Monday, February 7, 2011

Ice, Ice baby...

Last week we had some pretty major ice storms in Indy. And then a few inches of snow on top. And then more ice. Trying to find a bag of salt in this town was an endless pursuit. Traveling to work was near impossible. Schools were cancelled almost the entire week. And the SAHMs I know where pulling their hair out. I was only home for 2 days and it was more than enough for me. I could never work from home, as I get NOTHING done with the girls around. I mean, who wants to work when a 3 year old is asking to play Barbies and my 1.5 year old is wanting to read a book every time I turn around? If I hadn't had deadlines all week, the snow days would have been welcome. Was fun being home with the girls for my birthday, but let's be real: I was ready to go back to work once the roads were clear to more than just emergency vehicles.
 The girls and Mike got me a cake and a new GPS running watch that I've had my eye on for a year. Cannot wait to try it out (just in time for Mini training next week!).

Buggy and Izzy enjoying some birthday cake
 Laney started sitting on the potty on Friday morning. She hasn't done anything on it except read. Love that SHE initiated this and we didn't!
 Friday morning we met the Moosbrugger three at the Mon.on Center to do some serious swimming. Was so much fun to see these had been about 7 months! Here's Oscar...can't believe he's such a big boy and swimming under water already. Seems like just yesterday I was his nanny and he was 6 months old!
 The princess posing in her new (to her) bikini...we've dug out all the Tynan hand-me-down swimsuits for our upcoming Florida vacation!

 Friday night I did some crafting. I have a hard time sitting idle, can you tell?
 Saturday morning we woke to about 6 more inches of snow and the roads were treacherous...but we were not going to miss ballet & gymnastics! We had to get our sillies out somehow!
 This is what we woke to Saturday morning, was nearly a white out:
 Give us snow, we'll go sledding! Our house sits on a slight incline, so Mike made a few sled runs for Izzy to go down. They were outside for an hour having fun. We couldn't believe Izzy lasted so long outside!
 Mike kept pushing Izzy down these runs and she kept running back...
 While Buggy and I watched with snacks from the front door in the comfort of the heat
 And Mike had a little fun of his own:
 Saturday evening we had dinner with the neighbors and stayed out late (10pm is late for both the adults and Iz! Bug went down there). I was overserved, which made for a very lazy Sunday spent in our jammies. Jaim & Luke came by for some playing:

And this is what a tired Laney Bug looks like after a long weekend. Here's to Spring being right around the corner!