Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mini Marathon 2011

This was my 10th year involved in the I.ndianapolis M.ini M.arathon (but really one year Jaime wore my tag for me so I could be seeded the next year, but I'm going to chalk it up to a round 10 years). Been training for 12 weeks. My longest run was 12 miles. My goal was sub 2:00 hours, as last year I finished just shy of 1:55. I have NO idea how I ran so fast last year (fast for me at least) because this year I trained almost the same way and finished in 2:00. And it hurt. I remember it hurting last year, but I feel like this hurt more...and I ran 5 minutes slower. Boo. The good news is that I was able to run this race with my bestie Jaime for the first time since a half marathon in November of 2008. I could only stay with her until mile 10 and I had to let her go. She did amazing and gained a PR for herself.
 Before the race (the guys we run with every week for Back On My Feet get Jaime and I confused all the time...why do you think that's so?!?!?)
After the race

The weather was a perfect 60 degrees at the start. Around mile 6 (on the track) I could feel the temperature dropping and the clouds rolling in. The rain held off until I finished. Then a downpour ensued. Then blue skies and SUN. Was perfect for some post race drinks in the beer garden. Mikey finished in 1:41 and is paying for it today! Glad this is over because now the FUN begins...our 200 mile relay is in 5 weeks from Madison to Chicago and I cannot WAIT for a fun girls' weekend away!!!