Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pool time fun...

Saturday after nap time we headed to the Sopko's house for some pool time. Mike has been in MBA class with Jim for over a year now and they have a 23 month old as well. The pool was heated and so was the air (wouldn't you know it that temps are finally in the 80's!), which made for a very fun evening!
Not a huge fan of the tube
Loved the water table...
...and the floating lounger
Izzy loved the hot tub, as it had lots of bubbles!
Jumping into the water (over and over again) and counting along with daddy 1-2-3
Izzy & William jumping to their daddies
Loves being thrown into the air!
Sunday morning Izzy spent some time in the yard with Mike kicking the soccer ball around
And Sunday afternoon Grandma Laura & Grandpa Bob stopped in on their way through town. They were here for several hours of playtime, dinner, bath time & bedtime. Was a fun way to end the weekend...we wish they lived closer!!!