Sunday, January 9, 2011


A few of you readers of this blog may remember last year (around this same time) when my then two-year-old locked me out of the house on a cold winter evening while the baby was upstairs sleeping and Mike was out of town. That was a defining moment in my MOTY (Mother of the Year) happenings (oh, and there are MANY). My girlfriend, Jaime, and I joke about this all the time. It makes us feel better about our parenting, that we're not the only ones that screw up and do crazy things to our children. We joke that we could write a book (similar to "Awkward Family Photos") with our crazy stories. But then we fear CPS may come after we keep these to ourselves (and on my blog). So for your reading enjoyment, here you go:
Friday afternoon I look over to Izzy and her tea party to realize Laney is no longer pretend-dining with her sister. I hear little rustlings coming from our pantry, thinking it's the dog or something. Nope, it's Buggy in the bags of Christmas-stocking-candy...eating chocolate. Through. The. Foil. MOTY 2011 nomination #1 goes to moi. Awesome. But it didn't stop there (yep, twice in one weekend, folks).
Saturday night Mike spent the evening watching football with a bunch of his guy friends and my neighbor (Jill) invited us over for dinner as her husband was out of town. The big kids usually run back and forth through the house playing, screaming, pretending and Laney simply waddles behind them trying to keep up. Sometimes we'll hear "Izzy isn't sharing," or "I have to go potty," or this time it was "Laney's eating crayons!" This may not come as a big surprise to you, as Izzy has been guilty of this (the purple crayon incident at the Feller house summer 2009) and Laney has an issue with the same crayon craze. Jill and I run back into Sammy's room to find this:

Laney had been sucking on a green marker! Apparently, she doesn't discriminate against drawing supplies. She couldn't find crayons so the marker worked just fine. We were just cracking up. Thankfully it was washable marker. I mean, Cra.yola has to make these things edible and pass safety tests, right? Back to the wine we went.

And I'm practicing my acceptance speech now. I feel I have a great head start to 2011, don't you think?