Sunday, October 26, 2008

Luke's 1st Birthday

Jaime, Kelly, Izzy & Molly
Jeremy & Jaime helping little man discover his cake
Opening his gifts
Izzy Lou peeking through
Reading to girl
Today was Luke's 1st birthday party, and boy was it filled with kids, gifts, toys and FUN! It was the most beautiful Fall day...perfect for celebrating such a special birthday.
Happy birthday Luke!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Izzy's 1 year Photo Session...

Walking down Main Street
Amongst the pumpkins
Smiling for her Mum

Big girl

More of Main Street

Wanted to share a few pics from our photo shoot with Zach Dobson ( a few weeks ago in downtown Carmel. This was our third photo session with Zach (and his wife, my friend, Courtney) and we feel they get better each time. Pretty easy to do with a kiddo that gets cuter every day. That, and a very talented photographer :)

Although Izzy turned 1 in October, the weather felt like August...thus, the summer dress. It was fitting, as the day she was born it was also in the 80's. Fall has always been my favorite time of year...with the leaves turning, tailgating, and cozy sweaters. Now I have one more reason to make this my favorite season: Izzy Lou's birth day. Nostalgia nearly every day...for the hospital, for the late-night nursing sessions, I could go on forever.

After the photo session, we ate brunch at Bub's Cafe on the Monon Trail. Followed by an afternoon nap taken by all. Perfect Sunday in my book!

To see all the photos from this shoot, visit:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Laura & Casey's Wedding...

Life-sized cut-out of the bride & groom outside of....
the beautiful Grain Exchange room
Yummy cake
The table assignments were based on dates that Laura & Casey went on...our table was from the Jimmy Buffett concert in '06
Each table had an anniversary card for the table's guests to sign...what a clever idea!
Us...sans bambino!!!
Tim & Danielle came in from Dallas

Cousins Tim, Steve and Mike
The gift of UW Madison's pep band...
...was a HUGE hit...

This weekend Mike and I made the trek up to Milwaukee for our (kind of) cousin Laura and Casey's wedding (Mike and Laura share an Uncle). Laura looked stunning, the reception site was beautiful and the dancing was an all-out blast (I even learned a few new dances!). The bridal party surprised the couple with the UW Madison pep band!!! They played for over 10 minutes: the Madison Fight Song, Roll Out the Barrel and the Chicken Dance, among many other favorites. With almost 300 guests...nearly the entire room was on (or near) the dance floor to witness a truly FUN experience. Made me wish I was a Badger!!! This was one of the best weddings I have ever been a part of, hands down. Congratulations Laura & Casey!!!

Thanks to my sister and niece for taking care of Izzy girl while Mike and I were able to get away for a very fun evening.

Friday, October 17, 2008

1 year pediatrician appt...

This morning was Isabelle's 1st year wellness check-up with her most favorite Nurse Practitioner, Sherry. We have always seen the NP, as we love her the most (she reminds me of my mother) and look forward to showing off our newest skills each visit. Now that I think of it, my favorite nurse while going through fertility treatments was also a Sherry....must be something very nurturing about that name. Anyway, Izzy's current stats are:

Weight: 20 lb. 12 oz. - 50-75%
Height: 29 1/4 inches - 50%
Head: 45 1/2 cm - 75%

Seems her head is still a bit larger than the rest of her body. But just look how stinking cute her head is in the above pic. Nuff said.

Izzy received 4 shots (flu, chicken pox, HepA and MMR)...none of which she liked. In fact, she screamed bloody murder. It was horrible. I loathe the shots. Can't believe I had to give them to myself for so long, way back when.

Sherry told us we should wean Izzy from her Nuk around 18 months (as that is the age when they can start speaking sentences). Mike asked me if he could go on vacation during that time. Good luck with that one, buddy!

This visit, in particular, made me especially nostalgic about how just one year ago I was struggling to get us out of the house to make it to her 1 week appointment with my mom in tow. Makes me miss when she was just a little peanut. Guess she is only 1....and she'll always be my little peanut!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Farm...

It's a pumpkin tree, duh
Izzy and Luke ridin' in the Radio Flyer
Kel & Jaim...and some GREAT people watching
The pumpkin patch via our hayride
Hayride was H.O.T.
Sittin' pretty
Two happy babes...Luke's playing hard-to-get

This afternoon we ventured to the Pumpkin Farm with our friends, the Fellers. It was HOT outside-mid 80's- which made for somewhat of a quick trip to the farm. We did enjoy witnessing pumkins being launched into the air, corn cobs being torpedoed into a pond, a hot hayride to the pumkin patch (we did not get out, as we were too hot to be bothered with actually picking a pumkin!) and some fun hay-stack photo ops. Note: Izzy got stung on her right hand by a bee right before the hay pictures...hence the meltdown in the last pic where Luke is looking at Iz like, "Girl, you ok?" His face was priceless...and so was the day. So much fun...

Ms. Mobility

Reaching for the toy cabinet
Mastered opening cabinets
Still loves her stroller (note: still no baby allowed inside, but toys are!)
Isabelle continues to become more and more mobile with each passing day. She's still enjoying walking behind her stroller, crusing and pulling up on all things furniture, walking with our hands, learning to open and close cabinets (and empty them out), and crawling up (and falling down) the stairs. Oh, and she is pointing at everything these days. She loves her new-found mobility and is even beginning to move from one piece of furniture (or toy) to another on her feet. We believe it's only a matter of time until she's walking on her own!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Izzy!!!

Twelve months ago Izzy joined the world with three short pushes. She was easy then and remains to be a very easy little girl to this day. Izzy knows what she wants. And what she doesn't. She's quite independent. Yet clingy. She just learned to give dirty looks. But her smile is so sweet. She's a deep sleeper. And our morning glory.

I never knew I could love someone so much. So unconditionally. So deeply. So purely.

Izzy has been running a fever the last 24 hours. Don't know if it's because she's in a new school (which, by the way, she LOVES and so do we!) or that all 4 of her top front teeth are coming down at the same time. Either way, Mike spent the morning at home playing with her. And I came home for the afternoon. We went on a run and now Izzy is snoozing away. I'm waiting with baited breath for her to wake up. She's so snuggly when she's under the weather.

Happy 1st Birthday, Izzy girl. We love you!!!