Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

This weekend started off with me coming home to a very large Valentine made by the girls (with the great help from the Nanny!) and a yummy cake! Friday nights Mike works a little late, which means I'm left to dinner duty alone. Dinner time is the craziest hour in ANY home with small children, as the kids are hungry and fussy which = not fun to manage alone. Anyway...
Our Valentine and cake (Izzy helped bake and frost!)
Izzy's hand-made Valentine box filled with her classmates' cards and many Valentines from family...thanks for all of them, she loves getting mail!
This is how I fed Izzy on Friday night: rolled up to the family room so she can watch a movie (her favorite, UP) while I feed Delaney
And once the girls were both down, I cleaned up and headed out to a girls' night with Molly. I've been unable to really "go out" much in the last year and now that I'm no longer pregnant or recovering from childbirth...I'm trying to make a conscious effort to go out and have fun with the girls! Thanks, Molly, for continuing to invite me out and include me after all the times I've turned you down, girl! I had SO much fun.
We first had drinks (and apps) at a brand new bar in Broadripple called the Northside Social to celebrate Casey's birthday.
And then headed to my old stomping grounds The Wellington. The same blue grass band has been playing there for almost 8 years, and Mike and I used to go there to hear them play all the time. They surely didn't disappoint. This was also where our rehearsal dinner was almost 6 years it was quite nostalgic being there.
Saturday morning Izzy was going through all of her Valentines and discovered a lot of them came with tattoos (the ones Izzy handed out did as well). Who knew that tattoos were such a popular Valentine Day gift? Regardless, we had to put them on her hands. She looooved them.
Also a big thank you for all the Valentine's packages in the mail...the girls received so many fun outfits, toys and treats that it was hard to photo ALL of it. But a highlight are Izzy's new galoshes, her yellow monkeys!!! She is a HUGE fan of all things dress up and especially her boots. So thank you very much for all the presents!
Saturday night Izzy wanted to pull Delaney around the house in her wagon. I obliged, but not without padding the wagon with a blanket. Izzy loved it...
...Laney wasn't the biggest fan :)
Delaney in the Jumperoo...she's still not a huge fan, which we are surprised about, as she has been LOVING her exersaucer for almost 2 months now!
Delaney now sits in the high chair for our nightly family meals while Izzy now sits in her booster at the table. So fun that Delaney is getting to be such a big girl. She also loves being a part of the meal without being on a lap.
Other noteworthy news, Izzy no longer goes to sleep with her NUK!!!! We weaned her down to just using it at bedtime around summertime; however, I couldn't stand the thought of taking it away from her before Delaney arrived, as there was already enough change going to happen in her life (move to a big girl bed, arrival of a new sister, et al). Anyway, I came home from work on Thursday night and just decided it was time (Mike's been telling me it's been time for over a year now!). Izzy and I decorated a box, gathered her NUKs from her bed and night stand, kissed them all and said goodbye. We then wrapped the box and put it in the mailbox for the NUK fairy to come and pick up for all the new babies at the hospital. Izzy went to sleep moaning for about 10 minutes that night and woke up perfectly happy Friday morning. She never asked about it again, never talked about it, nothing. Hasn't been an issue ever since. If I would have known how easy it was to take it away - I would have done it a YEAR ago! Shame on me!! But it's so nice to have that habit broken. Delaney, on the other hand, has NEVER taken to a NUK and we aren't even offering one to her as we don't want to start this all over again. Now...potty training :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


THIS is why I love living in the Midwest where there are seasons: SNOW!!! I grew up with snow and am so happy to raise my girls in the snow. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready for the summer just like the next gal, but this snow was just BEAUTIFUL today. (Not so much fun to drive in yesterday, though.) We got over 8 inches of snow over the last 24 hours and Mike was ready for some sledding as SOON as he woke up this morning. He took Iz to Target & Walmart this morning, only to find all the sleds were sold out. They borrowed one from some friends and we took off...for the slopes (or hills, as this is Indiana).
Izzy & Daddy ready to sled
Daddy taught Izzy how to eat the snow
And how to pack a snowball
I just thought the trees looked amazing with all the snow
Walking through a winter wonderland
Ready to sled
The climb back up
Daddy got tired of carrying Iz, so he learned to pull her back up
After a few runs she decided to brave the hill alone...
And she loved every second of it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

This little girl is 5 months old...

This little girl...
is 5 months old!
And we think she's pretty stinkin' cute!

This is about a week overdue...but this little girl turned 5 months old last week! The difference between months 4 and 5 is remarkable for Delaney (and for us parents!). Delaney now rolls from her back to her tummy, she sits up, she is starting to suck her thumb, she eats rice cereal mixed with baby food (bananas are her fave), and she is finally sleeping THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Delaney gives us a good 12+ hours of uninterrupted sleep and I couldn't be happier. We started sleep training right after we returned from Michigan a few weeks ago and it only took about 2-3 nights of letting her cry it out before she just stopped crying and started SLEEPING! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to wake up to my alarm clock again!!!

