Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

It's been a busy weekend at our house. We're tired from a lot of activity...
 Mike's dad & step mom came down Friday in preparation to watch the girls while we ran the annual half marathon. After the girls had a busy morning out with their grandparents we all took long naps. The weather was beautiful and we spent the rest of the day outside. Laura took the kids for wagon rides...

 Bob took the girls for truck rides...
 I experimented ways to get both girls to share one bike...

 And the whole family helped disperse our 6 yards of mulch

This morning we had special visitors, our nanny Elissa & Tyler!!! We hadn't seen them since August and it was very special to spend a few hours with them. Izzy asks about Elissa every week, and was thrilled to have her back in her house for some quality playtime. Mike cooked up a delicious (and huge) Mother's Day brunch. We sent Elissa home with some toys and a few strollers that she'll be in need of, as she's pregnant!! We are so happy for her and honored she was willing to share part of her Mother's Day with us.
Happy Mother's Day to all our moms, we love you!