yeah, I didn't think so either. But I still did my speed training and got all my weekly runs in. I even ran 7 miles on Saturday morning in 30 degrees. Was very different than my last long run on the Mon.on just 4 months ago, when it was in the 80's by 7am. Very nostalgic to be back out there among the early morning runners, crossing familiar mile markers and trying to get my breathing in rhythm with my mind and body. Felt gooood to be back. It had been too long (I could tell because my legs have been sore all week). Here's to hoping each week gets easier and easier!


Sue said...

Ok...can you say CRAZY that you can fit in their tutus??? Also, not to make you jealous {ok, so kind of to make you jealous ;)}, while y'all were bundled up enjoying 50 degree weather, we were in shorts in 70 degree weather. I can't say I miss Indy winters. Indy people, yes. Winters, not so much! Stay warm!