Sunday, September 25, 2011

Leotards and Lazin' Around...

This week in my running schedule was a step-back week. Last week I ran a total of 44 miles and this week I only ran 28...and my body felt it. My Saturday morning long run was just 12, a far cry from last week's 22 miles.

I woke up ready to rock those 12 miles, excited to join my girlfriends on our themed run: the 80's. I don't own any neon, but I do own a leotard. If any of you remember my Jane Fonda Halloween 2010 you'll know why I try to find any excuse to wear this...I turn into Jane once the leo is on! I channel my mom doing the Jane Fonda workout on vinyl when I was a kid. Pretty awesome.

Where was I? Oh, I sported the leo over my running capris and top, wore a braided head band and matching wrist sweat bands. I thought I looked great. Until I got to the parking lot to meet a few gals and didn't want to get out of my car unless I saw them. That should have been my first clue that I over did it. I then saw Amy pull in and quickly got out of my car and ran to hers. She, too, sported a side pony and an awesome head band. We waited (what seemed like forever) for the gals running from Broa.dripple to make it to our mile marker. When we finally noticed the neon gang heading our way we jumped into the center of the trail and started cheering and doing our best get-in-shape-girl moves (you know you're a child of the 80's when you tromped around your house as a kid with those sweatbands while waving your rhythmic ribbon!). We took lots of pictures, including this one with our jazz hands (and a fan we found doing jazz hands):

 We all laughed at how ridiculous we looked yet how fun it was to have something to sidetrack our thoughts while running. Most of these gals are running Chicago in 2 weeks and are smack dab in the middle of tapering. My step-back week coincided with their mileage and so did my aching, awful run. Their tapering explains their ickiness. I had no excuse, which was frustrating especially after last week's amazing 22 miler.

Anyway, as the morning got brighter and brighter with the sun, too, did our looks and reactions from fellow trail runners. Some laughed, some gave dirty looks and some just smiled. At first it was funny...until we noticed a HOT guy running our way. I started to become slightly embarrassed of said leotard over my clothes. He smiled at me, which was nice. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I'm cute and more because I donned a side pony and blue eye shadow. Oh yeah, and a leotard on. Let's just say I started running behind the girls to get some coverage. I was never happier a run was over...partially because I had a lackluster run and mostly because I couldn't wait to get that sweaty leo off. Was definitely a run I won't forget anytime soon.

It's been pretty dreary here all weekend, Fall is so here. We spent a lot of time watching movies and playing in the yard:
 The girls playing the "popcorn" game on Sammy's trampoline:
 Spent the morning at the indoor pool. We had it to ourselves, which was great. But that also meant that the lifeguard had nothing to look at but us. And my top that Laney pulled down. That was fun.

It's candy corn and peanut time in our house. Which is basically the reason I spend so much money at the dentist each winter. It's so darn addicting, you should try it. Tastes like a Pa.yday candy bar.

Laney has been going potty on the big girl potty for a few weeks. That girl will do anything for an M&M. And her big sister's praise, "Laney, I'm so proud of you!"

Now that it's staying dark in the mornings longer the girls have started sleeping in later. I slept in until 7am this morning and I felt like it was noon! Hoping this lasts for a long, long time.

And finally, Mike ran in Indy's Cor.porate Challenge yesterday and his 5K time was 27:05. Um, that's less than a 7 minute split. Incredible!


Jane Goergen said...

Hey Kelly,

I've followed your blog just a bit and was curious if you followed a certain mini marathon training schedule? I ran it last year but felt horrible since I didn't follow much of a training schedule. If you had/have one that you used could you share? Thanks!
