Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yes, Michigan...

Got my camera back and downloaded some amazing pics from our trip to Michigan a few weeks ago. Love, love, loved our visit with my dad, step mom and grandfather.

Dad's beautiful new house
 With a grand view of the fairway
 Izzy spending some time with her Great Grandfather
 Izzy spent a lot of time on the patio reading her magazines...just lounging
 Celebrated Laney's birthday with an ice cream cake
 A new favorite picture of mine. So special.
 Dad lives on a public course, so when closing time rolled around we grabbed dad's bucket of balls and a few clubs...and played outside for quite some time.
 Ball retrievers
 Trouble. I mean, buddies.
 Sam teaching Buggy how to hold a club

 Saying goodbye after a beautiful day catching up with old friends (thanks, Sam)
Sunday morning the girls did a lot of exploring and playing around the house
 And I finally got to ride in dad's Cobra. I have seen it a bunch of times but have never asked. Here dad is showing me how to enter/exit the car so as to not burn your leg on the exhaust pipe.
 Had no idea what I was in for...
 Dad smiled the entire ride...
 Took me on the highway and opened her up. My hands were white knuckling the double strap-over-the-shoulder-harness-seatbelt. Was definitely a new experience for me. Thrilling, to say the least.
 Thanks for your hospitality Dad & Anna
 And thanks for a fun and goofy time, as always
 Now just a few fun pics of the girls....because why not?

We had a wild and crazy Friday night here...a cookie bake-off between Mike (Snickerdoodles from a box) and myself (Aunt Deb's recipe for homemade chocolate chip M&M cookies).
 Beautiful Izzy caved in and got her (annual) haircut. The entire summer we begged her to chop it off and her response every time was, "No. It's my hair and my body and I can do whatever I want." Mmkay. Loud and clear, sister,
 Delaney June
 Right now Izzy is telling everyone she is 5 and three quarters. Even knows how to write the 3/4 fraction. Her signature on all of her papers right now is, "Izzy McCulloch 5 3/4." Love it. She also has had a countdown to her birthday for the last month. Little Miss Priss.
Too cool for school.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Little bit of this, little bit of that...

Once again, this will be a mish-mosh of photos but ones I don't want to forget or leave off of our family's journal.

Our pool remains open in September and we are taking full advantage. Plus, it's been warmer in the past 2 weeks than it has been all summer. Figures.

Izzy discovered the full snorkel mask and loves that it holds her nose plugged for her. We insist she still use her regular goggles to keep up the nose breathing/bubbles.
Love hate relationship these sisters have.
Bobo & Grandma got the girls a motorized Barbie Jeep for their birthdays (they call it their "Bowbee Cow"). This is driven (at a high speed I might add) to the park, the pool, and around the block on a regular basis. Laney refuses to drive And Izzy is mastering her turning skills and reversing skills. Three point turns are becoming a mastered skill. 

A few weeks ago we drove to St. Louis and met Mike's cousin, Josh, halfway for the weekend. Stayed at a fun hotel that offered a great pool and deck for kids and adults alike to enjoy. The next day we ventured to the zoo (it's free...and it's HUGE). Was a hot day but it was pretty special for our kids to hang out and all of us to reconnect.

We officially went to Friday night polo 3 times this summer. Not sure who enjoys it more, the kids or the adults. I seriously have a smile on my face the entire time we're there. Picnic. Drinks. Dancing. Games. It's right up our alley.
We also went to the Moto GP race here in town (read: motorcycles at the 500 track that loop all throughout the infield). More sun and more family time.

Our very own Meghan competed in her first CF competition so of course we had to cheer her on. Let's just say after a few hours at the track I was kind of a mess of a spectator. But let me tell you...Meghan crushed it and I had a blast cheering for one of my favorite gals. Was so proud of her. And had a riot of an afternoon. 
The #PSMX13 crew continues to wod together. Something about working out with your close friends gets my juices flowing. That comaraderie. That you-go-girl. That recapping post wod with good friends? Yeah, that. I need that. And I love that we make an effort to do these things together.
Speaking of CF, it's the final countdown to the anniversary of my first competition, the Naptown Bracket Buster. Four weeks away. At this point I'm not going to get any stronger. Now it's about technique and maintaining cardio fitness. Think I've put in some solid hours at the I'm hoping it'll come to fruition come game day.

