Monday, February 1, 2010

This little girl is 5 months old...

This little girl...
is 5 months old!
And we think she's pretty stinkin' cute!

This is about a week overdue...but this little girl turned 5 months old last week! The difference between months 4 and 5 is remarkable for Delaney (and for us parents!). Delaney now rolls from her back to her tummy, she sits up, she is starting to suck her thumb, she eats rice cereal mixed with baby food (bananas are her fave), and she is finally sleeping THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Delaney gives us a good 12+ hours of uninterrupted sleep and I couldn't be happier. We started sleep training right after we returned from Michigan a few weeks ago and it only took about 2-3 nights of letting her cry it out before she just stopped crying and started SLEEPING! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to wake up to my alarm clock again!!!

Names we call her other than Delaney: Laney, Laney Lou, Lou, Laney Bug, Bug, Buggie, I could go on. I just love nicknames! My girlfriend, Meg, asked me the other night if Delaney knew her name b/c Delaney turned when I said her name. I laughed b/c I told her I rarely call Delaney by her given name. Ha!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Studio de Connor...

My girlfriend, Molly, just recently set up a studio in her house and wanted to try it out (on people other than her infamous dog, Lucy). The girls and I ventured over there this morning for a quick session. Mol had some tunes pumped in Izzy immediately danced her way in front of the camera. She's not camera-shy, that's for sure. Here are a few of the MANY pics she took. For more, check out our McCulloch Family Picture Site (on the right sidebar here).

Izzy's downward dog

Seriously, could these be any cuter? If you need a photographer for a wedding, birthday, family portrait or for a fun gift for a family MUST hire Molly. She never, ever disappoints. Thank you Molly!

Rockin' Out...

Saturday afternoon we had the Moosbruggers over for a play date and dinner. It had been TOO long since we last spent quality time with the Moose clan! Mike made delicious ribs and homemade cole slaw...and Meg made yummy brownies a la mode! I cannot believe how big Oscar has become; I nannied for him when he was just shy of a year old. And now here he is all grown up and wanting to be a rock star. Dave Matthews rock star, not Van Halen rock star. If you could only imagine, Izzy was in HEAVEN with these two boys in the house. Mike and I were thrilled to have our good friends over...was such a wonderful evening.
Meg (holding DJ) with Oscar, Eric and Jude
Meg playing with Delaney and Jude
After dinner we enjoyed watching the two bigs "rock out"
Izzy playing her harmonica, shaking bells & Oscar jamming on the guitar
Serious rock star face!
Miss Meg & Iz

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
I miss you.
**My cousin, Tara, sent this pic today. She came across this picture of Grandpa Bruhn and I and said it just makes her laugh every time she looks at it. I'm almost positive I was about 8 in this picture. Grandpa dressed up as Santa even through my college years. I sure do miss him. Thanks, Tara, for a great memory!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Girls' night, Guys' night and a Colts WIN!!!

Fun, fun, FUN weekend. Life with a 2 1/2 year old and a 5 month old is anything but when an opportunity to spend a night with some of my favorite girls (minus one -JZF) I did NOT pass it up. I have been looking forward to this girls' night out for a few months and it surely didn't disappoint! Lori hosted a girls' get-together and let's just say I laughed the entire night and didn't go to bed until well after 1 am. Look out!!! Thanks to all the girls for such a fun night out!
The Banana Republic girls: Mol, Sarah, Lori, Laura & myself
Trouble = Kelly & Molly
The Finish Line girls: Brenna, Ellen, Kari, Allyson, me and Lori
Saturday night Mike went to a surprise 40th birthday party for an old friend (not literally old, but Mike's been friends with this entire family since High School). It was a James Bond Casino Royale Mike was dressed in his black suit for the blackjack tables and martinis. Wish I could have been there; however, Miss Delaney June has just started sleeping through the night (!!!) and I didn't want to mess up her new routine by taking her to her Aunt Jaime's.

We started hard-core sleep training on Monday: we didn't go to her all night and let her cry it out. Any parent will tell you this is incredibly hard to do; however, the reward is priceless. Delaney has slept through the night (7pm-6am) the last THREE nights in a row!!! A few rough nights of crying and TA-DA! Everyone in the house is soundly sleeping. I wanted to do this about 8 weeks ago; however, with all the holiday travel and such, it was nearly impossible to let her cry at family's house or have her cry at ours with family in the next room. So here we are: rested.

