Sunday, June 5, 2011

Man Olympics 2011

This weekend was the 2nd annual Luk.emia & L.ymphoma (local) charity event: Man Olympics. A very fun couple put this on in their own backyard (several acres!) and we had a blast with all the events! Started off with an obstacle course complete with a wall climb and balance beam, then moved on to a slime toss (think steal the bacon with slime), tug-of-war, dodge ball, trike races and sling-shot a water balloon to a human target. Oh man, was it ever fun. And I'm pretty sure we invited everyone we if you said no this year (you know who you are - pretty much everyone!) you'll be sure to clear your calendar for next year's event. You have to see this to believe it! 
 Sweep the leg Johnny! I mean, Jeremy!
 Jaime on part of the obstacle course (where people were throwing water balloons at you!)
 Team "Blood, Sweat & Beers"
 Jaime kicking some butt in dodgeball
 Trike race
 Slinging water balloons to our opponents on the other side. This proved to be brutal. Glad I wasn't the target!
So much fun and I'm already looking forward to next year's event!

Welcome June!

 We are so happy summer is finally here (and boy is it here...90+ degree weather, thank you very little for that transition!). With the summer comes planting. And watering. And all things outdoor. Dinner on the porch, lunch on the play set. Walks on the Main Street boardwalk to Coo.l Creek (thanks Jill!). Love it and looking forward to many more weekends like this!
 The girls "helping" daddy water the plants.
 These girls have been at the pool every day since it opened and are old pros at the pool routine. Play. Eat. Play. Lazy river. And so forth. Minimal tan lines (score!) and maximum fun (and only a few band aids, or ban-banes as Izzy calls them).
 Daddy joined us after a workout inside
 Matching sister swimsuits (thanks Tynans!)
 Finding new ways to play with the water fountains
 Laney can't get enough of the slide. Up and down, up and down.
 We had ballet pictures tonight and the only way I could rouse Izzy from her nap was to tell her we could put make-up on. But let me just tell you I felt like we were on an episode of Tod.dlers & T.iaras because some of these little girls had more make-up on that I have ever donned and even false eyelashes! We moms-of-three-year-olds were laughing so hard it hurt. I promise you that will NOT be me. And if I ever border that, you have full rights to intervene. Please.
Dance recital in t-minus 13 days. It'll be a day she'll never forget...I mean, who doesn't still have a picture from their first dance recital? This will be one for the record books. Or blog. Same diff, right?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

We had a long 4 day weekend at home and I'm not wanting it to end. Seriously. I have been having the best time with the girls and Mike that I just don't want to go back to work tomorrow. Fortunately it's a short work-week and we have fun plans next weekend to look forward to. But I find myself watching the girls dance and sing and even scream and not wanting this to end. Just basking in this right this post has to be a quick one!
We hosted the annual bbq at our house (we try to rotate houses each year between all the families that we go to the race with). Weather was iffy and Jaime capture our bigs playing in the rain.
While I captured her smooching on her little.
Love these girls!
We woke up earrrrly on Sunday to head out to Spe.edway high school for 4 hours of tailgating. I hadn't been to the race since I was prego with Iz, so I was somewhat out of practice (but believe me, I managed). Mike's cousin Steve (basically our brother) and his girlfriend Amanda came in for the weekend. We LOVE having them here (and so do our girls!!!).
This was the best people-watching we witnessed. Not really sure what we were looking at, but this guy meant business. Btw, it was about 80 degrees and he was rockin' hiking boots, boxing gloves, full beard and old school headphones. Whatever it takes dude...rock on.
This is how I spell trouble: Mike, Michael, Ricky and Jason. So fun.
Mike & Becki
Jason & Sandi
Was a fun (and long) day!
We said goodbye to Uncle Steve & Aunt Amanda (check out Izzy adoring it!) this morning. Then went for a quick family run and were off to the pool:
The pool was jam packed today and I'll be looking forward to the days we go and it's calm and quiet. We were able to go down the slide many-a-times, go around the lazy river twice and do lots of jumping into the big-kid pool from the side. We're getting into the groove of the summer...and I love it! Swimsuits drying on the back deck and little girls waking up from their naps smelling like SPF, here we come!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Girls Weekend at Lake Tippy...

