Thursday, July 10, 2008

9 months old...

Our Izzy-Love is 9 months old (as of 3 days ago)!!! I didn't post on the actual day b/c her pediatrician appointment was delayed due to our vacation. She goes in next week for her 9 month check-up & I will post her stats afterwards.

One of my best friends, Erin, asked me a few weeks ago what size Izzy girl is wearing. I told her 9-12 month clothing. She asked, "Do they make baby clothes with large-sized head openings?" And she was serious. I had to remind her that Izzy's big head simply meant that she has a big brain :)

I'm secretly hoping her head circumference gets more proportionate to the rest of her body. But I'm pretty darn lucky to have a healthy, thriving, happy bambino. So I'll settle with her big head.

Happy 9 month birthday, Izzy Love!!!


The Pelligrini Family said...

I can't believe she is 9 months! Izzy always looks so happy and just adorable. Where does the time go? I remember hearing you were pregnant. It looks like you are enjoying motherhood and it suits you wonderfully. It was all worth it huh? ;)

Love you and miss you,

The Noble Family said...

Kel - no worries on the head size. Aly was still in the 95th at 16 months while the rest of her was just average. Can't believe she is already 9 months...