Monday, September 3, 2012

Good to be home...

This weekend was the first weekend I'd been home since we moved into our new house 3 weeks ago. And being home never felt so good. Three days of jammies and unpacking straggler boxes. The girls watched lots of movies and rediscovered toys they hadn't seen since March. They'd be down in the basement (where all of our toys now live) for hours on end only coming up for snacks. I'm telling you, it was bliss. Well, as much bliss it can be when you're unpacking. All. Weekend. Long.

We did venture out for a few hours on Saturday evening to get some much overdue haircuts for the Littles.
 Izzy & Laney before...

 Izzy & Laney during...

 And Izzy & Laney after...
 We've talked about cutting Izzy's hair for months but she kept fighting it, saying "I don't want to look like a boy!" Guess she went with Mike a few too many times to get his hair cut and thought that's the kind of cut we were talking about. For some reason she agreed on Saturday and we chomped at the bit, wasting no time.

Saturday morning I met my girls bright and early for the Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon. I haven't been running but just once a week for the past 6 weeks. No speed training. No intervals. No tempos. No miles. Just long runs on the weekend spanning anywhere from 10-12 miles. That's it. So my lack of training and lack of enthusiasm for hurricane Isaac's aftermath made for one grumpy Kelly. Until. Jaime and I met at 6am to carpool downtown and my mood immediately shifted from grouchy to excited! She has that effect on me and I do not take it for granted.

Here we are at the (steamy) start line: Bri, me, Jaim, Amy, Karen, Lori and Kristi
 Three of the gals ran 5 miles prior to our 13, as they are all training for a marathon. So they were treating this race as a training run (read: walk breaks, casual miles, no one left behind). Talk about the best kind of race imaginable. We walked when we needed to. We pottied when we needed to. We laughed constantly. And we left no one behind. I struggled the last few miles, as I hadn't fueled properly the few days leading up to the race. But yet we crossed as a team. Together. With smiles on. I limped from blisters but made it barefoot to the beer line just A-OK (it was free, and large, and local - no brainer).
 A co-worker of mine and fellow CrossFitter joined us for the race. Was fun to have a new face, new dynamic, new conversation for the miles. And since she's new to town (from the MPLS) and it was the least I could do to introduce her to my favorite girls.
 When I got home from the race the girls grabbed my hands and excitedly led me to their new pet: Pinto the BetaFish. We've had a few scares already, but now I know that fish sleep and not to panic when they're sleeping at the top of the tank. Good times.
 I spent the next solid 48 hours in my house unpacking, organizing and slowly decorating. Never changing out of my pajamas. Just working away. Whittling away at the heap of boxes that stared at me in the loft, in the planning center and in the basement.

When I found all of my frames I immediately had to get this sussy beautified stat. Little house warming gift from Jaime and I'm in love...
 Took several hours but I sorted through all of my framed photos, changed a few out, and lined up all my black-framed pics. I'm wanting to make a wall collage of family...thinking it will be going up our stairway, as we have huge walls and the perfect space for it.
 And did the same for my white framed pics of the girls that used to be in their old rooms but I'm figuring as they get older they aren't going to want their baby pictures in their personal space. I'm planning ahead, you see.
 Lane's birthday gift from her Gigi...I cried when I opened it for two reasons: 1. When Jaime came to the hospital to meet Laney just hours after she was born, she held Buggy in her arms and sang this song over and over. And 2. I danced to this song with my dad at my wedding. Be still my heart.
 I feel confident that I got through every box that was important, every box that I wanted its contents spilled out. The storage side of our basement is (semi) organized and weeded through. And we actually have art on the walls. Decor on the shelves. And closets and cabinets organized. We still have a ways to go, but for right now, all is right in my world. I feel like I can breathe. Relax. Unwind. Staring at familiar things that make this house feel more like home.

Laney Turns 3!

Delaney June turned 3 years old last week and we celebrated quietly at home opening presents that arrived in the mail from all over the country just for her.

Earlier this summer nanny Natalie and the girls wrote letters to the Disney princesses and they wrote the girls back just in time for Laney's 3rd birthday:
The first package we opened was from Roo (my mom) so we web-cammed with her while we unwrapped. My mom also had a brownie with a candle lit...after singing they blew out the candle together.
Mom got Lane a Merida costume (Brave) and the wig was cracking us up!
Next was some birthday singing from Bobo and Grandma Laura

Then a small celebration with some friends...

Laney's personality has blossomed so much in the last year. She continues to be our rough-and-tumble little girl that doesn't bat an eye when she's disciplined, can hold her own (and often wins) against her big sister, can make us laugh with her "bum bum shaking" and still loves to snuggle with us. She's so loving and affectionate, brave and boisterous, sweet and sassy. Mike was just saying this weekend how different our girls are from each other. Night and day. But that he wouldn't want two of the same kid. How wonderful it is to experience two very unique and equally fun little girls. Every day brings a new laugh, a new love, and new experience and we cherish every moment. Happy birthday Buggy!

Soccer Season...

We're taking a short break from gymnastics this Fall to try our hand at soccer. Izzy has been asking for over a year to play and she's finally old enough for team soccer, so we bit the bullet. It helped that Ellana was signed up...gave us motivation to register.

