Friday, September 26, 2008

I couldn't make this up if I tried...

Folks, I'm laughing out loud as I type. It seems that Mike and I have a very flexible child on our hands: Izzy LOVES to grab her feet and pull them up to her ears. At the same time. I kid you not.

Last weekend my mother-in-law and I were shopping with Izzy and came upon a little girl in her stroller. This little peanut waves and says HI to Izzalicious. You know how Izzy responds? Not by waving (backwards) or by saying HI in her cute little voice. Rather, she grabs her feet and pulls them up to her ears. That's her greeting. And it was priceless.

A few nights ago, we caught Izzy in her high chair doing her famous pose...

...we put Cheerios in the tray to see if she'd put her feet down...

...nothing stopped her...she ate whilst keeping strong form...

Seems we may have a cheerleader (imagine the toe-touch she could whip out) or a gymnast on our hands.

I'm just sayin'...