Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Family 4th of July

Friday morning the girls and I spent the morning at the pool and then we drove up north to visit with Mike's family for a few days. The day was HOT so Izzy did some sprinkler time before dinner. I just love the pic above b/c it captures Izzy's sheer excitement!
Saturday morning I was able to get an 11 mile run in 55 degree weather - it was my best run yet! Then all the girls went to get pedicures and quickly headed to the lake to enjoy the humidity-free weather! We spent the day visiting with aunts, uncles and cousins. Was so much fun and we didn't get home until midnight! Thanks to Mike's dad and Laura for taking the girls home so we could make a late night out of a very fun day.
Laura kayaking
Laura & Madelyn - I have been waiting for months to meet this little peanut! And I loved spending time with Laura catching up. She had lots of baby sleep questions and I had lots of marathon training questions (she's run 3!!!). Wish we lived closer, for sure.
Lovies Amanda & Steve
The two-toofer Laney Bug!
Bobo & Bug
Grandma Laura & Bug
Laura, Amanda & myself
Of course cornhole was played
This is what happens when you apply spray SPF and don't rub it in...you get a striped tan. And I'm only posting this pic b/c 1. I love Steve and he's like my brother (don't siblings do this to each other?!) and 2. I don't want anyone to do this to themselves!