Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finish Line Coporate Olympics

Kim, Audrey, Megan, Lori, myself and Brenna
Allyson, me and Lori sporting our Pastry bands :)
This past Friday my company, the Finish Line, hosted its annual Corporate Olympics. There were over 200 participants and another 200 volunteers in attendance to participate in some fun and crazy activities. Tricycle races (I won that event for our team, of course), bungee races, inflatable obstacle courses, 50 yard dashes, tug of war, relay cornhole (!), & Knockout are just a few examples. It was a BLAST to get our competitive juices flowing and NOT be in our offices for the day. Plus, the day was sunny and beautiful. Great camaraderie and team building. I loved it. It reminded me of Field Day from elementary school. Who didn't love that day?