Thursday, January 13, 2011

And then I snapped...

All I wanted for Christmas was a new, fancy, faster camera. And that, my friends, is what Santa (read: all my family) brought me. The talented Molly Connor assisted me with choosing the right camera and accessories and then calmed me down at the checkout lane (large purchase = sweaty armpits). We got home and this is what happened when we opened the box:
 Both of us reading the manual...setting the date and time was a bit challenging
 So we needed the help of some Miller Lite
 Molly's lens that she let me borrow (and it's phenom - and might just be "stuck" to my camera indefinitely)

Molly was testing out the camera...and ever since she has left I have been doing the same. I've taken 107 photos since Monday night. My girls must think they are rockstars with all the flashes going off in the house. Stay tuned for some fun pics of the girls!

I'm in love. Like, <3 love. Thanks for all your help, Mols!


Corey said...

Cant wait to see your work!!!! I instantly fell in love with my dslr too... !!!! :). Happy thursday friend!