Today Mike spent cooking in the kitchen (pulled pork and chili) while I cleaned to prepare for some friends to come over to watch the Colts game. It was a great game and we are very excited for them to be returning to the Super Bowl in February!!! (And I'm excited they won b/c we have a lot of Colts apparel left in our stores and this win will help us SELL OUT of the inventory - VERY good for business!!!)
Delaney and Christopher
Mommy and Laney Bug
Katie & Christopher
Izzy was cheering on the Colts by playing her drums
And this is an action shot of Delaney ROLLING OVER!! She started rolling from her back to her tummy this week. It's an exciting milestone; however, I do NOT like it when she rolls over in her crib and wakes up crying b/c she can't figure out how the heck to roll onto her back! Ugh.
And finally, a picture of mommy & Izzy Lou

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Danced in the Morning

Over the weekend my entire family celebrated the life of my Grandmother Keel (Nana). Hours were spent with family eating, reminiscing, laughing and crying. All 5 of Nana's grandchildren were a part of the Service and we were all honored to speak in front of an almost-packed sanctuary. It was absolutely incredible to see and meet so many lives that Nana touched. I will remember the service for as long as memory serves me. My favorite part was when a soloist sang the hymn "I Danced in the Morning" by Nana's request. Isabelle danced in the pew the entire time. I just KNOW Nana was with us at that very moment. I shed more tears during that song than I have since the day she passed. This is why I was so touched:

I danced in the morning when the world was begun,
And I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun,
And I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth,
At Bethlehem I had my birth.

Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he.

I danced for the scribe and the Pharisee,
But they would not dance and they would not follow me;
I danced for the fishermen, for James and John;
They came to me and the dance went on.
Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he

I danced on the sabbath when I cured the lame,
The holy people said it was a shame;
They whipped and they stripped and they hung me high;
And they left me there on a cross to die.

Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he

I danced on a Friday and the sky turned black;
It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back;
They buried my body and they thought I’d gone,
But I am the dance and I still go on.

Dance, then, wherever you may be;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be,
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said he

They cut me down and I leapt up high,
I am the life that’ll never, never die;
I’ll live in you if you’ll live in me;
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.

My portion of the ceremony:

My name is Kelly Keel McCulloch and Marian was my Nana.

My sister, Kim, and I grew up outside the state of Michigan; however, we were able to spend long summers and holidays here in Flint. During these long visits away from our mother, Nana was our nurturing figure and therefore we were able to learn many life lessons from her and we have lots of fun memories of her that I’d like to briefly share…

Things I Learned from Nana:
- The importance of separate bathrooms between husband and wife.
- That you never exit a room or a house from a different door in which you entered. It's bad luck.
-The importance of having a good group of girlfriends and a good hobby.
-I learned manners, etiquette and the value of writing good, old fashioned, hand-written thank you notes. In fact, once I graduated from college, she told me she appreciated all of my thank you notes throughout the years - but I was now old enough to address them to Bob & Marian instead of Nana & Grandfather on the outside of the envelope.
- I learned to always give a compliment when giving someone criticism. For example, Nana would be the first to tell me that my hair or make-up looked “different” and then she would promptly ask me where I got my adorable shift coat.
- The last thing I learned was that I should know how to cook one good meal for my family, even though I don’t particularly care for the kitchen. Nana would often call me and ask what I was cooking that evening for dinner. I reminded her that she was talking to KELLY, not Shelly or any one of the other cousins. She’d laugh and then ask what Mike (my husband) was making that night. She was always impressed by Mike’s meals.

Things I Remember about Nana:
-The smell of marigolds in her backyard and the smell of a delicious meal baking in her house every time I entered her backdoor.
-Nana made the best turketti and homemade pies.
- I remember many Christmases watching her play the bells in this very room, candlelight Christmas Eve Services and singing the “Twelve Days of Christmas” at Dad’s house with her where she forgot her designated “day” each verse we sang.
-I remember my sister and I riding our bikes to Nana & Grandfather’s house every summer afternoon for a lunch of Peanut Butter & Jelly with the crusts cut off.
-And finally, I remember Nana picking me up from summer horse camp: on the drive home she asked me what songs I learned and we were quickly singing camp songs together…and continued to sing the entire ride home.

All-in-all, we always knew where we stood with Nana, we always knew she loved us, and we could always count on having fun when Nana was around.

My hope is that one day I leave the same legacy to grandchildren of my own.
Grandfather, Dad & Delaney
Delaney and I
Kim, Dylan, me, Delaney & Taylor

**As for why I am sharing all these personal blog is my personal diary that I just happen to let friends, family and sometimes strangers read. I want to remember both the mundane and the major events in my life. I love looking back month-by-month and year-by-year to what my family experienced, reflecting, if you will. I hope one day my girls will read this as well. Plus, it's my blog and I'll write if I want to. Sorry this post was so long...I simply never want to forget Nana's Memorial.**

Cookies & a new Swim Suit

Over the last few days we've been on the road. Thursday we left and headed north, making a stop in Ft. Wayne. Izzy got a special treat: baking with her Grandma Laura! Laura is always baking goodies and whenever Izzy is with her they do this together. I LOVE that I got to see it myself this time!
Getting all the ingredients out
Stirring (and licking)
And then the long wait!
We then headed up to Michigan for my Nana's Memorial. Was a sad time; however, the good part about funerals is that you get to see your family. To blow off steam, all the cousins swam at the hotel. I let Izzy pick out a new swimsuit at Target and of COURSE she chose the yellow one.
This is what she classified as "swimming": floating on the first step of the pool! Ha!
And this is how Mikey swims :)