Saturday a few girlfriends and I packed up and headed north to Lake Tippy for some R&R. We knew we were only going to be up there for 24 hours so we packed food, crafts and drinks and got down to business: girl time! A special thank you to Nancy & Big Joe for allowing us to have such a special weekend away. FYI...if anyone is looking for a summer rental, you should definitely look into Buttercup on Lake Tippy. Sleeps more than 10 people and is the perfect getaway!
Me, Allyson, Lori, Jaime & Katie
We spent hours crafting, as the weather didn't permit us to be outside (rain) but we had every window open and enjoyed the breeze and 80 degree temps.
Katie made delicious salmon for dinner
We made a little craft for the cottage
All of our final projects (the "Oh Shit" is for Lori's guest fun!)
And wouldn't you know it the weather was beautiful when we woke up on Sunday morning. Perfect timing for our departure.

Laney found the chocolate flavored chappy. Whoops.
Daddy & his girls

Tonight Mike and the girls planted the garden: grape, cherry & roma tomatoes, red & yellow peppers and jalepenos. Yum. We also planted a few Mar.igolds...every year, in honor of my Nana.

Next weekend is a 4 day weekend full of car racing, family, friends and the pool opens. The kick-off to our summer begins!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

McCulloch Family Photos

A few weekends ago we made a quick trip up to the Fort to take some family pictures to celebrate Bob & Laura's 10 year anniversary (several months late). Just wanted to share a few of these...

All photos are from John Burkett (

Also wanted to say that I love all my readers. I love sharing our lives with friends, family and strangers. But please remember, reading my blog is a choice...if you don't want to share in our daily joy & laughter, you don't have to read.


Busy bees...

It's been a busy few days in our house to say the least. Friday was the girls' last day at school; they're spending 15 weeks at home with a summer nanny. While they were enjoying their last day at GS, I was running around town gathering last minute bedding for Laney's new big girl bed (can you stand it?!?! She's 20 months and the SAME age that Izzy was when we moved her into a big girl bed!), painting Mike's old twin head/foot boards for said room, and preparing the house for the nanny to start. Phew. My last Friday sans kids until September. Had to take full advantage. Ok, maybe I also caught up on some DVR as well. Maybe.
 The girls got these matching princess jammers from Grandpa Tom & Grandma Anna at xmas but it's just now warm enough to wear them...and they love them. LOVE.
 They also love each other. I suppose it's a love/hate relationship. Such is life with a sibling. Love you Kim, but we had our moments growing up. Just sayin.
 Saturday morning we went to our normal ballet class. Izzy's recital is in a few weeks so they have been working hard on their routines. Too cute.
 And when Izzy decides to show some defiance and not participate, the show goes on without her. Love the teacher's approach with her...
 I then met my Funster girls for a road trip to Cincy to visit Brandi and her new baby.
 Maggie holding Ava
 Beautiful brown eyes
 It had been a long time since I'd held a newborn!
 Brandi's house was incredible and I couldn't stop taking advantage of all the enormous mirrors
 And Brian's man cave didn't disappoint
 Look'll see me...and a Sink The Bi.z bucket!
 Molly holding Ava
 And then we made a trip to IKEA. Was so much fun. Quick trip...but great girl time. Looking forward to our next Funster event in June!
 Saturday night Mike and I went out to celebrate our 7 year anniversary and then today our big project was to get this little girl into a big girl bed...
 We took apart the crib and moved the glider out as well. The girls were SO stinkin' excited to get Laney's new bed into the room. We played and danced in there for a long time once it was complete.
As I'm writing this Laney Bug has cried on and off a few times. Here's to hoping she sleeps through the night!