Push Press: Push it. Push it real good.
And like most summers, we ended August with a road trip to dad's house for a weekend of friends, family and the Crim. Unfortunately I left my big girl camera at my in-laws so I can't post any of his incredible new house. Those will come when I regain possession of my camera. In the meantime, here are a few from my phone...

Dad and Jazzy. That dog goes everywhere with him. Super cute.
Ran the 10 mile solo again. But I didn't mind at all. I LOVE this course. Nostalgic to my youth. But also incredibly difficult. The hills. One after the other. With no downhills. My goal was to walk as little as possible. I made it until mile 7 until I really had to rest/walk. I was so training and I did better than I did last year. Legs felt heavier but that's probably b/c I'm carrying a lot more weight/muscle than I am used to running with. After finishing I walked the 5k with Anna (and pushed the girls) while Dad and Mike ran the 5k. Love Crim day.
After the race we went to dad's country club for a few hours of swimming. Izzy got to show off her skillz and both girls got to jump off the diving board...Izzy sans floaties and swam beautifully to the side solo. 
DELANEY had her 4th birthday last week where we quietly celebrated after gymnastics at home with strawberry cupcakes. Mom arrive in town the day prior so Laney had a special week home with her.
Laney got twin Bitty Babies from Am.erical Girl. Pumped.
Mom got her a monogrammed carrying case (that we'll be using SOON to go to the A.G. store in Chicago!)
And last weekend Mike and I had a kid-free evening in Northern Indiana to celebrate a dear friend's wedding. We traveled with Kristi & Brian and the evening was so special. And fun. Lots of fun.
Cari made a stunning bride, of course
We didn't have any fun. At all. Or did we? It's hazy.
The girls loved having mom here...until next time, Roo!
Izzy had an adult tooth come in a few weeks ago behind her baby tooth. Last week it was very loose. Like hanging by a thread loose. But she wouldn't pull it. Monday rolled around and she was slurping her spaghetti and smiled really big after a slurp and I saw blood. But no tooth. Sister swallowed it. (!!!)
Have no fear...the tooth fairy still made an appearance:
Dog days of summer
Gymnastics girls
Final Friday night polo match (we actually saw a player fall off his horse and get tromped on - was scary!)
We had a great evening, even though DELANEY doesn't show it here :)
Saturday morning we took a family bike ride in our backyard. No more than 10 minutes in and Izzy fell. Then Laney fell. Mike and I ended up walking all the bikes home while both girls cried. We were a sight, I tell ya. Mike headed out for the gym and the girls and I packed up for the pool. The Barbie Jeep is much more efficient.
As previously mentioned, Izzy wear a snorkel mask. She's recently mastered how to us the actual snorkel. She will swim back and forth across the pool and not come up for air. But she'll talk or sing the entire way...through the snorkel. Under water. She is such a character.

Laney has finally built up her courage and is diving for rings all by herself. No floaties. No daddy pushing her under to get deep enough to grab. Just her. And she's proud. Can't blame her...we are, too!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's not you, it's me...

A few days ago I made my blog private for some security/privacy reasons. It wasn't about you. Or you. Or you. It was about my family and our choices to have a public blog.

I started this blog when I found out I was pregnant with Izzy. For our parents that live out of town. Since then it has turned into much more than documenting our pregnancy. Rather, it's a place I document our daily lives. So the girls can one day trudge through the monotony that was their youth. Look at pictures. Read funny stories. This blog is about our family and you choose to read it and we love that you do.

In the past few days I've struggled with what to do with this blog. I researched what I could do to make it safer to be out there in cyberspace. So I used my resources at work and met with some of our IT guys (read: html literate) and made some coding changes, robot changes and search engine changes to make us feel more comfortable about having said public blog.

I have had 9 emails/texts in the past 24 hours as to why it was private. And to be quite frank, my reasons are private. But thanks for stopping by to read. To care what's going on in our lives. And I'll continue to blog as normal.

