Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busy bees...

It's been a busy few days in our house to say the least. Friday was the girls' last day at school; they're spending 15 weeks at home with a summer nanny. While they were enjoying their last day at GS, I was running around town gathering last minute bedding for Laney's new big girl bed (can you stand it?!?! She's 20 months and the SAME age that Izzy was when we moved her into a big girl bed!), painting Mike's old twin head/foot boards for said room, and preparing the house for the nanny to start. Phew. My last Friday sans kids until September. Had to take full advantage. Ok, maybe I also caught up on some DVR as well. Maybe.
 The girls got these matching princess jammers from Grandpa Tom & Grandma Anna at xmas but it's just now warm enough to wear them...and they love them. LOVE.
 They also love each other. I suppose it's a love/hate relationship. Such is life with a sibling. Love you Kim, but we had our moments growing up. Just sayin.
 Saturday morning we went to our normal ballet class. Izzy's recital is in a few weeks so they have been working hard on their routines. Too cute.
 And when Izzy decides to show some defiance and not participate, the show goes on without her. Love the teacher's approach with her...
 I then met my Funster girls for a road trip to Cincy to visit Brandi and her new baby.
 Maggie holding Ava
 Beautiful brown eyes
 It had been a long time since I'd held a newborn!
 Brandi's house was incredible and I couldn't stop taking advantage of all the enormous mirrors
 And Brian's man cave didn't disappoint
 Look'll see me...and a Sink The Bi.z bucket!
 Molly holding Ava
 And then we made a trip to IKEA. Was so much fun. Quick trip...but great girl time. Looking forward to our next Funster event in June!
 Saturday night Mike and I went out to celebrate our 7 year anniversary and then today our big project was to get this little girl into a big girl bed...
 We took apart the crib and moved the glider out as well. The girls were SO stinkin' excited to get Laney's new bed into the room. We played and danced in there for a long time once it was complete.
As I'm writing this Laney Bug has cried on and off a few times. Here's to hoping she sleeps through the night!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

It's been a busy weekend at our house. We're tired from a lot of activity...
 Mike's dad & step mom came down Friday in preparation to watch the girls while we ran the annual half marathon. After the girls had a busy morning out with their grandparents we all took long naps. The weather was beautiful and we spent the rest of the day outside. Laura took the kids for wagon rides...

 Bob took the girls for truck rides...
 I experimented ways to get both girls to share one bike...

 And the whole family helped disperse our 6 yards of mulch

This morning we had special visitors, our nanny Elissa & Tyler!!! We hadn't seen them since August and it was very special to spend a few hours with them. Izzy asks about Elissa every week, and was thrilled to have her back in her house for some quality playtime. Mike cooked up a delicious (and huge) Mother's Day brunch. We sent Elissa home with some toys and a few strollers that she'll be in need of, as she's pregnant!! We are so happy for her and honored she was willing to share part of her Mother's Day with us.
Happy Mother's Day to all our moms, we love you!

Mini Marathon 2011

This was my 10th year involved in the I.ndianapolis M.ini M.arathon (but really one year Jaime wore my tag for me so I could be seeded the next year, but I'm going to chalk it up to a round 10 years). Been training for 12 weeks. My longest run was 12 miles. My goal was sub 2:00 hours, as last year I finished just shy of 1:55. I have NO idea how I ran so fast last year (fast for me at least) because this year I trained almost the same way and finished in 2:00. And it hurt. I remember it hurting last year, but I feel like this hurt more...and I ran 5 minutes slower. Boo. The good news is that I was able to run this race with my bestie Jaime for the first time since a half marathon in November of 2008. I could only stay with her until mile 10 and I had to let her go. She did amazing and gained a PR for herself.
 Before the race (the guys we run with every week for Back On My Feet get Jaime and I confused all the time...why do you think that's so?!?!?)
After the race

The weather was a perfect 60 degrees at the start. Around mile 6 (on the track) I could feel the temperature dropping and the clouds rolling in. The rain held off until I finished. Then a downpour ensued. Then blue skies and SUN. Was perfect for some post race drinks in the beer garden. Mikey finished in 1:41 and is paying for it today! Glad this is over because now the FUN begins...our 200 mile relay is in 5 weeks from Madison to Chicago and I cannot WAIT for a fun girls' weekend away!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers...

It's been raining here for what seems like weeks on end. We've had glimmers of sun here and there, only a brief reprieve until the next big storms come through. This means lots of indoor play time and creative ways to spend our time. Dress up is Izzy's favorite activity these days, and really all things princesses. She loves Ba.rbie and all the Di.sney princesses and will tell you every chance she gets that she is a princess. Yes, dear, we know.
 And in between tea parties and dance parties, we are a whole lot of silly!
 Just another day in Mike's life: dressing up with a tutu on his head while researching the best grocery prices in town
 Friday I had the day off and sent the girls to school so I could get errands done and my carpets steamed. When I picked the girls up we headed right for the park for some play time before ballet.

