Friday, January 14, 2011

Craft Night with Lori

Tonight Lori came over for a little crafting. She inspires me (and so does her beautifully decorated home) to create things. If I find something on a blog or online and show her - she'll tell me I can make it. And I believe her. And also require her guidance in each of my projects. I consult Lori on ALL projects. She knows the craft stores, what's on sale, what coupon I can use and what supplies I'll need for everything I want to create. Bottom line, Lori is very talented and I'm thankful to have her in my life.

She and I have been talking for a few years about starting a craft club, similar to a book club. Well, we finally pulled the trigger and planned our first Craft Club night in a few weeks. This being said, I had to plan a very simple and inexpensive first craft (so as to not scare the girls away and get people inspired to create). I sent out an email to interested girls and then realized I better know how to make the project before they shuffled into my house ready to create. That's how Lori came over help me (verbally acknowledge and confirm my choices) make a trial run. She brought some of her own crafts with her to make while I attempted my own.
Lori making a funky felt ball
 Which turned out beautifully. Thinking I might make a few and put them atop some large candle holders.
 And this is the craft I'll be teaching in a few weeks, a Petal Pusher hair clip / pin. I completely snagged the idea from a blog and am surprised at how well this turned out.
I attached the Petal Pusher to my already-adorned headband...super cute. Can also be worn on a sweater, jacket, scarf, necklace, etc. I'll be making another one that will be smaller and maybe black. The possibilities are endless. If you'd like to make one too, we'll be meeting at my house in two weeks from tonight at 7pm. Email me if you're interested. The more the merrier! We're hoping this becomes a monthly event!
The other craft Lori made (I'll say finished, because she already had most of this done) tonight. Love it. Going to make one of my own this weekend for a gift. For a special someone.

And that's how I spend my Friday nights. Don't be jealous.


Teany Family said...

You are SO crafty! Let me know if you ever sell anything, love it! :)