Sunday, July 5, 2009

Visiting the Tynans on Tippy

Izzy & Maggie watching the water during a boat ride
Grace & Iz playing on the boat

Bridget giving Izzy her very first pedicure...

And she LOVED are her toes...
...and here are her fingers...she showed EVERYONE all week long
Making S'mores
Breakfast with all the bambinos minus Max
Bridge & Kelly on the putt-putt course

Sam, Big Joe & Mike before a round of golf at the country club
This picture is indicative of the weekend...Izzy played in the mini kitchen and the floaty constantly
Iz & Daddy
The girls on the trampoline. Izzy wasn't a fan (but she did like the bounce house).

Mike and Iz in front of the miniature golf course out back
Bridget, Maggie and Sam on Big Joe's new toy: the Agitator (Chris Craft)
Enjoying a ride on the Agitator
Izzy wasn't a huge fan of being agitated she snugged with daddy
Walking back to the house
Playing in the sand
Driving a mini Chris Craft
Helping Sam drive
Luke learned how to knee board...and was a pro at it by the end of the day!
I had to post this pic....we forgot an adult-size life jacket for Bridge to tube in with Maggie. So she sported an old-school/retro jacket. Nice.
Bridget snuggling with Iz
This past week we were able to spend several days with the Tynans on Lake Tippy. Let me just tell you, we had such a fun time with them. Although the weather wasn't pefect, we managed to pack quite a bit of activity and fun into the 3 days we were there. Boat rides, cornhole, Bingo at the country club (with 350+ other people!!!), mani/pedis, making yummy food, S'mores, bounce houses, trampolines, miniature golf...I could go on forever. We spent so much quality time with the Tynans that it makes me sad we only see them once (sometimes twice) a year. So. Much. Fun. Thank you guys for having us up for so was truly a pleasure!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mom's surgery update...

Most of you know that my mom had back surgery last Tuesday in San Francisco, CA. She had spinal fusions on several of her vertabrae and the surgery lasted only 1.5 hours. They originally told her it would take 4 hours; however, since there were no residents attending the surgery (UCSF is a teaching hospital/medical school) the doctors said it took far less time b/c they didn't have to explain each step of the way. That, and the synthetic material they used adhered perfectly to her spine/vertabrae and therefore they didn't have to take any bone grafts from her hip. Phew! She stayed in the hospital for 4 days on a morphine drip and was release this last weekend. As of last night, she's feeling a lot better than she expected (could be the pain meds?!) and doing very well. Not sleeping much and doesn't have much of an appetite. She is staying with a friend about an hour from the hospital for a few more days until she's recovered a bit more to make the long journey back to Tahoe. She's quite nervous about the hairpin turns through the mountains...can you blame her?!

My Aunt Gail is flying out to be with her for the next week, once she's home, as she is the most able of all our family to take care of mom (my aunt is a triathlete and quite frankly, is super woman!!!). My sister is working full time and in school several days a week, and I'm 31 weeks pregnant and unable to help her get up and out of bed. Although Kim and I both wanted to be there with her, mom told us to stay home. Mom has a long recovery (the rest of the summer and then some!) and we hope to see her at the holidays!!!

Unfortunately she'll miss the birth of Baby Mac #2...but just like I was there with her in spirit for her surgery, she'll be here with me during labor & delivery.

Here's to a quick recovery and a much healthier back for mom!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last weekend of June

This weekend we hit the pool 3 days in a row. We're pretty much experts at packing a lunch (or dinner) and a swim bag and heading to the pool. We're regulars and are becoming friends with the regulars. I love this weekend routine. Izzy loves the pool and I love the sun (and Mikey gets a workout in, too!). Today, when Iz woke from her nap, we decided to bring the pool to us: Mike set up the Kangaroo Climber to slide into the kiddie pool. Izzy loved it; her own person slide and pool. Was fun.

Other fun weekend activities included attending a local Fish Fry (we have started doing this each summer, and pick a different church each time - so yummy!), buying the bedding and paint for Izzy's new big girl room (paint is a pale lilac and bedding is purple and green stripes/polka dots), and we had our first nanny interview. We both REALLY liked her (and have more interviews set up with other gals), so I went ahead and wrote a letter to the Goddard School that we'd be leaving come Sept. 1st. So sad, as Izzy loves it there...but it's really for the best. Won't be permanent. But it's still tough to do; pull Izzy out of a school where she thrives.

