Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend filled with friends...

Saturday morning Izzy & I met Deanna & Connor out for breakfast at Patachou. D and I used to meet here quite often when we were going through fertility together. We used to have breakfast over tears...and now we're racing through conversations while feeding our bambinos and laughing at life stories. My, what a difference a few years makes!!!

Sunday morning the Moosbruggers (Eric, Meg & Oscar) came over for brunch. Meg is expecting her second boy in October (and looks fab!!!) and her first boy is getting so big! I can't believe I used to nanny for this handsome young boy!! What a fun visit we had as the kiddos played in the pool. I miss my Meg...

And Sunday afternoon, Izzy and I met Jaime & Luke at the Monon pool. Jaime and I live a few short miles apart...yet we see each other infrequently. I was going through Jaime I just had to meet her for a few short hours at the pool today. It was great catching up with her (even though we talk via email daily) and people watching. I'm sorry there are no pics of Luke Duke...but he was napping while my camera was out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

9 months old...

Our Izzy-Love is 9 months old (as of 3 days ago)!!! I didn't post on the actual day b/c her pediatrician appointment was delayed due to our vacation. She goes in next week for her 9 month check-up & I will post her stats afterwards.

One of my best friends, Erin, asked me a few weeks ago what size Izzy girl is wearing. I told her 9-12 month clothing. She asked, "Do they make baby clothes with large-sized head openings?" And she was serious. I had to remind her that Izzy's big head simply meant that she has a big brain :)

I'm secretly hoping her head circumference gets more proportionate to the rest of her body. But I'm pretty darn lucky to have a healthy, thriving, happy bambino. So I'll settle with her big head.

Happy 9 month birthday, Izzy Love!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lake Tippy...

Bridget & Izzy girl
Aunt Nancy pulling Iz in the Lego wagon
Aunt Nance & big Joe
On the verge of crawling
Tubing with Maggie
Enjoying lake time sans bambinos
Izzy's first turtle

Exploring baby Grace
An evening snug with daddy

The last two days Mike, Izzy and I spent on Lake Tippecanoe with the Tynans. Nancy & Joe offered up yet another great visit with warm hospitality. Sam, Bridget, Luke, Maggie and Grace were at Tippy for a week, visiting from Omaha. We NEVER miss a moment to spend time with them. Izzy had so much fun watching the babes and playing with big kids. The adults enjoyed catching up and boat time! Our visit was too short this year...but we managed to get quality time in - enough to last us until our next visit with them!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Start of a great 4th of July...

Driving the boat with Grandpa Berger
Snuggling with Grandpa Bob
So studious. Doesn't she look like Chicken Little?

Grandma Laura

She truly is the happiest baby!!!
A Gerber Biter Biscuit gone wrong...

Family photo
Relaxing in the shade
Her first bikini

The first few days of our 5 day weekend have been so much fun already!

Izzy usually sleeps about 12-14 hours each night and takes 2 naps of about an hour each. But at the lake...she's sleeping 14 hours at night AND taking 2 to 3 hour naps twice a day!!! Yesterday we tried rousing her from a nap so we could meet some family on the boat - we patted her back, rolled her over, talked to no avail. That nap ended up being 3.5 hours long. Seriously. The next nap of the day we literally woke her up after 2 hours, as we were late for dinner. We counted - she was only awake for 6 hours the entire day. I guess Izzy really likes to relax on vacation!!

We have been on lots of boat rides - and we are LOVING a shower gift my mom's friend gave us; a shade/canopy/sun-blocker. Izzy sits on the floor of the boat under the shade and plays & eats her cheerios. It's just too perfect!!!

Both nights have been filled with many, many fireworks. But again, Izzy girl is sleeping right through those. She's not letting anything come in the way of her beauty rest!

We are headed over to Lake Tippy tomorrow for a few days with our best friends, the Tynans. More pictures to come...

And happy 4th of July!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Aqua Babes!!!


Izzy happy as a clam!
Kicking the ball...
Kicking the water...
Crawling across the lime slice...

Tonight was our first Aqua Babe class at the Riverview Hospital Rehab Center in Carmel. The pool there is 85 degrees...which is VERY warm and the babes just love it. Mike and I were a bit nervous of the time of the class (6-7pm), as it falls right around the time Izzy goes to bed each night. But this little fish was a trooper - she laughed and played and socialized the entire hour!

We learned lots of new songs and many new "tricks" that we can do in the water with Izzy girl. Izzy swam on her belly, floated on her back, floated on a noodle (to help her learn balance), reached underwater for ring toys, "jumped" off the side of the pool & went under, and was dunked underwater more times than I could count! My favorite of the class...she was passed underwater THROUGH a hoola hoop!!! My heart nearly skipped a beat when the teacher said what the next activity was...and Mike immediately looked at me and smiled, as he knew this would cause me some anxiety. But luckily for him, I was on the pool deck and couldn't intervene. Izzy gracefully swam through the hoop several times....and loved every minute of it!!!

I can't wait for next week...and you better believe I'm getting in the water with her next time!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Relaxing weekend at home...

Katie & Rick (and Rem Dog) babysat for Iz
Izzy rolling ALL over
Pool time fun
I had a three day weekend...with minimal plans. So this meant lots of fun play time with Izzy!!! Friday we woke up and played all day (it was rainy). Izzy is quite the rolly-poly! She is rolling everywhere these days. Apparently, Mike did a lot of rolling - never crawled - just rolled then creeped/walked. Looks like Izzy is following in Mike's path. She did, however, start to push herself backwards. She gets on all fours and pushes she's in reverse. Can't quite get her moving forward...but so be it!

Saturday and Sunday we were able to go on some long walks and runs in her jogger. And we also hit the pool both days, as well! Saturday night the Falciones came over to watch Izzy so we could enjoy a night out (see post below).

We are excited for a 5 day weekend at the lake for the 4th of July!!!

Funster Weekend

Kelly, Molly, Maggie & Brandi
Mike & Clay
This weekend was the kickoff of the Funster weekends!!! There are 4 couples that each plan a different weekend adventure. The first event was planned by Clay & Maggie and was a concert: Joe Cocker & Steve Miller Band. We tailgated with delicious food (thank you Mags!!!) and ventured into the concert on a beautiful Saturday evening. We thought we'd be be the youngest people there...but boy, were we wrong! It was quite a young crowd...and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! We did lots of dancing and singing...and had a blast. Looking forward to the next Funster weekend!!!