Carry on.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Izzy's First Day of Kindergarten...

This little girl started kindergarten last week...can you tell she was excited!!??
 A few days before school started the elementary had a meet-the-teacher open house and ice cream social. I was anticipating the evening all day and had a hard time concentrating at work, as I had so many ants in my pants. The four of us toured the school and Izzy's classroom. Her teacher gave a presentation to both the kids and adults. There was nervous energy in the room and I must admit, I had sweaty pits. A new routine to start. A new 'first' for Izzy. I love celebrating these 'firsts' with both girls. As Mike tells them, "Girls, your mommy is really in to 'big deals'!"

After meeting new friends (many whom live in our neighborhood!) we ventured on to the ice cream social where I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Our girl was going to be a kindergartener! Izzy came to sit on my lap after she was finished and I giddily asked her if she was excited to start kindergarten. To which she replied, "Not as excited as you, mommy!" I will never forget those words. I just beamed.

The morning of the first day of school was a brisk 55 degrees. Which means the dress we picked out wasn't conducive to outdoor pics but I was determined to capture the monumental morning. Hence Izzy's crying, pitiful face. But have no fear, as soon as we got to school she perked right up.
 Her backpack on her back, she skipped into school. She and Laney explored a bit, as Izzy goes to a before-and-after program that is homeroomed in the cafeteria. Mike and I learned the routine of sign-in, backpack placement, breakfast line, et al. I tried to capture a few more pictures as I was doing my best to extend each minute I had left with her. After all that excitement I wasn't ready to let her go. Sweaty pits and all.

 After we were finished with pictures Izzy was directed to line up for breakfast in alphabetical order. Among other kids of all grades. That had been to school before and high fiving their friends. Ummm, Izzy knows the alphabet but notsomuch how to line up by last name. We helped her out and she was sandwiched between two fourth grade girls who immediately oohed and ahhed over our sweet little Izzy, taking her under their 9 year old wings. Then she was off to choose her breakfast. I made Mike stay a little while until she got to her table to eat so I could leave knowing she was happy. She sat down with older girls. Placed Monkey right in front of her bowl, then jumped right into animated conversation. We knew it was time to let her spread her wings and fly.

After her first full day in her new school I greeted her at the car in the garage. As soon as her door opened she was talking a mile a minute; Izzy was excited and wanted to share every last detail with us. She made new friends. She ate all of her (self-made) lunch. She had recess (the teeter totter was her favorite). Read stories. Art class. Bottom line....kindergarten was a success. After she completed telling us all about it she said, "Ok I have to stop talking because I have to make my lunch now!" Well then.

Quite a different response than my mother said I had after my first day of kindergarten. Mom says I came home, plopped myself down and told her 'I don't think I'm going to go back tomorrow.' I had gone to pre-k and pre-school for a handful of years prior and apparently kindergarten was simply boring for me. Izzy has mentioned a bit of the same (they aren't doing hard math problems yet...which has actually brought her to tears). But thankfully she wants to go back :)

And every day since her first day she comes barreling into the house from school and immediately makes her lunch for the next day. Last night Izzy gave Mike and I a play-by-play of what her typical day looks like. Unsolicited. Detailed. Animated. She walked us through all of the rules (only one voice in the classroom at a time, where to put your lunch box, when walking in line you 'hold a bubble' in your mouth, etc), all of the daily routines, and all of her sweet little commentary on her friends she makes before and after school whilst playing on the 'big kids' playground.

To be a kindergartener's so sweet to relive it all with Izzy. Warms my heart.

And this little Buggy returned to G.oddard School last week. She missed her buddies but thankfully attended a few summer birthday parties to keep up with her friends. I remember how much Izzy learned in pre-K and how far she came in that short time she spent with Ms. Scott. And I am looking forward to seeing the same growth from Laney. She's already started writing her name on paper and writing the alphabet.

It's going to be a big year in our house. Lots of learning, growing, developing and fun. Here's to a successful year of building strong, healthy, smart and compassionate little girls.