Names we call her other than Delaney: Laney, Laney Lou, Lou, Laney Bug, Bug, Buggie, I could go on. I just love nicknames! My girlfriend, Meg, asked me the other night if Delaney knew her name b/c Delaney turned when I said her name. I laughed b/c I told her I rarely call Delaney by her given name. Ha!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Studio de Connor...

My girlfriend, Molly, just recently set up a studio in her house and wanted to try it out (on people other than her infamous dog, Lucy). The girls and I ventured over there this morning for a quick session. Mol had some tunes pumped in Izzy immediately danced her way in front of the camera. She's not camera-shy, that's for sure. Here are a few of the MANY pics she took. For more, check out our McCulloch Family Picture Site (on the right sidebar here).

Izzy's downward dog

Seriously, could these be any cuter? If you need a photographer for a wedding, birthday, family portrait or for a fun gift for a family MUST hire Molly. She never, ever disappoints. Thank you Molly!

Rockin' Out...

Saturday afternoon we had the Moosbruggers over for a play date and dinner. It had been TOO long since we last spent quality time with the Moose clan! Mike made delicious ribs and homemade cole slaw...and Meg made yummy brownies a la mode! I cannot believe how big Oscar has become; I nannied for him when he was just shy of a year old. And now here he is all grown up and wanting to be a rock star. Dave Matthews rock star, not Van Halen rock star. If you could only imagine, Izzy was in HEAVEN with these two boys in the house. Mike and I were thrilled to have our good friends over...was such a wonderful evening.
Meg (holding DJ) with Oscar, Eric and Jude
Meg playing with Delaney and Jude
After dinner we enjoyed watching the two bigs "rock out"
Izzy playing her harmonica, shaking bells & Oscar jamming on the guitar
Serious rock star face!
Miss Meg & Iz

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
I miss you.
**My cousin, Tara, sent this pic today. She came across this picture of Grandpa Bruhn and I and said it just makes her laugh every time she looks at it. I'm almost positive I was about 8 in this picture. Grandpa dressed up as Santa even through my college years. I sure do miss him. Thanks, Tara, for a great memory!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Girls' night, Guys' night and a Colts WIN!!!

Fun, fun, FUN weekend. Life with a 2 1/2 year old and a 5 month old is anything but when an opportunity to spend a night with some of my favorite girls (minus one -JZF) I did NOT pass it up. I have been looking forward to this girls' night out for a few months and it surely didn't disappoint! Lori hosted a girls' get-together and let's just say I laughed the entire night and didn't go to bed until well after 1 am. Look out!!! Thanks to all the girls for such a fun night out!
The Banana Republic girls: Mol, Sarah, Lori, Laura & myself
Trouble = Kelly & Molly
The Finish Line girls: Brenna, Ellen, Kari, Allyson, me and Lori
Saturday night Mike went to a surprise 40th birthday party for an old friend (not literally old, but Mike's been friends with this entire family since High School). It was a James Bond Casino Royale Mike was dressed in his black suit for the blackjack tables and martinis. Wish I could have been there; however, Miss Delaney June has just started sleeping through the night (!!!) and I didn't want to mess up her new routine by taking her to her Aunt Jaime's.

We started hard-core sleep training on Monday: we didn't go to her all night and let her cry it out. Any parent will tell you this is incredibly hard to do; however, the reward is priceless. Delaney has slept through the night (7pm-6am) the last THREE nights in a row!!! A few rough nights of crying and TA-DA! Everyone in the house is soundly sleeping. I wanted to do this about 8 weeks ago; however, with all the holiday travel and such, it was nearly impossible to let her cry at family's house or have her cry at ours with family in the next room. So here we are: rested.

Today Mike spent cooking in the kitchen (pulled pork and chili) while I cleaned to prepare for some friends to come over to watch the Colts game. It was a great game and we are very excited for them to be returning to the Super Bowl in February!!! (And I'm excited they won b/c we have a lot of Colts apparel left in our stores and this win will help us SELL OUT of the inventory - VERY good for business!!!)
Delaney and Christopher
Mommy and Laney Bug
Katie & Christopher
Izzy was cheering on the Colts by playing her drums
And this is an action shot of Delaney ROLLING OVER!! She started rolling from her back to her tummy this week. It's an exciting milestone; however, I do NOT like it when she rolls over in her crib and wakes up crying b/c she can't figure out how the heck to roll onto her back! Ugh.
And finally, a picture of mommy & Izzy Lou