Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sick, sick, sick...

Yep, you read that right: three sicks. It's been a sad state of affairs around our house for more than a week. It started two weeks ago when Izzy started getting sick with a cough. Then fever. Then worse cough. She was put on antibiotics for an ear infection. Then the weekend of Izzy's birthday Laney started feeling crummy. Same story...cough, fever, irritable. Turns out they both had a form of croup. That was fun. Then early last week I started getting a sore throat, cough, head pressure.

Took the entire week off from running to let the cold run through my system. Told myself I'd attempt my last (of 3) 20 miler Saturday morning with Jaime. I should have stayed in bed. I thought I would be fine, as I had no congestion in my chest or sinuses. I could breathe (although I could barely talk, my voice was so raspy Jaime said I sounded like a 3-pack-a-day smoker!). If I could breathe I could run. Um, not so much. Jaime and I got half way through our run and we were both miserable. My calf was shooting with pain, her hip was grinding, my head was fuzzy and I felt like I was in a haze, her knee was shooting with pain. We did a lot of walk/running those last 5 miles. I don't remember much from the run, but I do remember at one point Jaime looking at me and saying, "Do NOT blog about this!" But I had to...I have to remember the pain and the suffering we go through to cross that finish line. The end wouldn't be as sweet if it was easy.

I went home to a shower, a quick birthday party for Izzy's buddy, and then jammies for the rest of the day. I was spent. Woke Sunday morning and counted the hours until the clinic opened. My voice was now so deep and so raspy that I couldn't talk any longer. The amazing, incredible, prompt nurse saw me (I was the first in line) and diagnosed me with a double ear infection. Guess that explains why I felt off kilter the last 10 miles of my run the day before...my equilibrium was off! A large dose of antibiotics later...I started feeling relief in the first 24 hours. Amen.

Since I started to feel somewhat better, we ventured out to a park for an hour to get some much needed fresh air.
  Miss Priss is always posing
 And Bug...always smiling
 Everyone loved the park, even daddy Mike
 Lots of climbing
 Jill sent me this adorable picture of Bug and Sammy. This was the day of Izzy's birthday brunch and Laney was feeling horrible. She wouldn't let me put her down. But just once she crawled out of my arms and into Sammy's. These two...they are thick as thieves. Melts my heart...
Here's to healthier days ahead. And three weeks of tapering before my marathon!


Teany Family said...

oh man, i hope you are getting to feeling better! no fun being sick. take it easy and enjoy the weeks of taper! you guys have really worked hard with your training! so amazed by you!