 Saturday morning we hit up the library and ballet...and after naps the Feller fam came over for some play time.
 I have never held two 20+ lb bambinos in my arms at the same time and it was difficult. I swear to you my right are (bicep and forearm) is sore today. And I think I held them for a total of 60 seconds. Yikes.
 With our relay run coming up in 5 weeks, a few of the team members came over to make our tutus (as our team name is 12 Tutus & 24's only fitting). Mine is yellow and black as my fave color is yellow and I'm intending to use this for a Halloween costume. If you'll be spending time with me on Halloween this year, I promise I'll Fe.breeze the heck out of the tutu before wearing it to the party. I just need a good excuse to wear my Jane Fo.nda-esque leotard again and this is the perfect excuse :)
 Jaime is making a pink tutu in honor of her cousin who was just diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer.
 And my friend, Karie (Gooding) Teany, is also running on our team. I have known Karie since maybe 4th grade and haven't seen her since high school circa 1995. She lives 30 minutes away and we reconnected via FB a few years ago. I knew she was a runner and has been involved in both the Mini and Chicago over the I had to invite her. What better way to reconnect, right? Was so wonderful to see her after all these years!
 And today started off very rainy (shocker!) so the girls and I took off for breakfast, errands and meeting our best gal Molly at the book store to play. We left Mike at home, as he spent all day Saturday and Sunday reorganizing our garage. He got the bug after we completely gutted and organized our basement a few weeks ago. This time he took everything out of the garage and slowly organized every little thing back into storage bins, shelving units and wall hooks. It looks incredible. I think he gets this bug every year and it just feels so good to have that space de-cluttered!

 The girls (briefly) watched their daddy in the garage and stood there dancing and singing songs to him while he worked. They both will start singing (their own made-up songs) and be so serious and into their words and voices, it's just hilarious to sit back and listen to. Mike and I just crack up at them sometimes because they try to out-sing the other.

And finally, we had some neighbors stop by this afternoon selling little flowers that they grew in their greenhouse as a way to make money (they are 8 and 11 years old and have been doing this for 3 years - quite the entrepreneurs!). They offered 8 different varieties, $10 for a dozen. I can't remember the name of what we bought but the picture showed them as bright pink. Izzy and I planted them in two large pots on our back deck. With all this rain they should pop up quickly to brighten up our backyard. Here's to hoping for some sun in the next week!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter...

This week was a bit lackluster in the McCulloch house. Nothing truly noteworthy to report. Laney is now staying up as late as her big sister, so that's a transition in our house. Bug used to go down at 6:30 every night. I think she just recently discovered everyone else is still awake and she's sleeping. So we're now a family that has a bedtime routine that doubled. One girl on the potty while the other is brushing. And switch. We read bedtime stories in Izzy's bed and then they go in their separate beds (Laney's crib is going to be taken down...soon). Crazy that this new routine is making me realize I no longer have a baby. Bug is 20 months. Where has the time gone?

Mike and Jason unveiled their first home brew this week, an Irish Stout. It is delish. He has brought a few bottles with him to dinner on Friday and then to his dad's on Saturday. He's very proud of his creation and I have to admit, I am too. Cheers!
 We had dinner on Friday night with the Falciones. It had been a few months and we needed to catch up. It's amazing that they only live a mile away and yet we don't see them but every other month! Good friends can pick right up where they left off...and we did just that. I'm sorry to say I didn't get a good pic of the kiddos together; they were running all over the place and it was hard to capture the moment.
 Katie made a delicious spread...
...and these cake balls were to. Die. For. Lemon, Devil's Food, German Chocolate, Carmel, Mocha. Oh. My. Goodness. They were amazing. And quite beautiful, too.
After my Saturday morning run and Izzy's ballet class we headed up to the Fort again for a long-awaited family portrait. Bob & Laura celebrated their 10 year anniversary last Fall and we were supposed to have a family picture at Thanksgiving to commemorate; however, the photo was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We rescheduled for yesterday. Photographing 15+ people was downright hilarious at times. If you don't believe me, check this out:
Even the photographer's face cracks me up. This was all the great grandchildren with Great Grandpa Cliff (and Laura holding up the girls behind-the-scenes!). There were bribes of cash and candy...and lots of funny faces and crazy noises coming from the people behind the camera!
 Aimee & 12 month old Maryn
Laura, Sister Sarah & Jake
 Mike with his home brew in one hand the champagne of beers in the other. Nothing but class.
 Aunt Susan with a sleeping Maryn
Laura took Izzy & 4 others to see HOP at the theaters while the rest of us hung out in the sun. Grandpa Bob got some serious snuggling in with Laney & Maryn:

Hope everyone has had a great Easter weekend!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Egg hunt, Vera sale & Bouncing birthday party...

We left town on Thursday after work heading north to the Fort. Laura and I wanted to hit up the annual Vera Br.adley outlet sale. Didn't take pictures this year; however, the crowds were more tame and the inventory was larger & deeper than last year. Got a lot of my xmas shopping done and we had a great time shopping.

After dinner out the grandparents hosted a little Easter egg hunt around the house for the girls (even though we'll be back next weekend they wanted a special hunt just for them - so sweet!).
 The girls were checking out their loot; Izzy would open the plastic eggs, dump the candy in her bucket, then place the empty egg into Laney's bucket. It was hilarious to watch unfold. Laney had no idea she was being robbed of her candy.
 Saturday morning we packed up early to head back to Indy for this:
 And we originally were going to go to Oscar's birthday party on Saturday; however, they delayed the party until Sunday due to cold and wet weather. Mike and I spent the entire afternoon and evening in the basement cleaning it out (the storage side). We made 3 piles: keep, toss, garage sale. My neighbor and I are looking to have a garage sale in the upcoming month or two and mama's ready to unload a LOT of kid toys and office supplies (both Mike and I used to work out of our house, so you can only imagine the fax machines, binder clips, et al we have waiting to get rid of). Feels GOOD to be so organized!

The girls couldn't wait to wake up this morning and go to Oscar's 5th birthday party. They did lots of this:

 And a little of this:

And when Izzy told Megan goodbye, she told her "This was the best day ever!" Every host should hear those words at the end of a party. And it was true, we all had a great time. We got to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, eat delicious food and bounce until it was naptime. Was a nice, long weekend. Now, back to the grind :)