Sunday, August 3, 2008

Girls' weekend in Chicago...

Erin, Izzy & Mary
Izzy with Jenny
Ange & Iz
This past weekend Izzy & I took a long 3 day weekend trip to Chicago. We spent the night with Erin & Brent on Thursday night and enjoyed a yummy breakfast in the city on Friday. Saturday we headed up to Gurnee to spend the night with my sister. Kim and I were able to hit the outlet mall for some good bargains while Taylor babysat Iz. Saturday morning I left Izzy with my sister and headed into the city for my very first Cubs game with Mary, Jenny & Ange. I forgot my camera (very unlike me) in the diaper bag, so I am waiting on pics from my girlfriends to post soon. We pre-partied at Murphy's across from Wrigley Field, watched the Cubs beat the Pirates, and then spent MANY hours at Casey Moran's. It was a very long and FUN day. Sunday morning my sister drove Izzy back to the city to (briefly) hang with the girls before we headed back on the road for Indy. Izzy is now sleeping (happy to be in her own crib again) and I'm waiting for her to get up so we can head out to the pool.

As most of you know, whenever I leave town without Mike, he tends to do fun house projects. One time it was a putting green in the backyard. Another time it was our infamous Rock-N-Roll bathroom. Once he even built me a dining room table & benches! This time Mike tiled my bathroom (pulled up both laminate flooring and carpeting) and painted our back hallway and 1/2 bathroom (no longer the Rock-N-Roll bathroom it once was) and is starting to tile the floor. It's funny, the putting green is now gone and grass is growing in its place. And now the Rockin' bathroom is gone and a soft celery green now fills the walls instead of the concert tickets & album covers. Seems he may be maturing in his home improvement decisions :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jimmy Buffett 2008

Sandi & Kel
Mike & Kelly
Jason & Sandi
The McCulloch Tailgate

Marathon Relay...

Mark, Mike, Mike, Rick

This past Saturday, Mike and four buddies took part in a marathon relay. This consisted of 4 guys running a total of 26 miles...on a two mile loop, exchanging runners each loop. The boys did great, finishing in 3 hours 15 minutes. It was really fun to watch these guys work together & root each other on. Way to go boys!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just Iz...

Backyard pool time
Our little gymnast
Watching Baby Einstein
Enjoying a cold treat
Splash park
Too cute
Highchair fun

Playing with daddy
Baby blues
Discovering the glass
Legs crossed like a little lady

Family Reunion, of sorts...

The family...lots of ladies!!!
Mom & Tara

Dylan & Clint
Kim & Cheri
Mike & Taylor
Kirkland & Izzy

Anya & Kirkland
Cheri & Clint
Cindy & Aunt Gail
Mom, Tara, Amanda, Cindy, Aunt Gail & Anya

Last weekend we reunited the remaining members of the Penney family: Linda (mom) & her sister Gail (aunt), their nieces Tara & Cindy, and their respective kids Clint & Amanda and Cheri, Anya & Kingston. And then of course myself and my sister/her kids. There were 15 of us all together...and we couldn't tell you the last time all of us were together in the same room. Maybe a Christmas at Grandma Bruhn's? Regardless, it was a very special day. I'm disappointed there isn't a group photo. But we have the memores of a FUN cornhole tournament :)

Mom, Aunt & Sister in town...

Dylan, Kim, Iz, Kel, Taylor, Mom & Aunt Gail
Taylor & Dylan


Fun at the pool


Balancing / Floating

Shooting baskets

Swimming underwater

Meeting Great Aunt Gail for the first time!

Taylor and her flamingos

Aunt Kim at the zoo


Aunt Gail & Kim

Aunt Kim

Grand Roo

Great Aunt Gail & Roo

The last two weeks have been filled with mom came in town for 10 days, my Aunt Gail (mom's sister) came in for 5 days, and my sister and her kids came in for 4 days. Izzy has been spoiled by all these loving arms for days on end. My mom rekindled the "no, no, no" head shaking in Izzy, which is so much fun! Activities included the pool (both outdoor and indoor swim lessons), the zoo, a family reunion (pics to follow), shopping, backyard fun and many laughs!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eagle Creek Triathlon...

Becki, Kelly & Sandi BEFORE the race
Kelly, Sandi (and Ellana) & Becki AFTER the race
Starting the run
Mom & Kel
This morning we woke EARLY to head over to Eagle Creek for a Sprint Triathlon with Becki & Sandi. Of course, Sandi swam (she didn't have a choice - she swam in college!), Becki biked (go Becki!) and I ran. I believe we made some good time...the results aren't posted yet. So you'll just have to take my word for it. So for all you know - WE WON!!!