Monday, July 28, 2008

Mom, Aunt & Sister in town...

Dylan, Kim, Iz, Kel, Taylor, Mom & Aunt Gail
Taylor & Dylan


Fun at the pool


Balancing / Floating

Shooting baskets

Swimming underwater

Meeting Great Aunt Gail for the first time!

Taylor and her flamingos

Aunt Kim at the zoo


Aunt Gail & Kim

Aunt Kim

Grand Roo

Great Aunt Gail & Roo

The last two weeks have been filled with mom came in town for 10 days, my Aunt Gail (mom's sister) came in for 5 days, and my sister and her kids came in for 4 days. Izzy has been spoiled by all these loving arms for days on end. My mom rekindled the "no, no, no" head shaking in Izzy, which is so much fun! Activities included the pool (both outdoor and indoor swim lessons), the zoo, a family reunion (pics to follow), shopping, backyard fun and many laughs!!!