Monday, July 28, 2008

Family Reunion, of sorts...

The family...lots of ladies!!!
Mom & Tara

Dylan & Clint
Kim & Cheri
Mike & Taylor
Kirkland & Izzy

Anya & Kirkland
Cheri & Clint
Cindy & Aunt Gail
Mom, Tara, Amanda, Cindy, Aunt Gail & Anya

Last weekend we reunited the remaining members of the Penney family: Linda (mom) & her sister Gail (aunt), their nieces Tara & Cindy, and their respective kids Clint & Amanda and Cheri, Anya & Kingston. And then of course myself and my sister/her kids. There were 15 of us all together...and we couldn't tell you the last time all of us were together in the same room. Maybe a Christmas at Grandma Bruhn's? Regardless, it was a very special day. I'm disappointed there isn't a group photo. But we have the memores of a FUN cornhole tournament :)