There are about 12 little 5 & 6 year olds on Izzy's team, some have soccer in their blood (seeing a 5 year old break away and shoot a goal while the other kids aren't even past the center line yet is unreal) and others, not so much. We fall into the latter category. But that's more than ok...have to try everything out to see what Izzy's going to like and what sport her skill set leans towards.

I'll admit, Izzy is too stinkin' cute to watch out there. Her personality shines loud and clear; if someone steals the ball from her she immediately puts her hands on her hips and points her finger saying how much she dislikes that. Then picks up her ball (no hands!) and trots off.
 Above Izzy is in the green top and purple socks, below Luke is dribbling down the field
 Izzy and Ellana
 Laney wants in on the action badly

There were pictures last week and watching these kids pose for their first "team" picture was surreal. I still have my first soccer team's picture from when I was in 1st grade. I still remember taking that first picture...and all the years that followed sucking on orange slices at half time. Hope this season is just as fun for Izzy and she remembers this experience for years to come.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Yes, Michigan!

This summer my dad and step mom celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, they invited family and friends from around the country to participate in a weekend of festivities. Pizza party Friday night, the Crim road race Saturday morning, pool time, then a huge celebration at their country club. Let's just say it'd be an understatement if I said I was excited about this weekend.
I can't help but sing "Yes, Michigan...the feeling forever!" every time we cross the border. Sadly, the state changed their slogan (who knew?) to "Pure Michigan." Lame.
The girls did us a favor and napped on the road. Score!
We arrived at dad's house just in time for the pizza party and visited with my aunt, uncle, sister, grandfather and many of my parents' friends. Can you tell that Laney Bug adores her cousin Dylan? They are so sweet together.

It was an early night for everyone as we had to wake early for the Crim Festival of Races. I remember this race as long as my memory serves; dad running it, Anna walking it, Kim and I attempting to run/walk it, Grandfather handing out medals at the finish line. It's truly become a family tradition and I love that we all still take part in it. 

I was the only one of our bunch to run the (extremely hilly) 10 mile course. I had never run this before and was looking forward to it. I passed a lot of landmarks that I grew up the run became very nostalgic for me. I saw the UofM Flint campus, the old AutoWorld, streets our friends lived on, my nursery school and more. Loved it. Didn't love the hills. I turned a corner and BAM! they were right in front of me and heading straight up. No lie. I felt like I was on that old school StairMaster where the stairs keep coming at you and you literally have to lift your leg/knee almost to your chest to climb up the next one. It was that steep. The elevation raised 100 feet in just under a mile. To Midwesterners that's synonymous to a mountain!

While I was climbing mountains running the rest of my family was preparing to run or walk the 5k. This picture is tradition to take before the race. Dad's porch. Dad wearing his race t-shirt. Everyone ready to go!

After the race we headed to dad's country club for some pool time. All three of my cousins and their families joined us as well as dad, Grandfather, Aunt Celeste and Uncle Jeff. We were quite the crew. Rowdy would be the best way to describe us.

Izzy and Laney with their second cousin Reese.
Izzy swimming with Grandpa Tom
Both Izzy and Laney were courageous enough to jump off the diving board. They just kept going up and down and it was so fun to see the wonder in their eyes every time they popped up out of the water saying, "I did it!"

After a quick nap at the hotel we made our way back to the country club for the party. Formal pictures were taken with a photographer, food was passed, drinks were ordered, music was sung, toasts were said and much dancing occurred. I so much enjoy spending time with my extended family that we only see once or twice a year. We have such a great time together. Laughing. Crying. Reminiscing. Planning. Priceless.

Of course we took a bazillion pictures and this one is my fave: 
Grandfather making silly faces with me. I'm pretty sure I got my faces from him...because he was busting out some GOOD ones. The man is 92 and still has the best sense of playful and wants to be part of the action at all times (the man came to the pool with his blue blockers on for crying out loud - he didn't want to miss anything!).
Dad wore pink and gray...their wedding colors, while Anna wore her original wedding dress that she had altered. Shortened it to knee length and cut off the sleeves.
These two littles danced the night away. Jack is Izzy's second cousin and they were hilarious to watch. Izzy literally danced until the party stopped at 11pm. She was a machine and made me proud.
Izzy & Laney taking advantage of the empty dance floor
While toasts were being made, the girls confiscated Anna's camera and took pictures of everyone (and everything). Lots of pictures of the carpet. But many very candid and funny pictures of all the guests.
I'm sorry to say this is the only (non profesh) family picture we have of the four of us...but I love it.
Izzy dancing with her Grandpa
Couldn't stop them if we tried
We called it a night and slept in until 9am. Our girls don't sleep past 7am ever. We were exhausted from so much fun from the day before. It was time to pack it up and head over to my dad's for brunch and a little happy 3rd birthday to Buggy...

Laney got a sit-n-spin and couldn't have been happier. Can't believe they still make these, as I grew up playing with them! And Mike will be the first to tell you they are made in Ft. Wayne. You're welcome.

Had such a memorable weekend with my family and grateful that we all took the time to come together to celebrate my dad and Anna. Only one missing was my niece, Taylor, as she just went away for her freshman year at Southern Illinois University. Can you stand it?!

Yes, Michigan! proved to be a fun time once again!