Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busy bees...

It's been a busy few days in our house to say the least. Friday was the girls' last day at school; they're spending 15 weeks at home with a summer nanny. While they were enjoying their last day at GS, I was running around town gathering last minute bedding for Laney's new big girl bed (can you stand it?!?! She's 20 months and the SAME age that Izzy was when we moved her into a big girl bed!), painting Mike's old twin head/foot boards for said room, and preparing the house for the nanny to start. Phew. My last Friday sans kids until September. Had to take full advantage. Ok, maybe I also caught up on some DVR as well. Maybe.
 The girls got these matching princess jammers from Grandpa Tom & Grandma Anna at xmas but it's just now warm enough to wear them...and they love them. LOVE.
 They also love each other. I suppose it's a love/hate relationship. Such is life with a sibling. Love you Kim, but we had our moments growing up. Just sayin.
 Saturday morning we went to our normal ballet class. Izzy's recital is in a few weeks so they have been working hard on their routines. Too cute.
 And when Izzy decides to show some defiance and not participate, the show goes on without her. Love the teacher's approach with her...
 I then met my Funster girls for a road trip to Cincy to visit Brandi and her new baby.
 Maggie holding Ava
 Beautiful brown eyes
 It had been a long time since I'd held a newborn!
 Brandi's house was incredible and I couldn't stop taking advantage of all the enormous mirrors
 And Brian's man cave didn't disappoint
 Look'll see me...and a Sink The Bi.z bucket!
 Molly holding Ava
 And then we made a trip to IKEA. Was so much fun. Quick trip...but great girl time. Looking forward to our next Funster event in June!
 Saturday night Mike and I went out to celebrate our 7 year anniversary and then today our big project was to get this little girl into a big girl bed...
 We took apart the crib and moved the glider out as well. The girls were SO stinkin' excited to get Laney's new bed into the room. We played and danced in there for a long time once it was complete.
As I'm writing this Laney Bug has cried on and off a few times. Here's to hoping she sleeps through the night!