Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun weekend pics...

Izzy has taken to walking to the mailbox with daddy every day after work all by herself. We have had some beautiful weather over the weekend and Mike took Iz on his shoulders...she laughed so hard the entire time!

Mike pulled out the table & chairs today for a new activity in the house (still not warm enough to play outside for extended periods of time). They colored and played and even had a snack!
Concentrating on her coloring

Izzy is also really into trying things we gathered all her hats for some fun dress-up time!

She looks like an elf :)
Grandpa Bob and Grandma Laura come down Saturday for Mike's birthday. Here is Grandpa Bob (Izzy calls him Bob-bob-bob-bob) reading to Iz.

Izzy also loves to try on lots of jewelry...

And dressing her baby doll in her jewelry with Grandma Laura

Showing off her dancing skills...

The weather this weekend was beautiful...and we took full advantage of it by going on long walks. Today's walk was VERY windy and when we got home we were all tuckered out. Izzy just wanted to be read to while relaxing. So sweet!


mandy said...

You guys are such a cute family, I love to see all of the pics!!