As for Izzy's make-believe infatuation...this weekend she has taken it to another level. First, she has FINALLY started taking an interest in her stuffed animals and babies. She kisses and hugs them and then makes them kiss and hug each other. She has taken to dressing them up in her dress-up hats, sharing her sippy cup with them and even covering them up with her blanket. Also, while doing her laundry, she started taking article by article to daddy and he'd put them on her. She just loves to dress up!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's day photo shoot

A few weeks ago my girlfriend, Molly, had an impromptu photo shoot with Izzalicious and I for a surprise to Mike on Father's Day. We met on the Monon and had a fun time following Izzy around and exploring with her.

Molly is starting her own photography business and is growing her portfolio by leaps and bounds. Check out her blog on the right 'Molly's Life in Pictures.' It won't disappoint.

If you want to see more pics from this photo session, check out the 'McCulloch Family Pictures' link on the right.

Happy Father's Day to Mikey...he truly is the best daddy ever! We are VERY fortunate to have him in our lives. Muah!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Planes, trains & a subway and bus...

This weekend was an ADVENTURE for me. Mike headed to Chicago with his dad for a Cubs game while I took off for the HAMPTON's to surprise Karen (my college best friend) at her bachelorette party!!! Let me just tell you, I had some serious anxiety about getting there b/c I literally had to take planes, trains & automobiles to get there. No joke.

I first drove to the airport.
Hopped on a plane to Laguardia.
Took the public transportation BUS through Queens.
Jumped on the Subway.
And took the TRAIN to the Hamptons.
Then I walked 1/2 mile to the house.

That makes 5 forms of transportation to get there. Woke at 5am and arrived at the doorstep at 2pm. That is why I had anxiety. My windows in between each leg were TIGHT and I'd never traveled this particular route before. Although the times I've traveled to visit Karen before, she did always make me take the train and subway to get to her. Said it was part of the New York experience. So I didn't want to let her down this time.

When I arrived to the house, no one was there. Not a car. Not a bag of luggage. Nothing. Within 2 minutes of my arrival, Karen and a car of girls pull up. She squeals. I choke up. We embrace. I haven't seen her in over 2 years. It was well worth the journey, just for that hug.

I believe there were a total of 10-12 girls in the house at all times; most from NYC, but one from Chicago and another from San Francisco. It was a very chill weekend, as we sat around gossiping, playing games, eating, drinking, shopping and napping. Karen's friend from the city are all triathletes/Iron (wo) Saturday morning they ALL went out on 15 mile runs. Their motivation and drive was quite inspiring. I was left behind, but not alone. There was one other pregnant gal there, just a few weeks behind I felt I was in very good company with her.

All-in-all it was an amazingly fun weekend and I'm so glad I went, especially since Karen's wedding is 2 weeks after baby Mac #2 arrives. Won't be able to make it, so I HAD to celebrate with her this weekend. Was perfect. (Thanks to Jaime and Molly for all the emotional support before, during and after this crazy trip!)

The house we stayed in...
Eating downtown East Hampton with Karen
Happy Hour at the pool on Friday
A very long and VERY fun night on Friday...LOTS of laughing
The whole crew before we went out on Saturday
The Bachelorette
The trip back wasn't nearly as nerve-wracking as getting out there. But I am GLAD to be home now!!! Mama is tired...and missed her lovies at home.
ps-Happy Father's Day!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm Leavin'...on a jet plane!!!

I can't tell you where I'm going. But I'm going. Alone. For the first time in years. I've had anxiety about this weekend for weeks. I even bawled to my OBGYN this afternoon about it. Then she lectured me on depression during pregnancy and told me I could cancel the trip. Mike and I looked at each other & laughed. It's nothing like that. Once I get back I'll tell you why I'm having said anxiety.
A very close friend told me yesterday that I needed to get away. Have a weekend outside of my comfort zone, which is my husband, my daughter, my daily routine, the pool, et al. I love my routine. But she's right. I need to get away. So my bags are packed. And I can't wait to tell you all about it on Sunday when I return.
So for now, "I'm leavin'...on a jet plane!"