Sunday, August 2, 2009

Family of 3...for only 4 more weeks

This morning we met our good friend, Molly, at the Indianapolis Museum of Art to take some family pics. The weather was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky; however, 100% sunshine does not make a happy photographer. We are very pleased with the pics, even though we're squinting in many. I just really wanted to capture our family of 3 before we become a family of 4 short weeks! Thank you, Molly, for forever capturing our family (and for your patience when Iz was melting). If you'd like to see all 90 on our link on the right "McCulloch Family Pictures." And be sure to visit Molly's website: or her blog is on the right, as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Funsters & Family & Friends, OH MY!

Saturday night was another Funster night for us...this time at Conner Prairie's Symphony on the Prairie, featuring music from Billy Joel's "Movin' Out" Broadway production. Mike and I had never been before and LOVED the entire experience. The weather was beautiful, the food was yummy, the friends were FUN and the music was amazing. So. Much. Fun.
All 4 Funster couples: McCullochs, Allens, Chavers and the Bowdens.

The hosts: Adam & Molly

Brian & Brandi


Saturday afternoon Mike's dad and step mom came down to spend time with Izzy and then to go to the Saturday night race: the Kroger 200. Sunday morning we woke up and went out to a delicious breakfast at Bub's Cafe and then the girls started a sewing project for Izzy's room (window valence). Izzy jumped right in to help. So cute.

Big helper

Hanging with daddy and grandpa
Sunday afternoon we headed to the pool, per our usual weekend routine. I just thought this picture was too cute NOT to post. These two really are best buds.

And Sunday evening Jaime dropped Luke off while she and Jeremy had evening plans (they took Iz while we were at the Symphony, so we did a switcharoo this weekend). I love that these two are so close. The literally scream while they are together, just so giddy to hang out.
Cheeky bums

Brush-a Brush-a Brush-a
Hanging out after bath time
A goodnight kiss

And a piggy back ride from daddy/Uncle Mike once jammers are on.

Such a wonderful weekend.

Had my 35 week appt. last week and the OB told me that on your 2nd pregnancy (and all subsequent) if I go into labor after 34 weeks, they do nothing to stop the labor. What!?! That means I could have a baby ANY DAY NOW?!? Yikes. Good thing FINALLY have a nanny! Super excited about her becoming an extended member of our family come September.

And p.s. - Izzy fell out of her bed last week. And stayed sleeping. Until we went in to get her...then she started crying (most likely b/c she was woken up in the middle of the night and was on the floor!). She fell out of the foot of the bed, of course where the bed rail is not. We now put her pillows at the foot of the bed. Problem solved. Phew.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pigtails by daddy...

Every morning I call Mike to ask when Izzy woke up, her mood, what she was dressed in for school, etc. Most mornings I have already laid out clothes for the day...and on the mornings when I don't Mike - will tell me he dressed her "Punky Brewster" style. Always fun to come home to see what she's wearing on those days (usually something a little more tomboy-ish, but cute). This morning Mike surprised me by telling me he put pigtails in her hair. I dug deeper (as they could have been placed anywhere on her head!): were they using all the hair on her head or just 1/2 of her hair? were they on top of her head or on the sides? would she still be able to nap ok? I only asked these questions b/c he'd never put TWO piggies in her hair before. I immediately emailed Jaime to ask her if she'd seen them at drop-off that morning. She hadn't. I had to have blind faith that they were presentable. Which they were. I'm so proud of my we just have to teach him how to put all the hair in the piggies and to use a comb to make the part. Baby steps :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Unseasonably cold weekend...

This weekend held all-time low temperatures in night it was in the 50's and during the days it was in the 60's. Was nice for a growing pregnant woman, but not so fun when all we want to do is be at the pool :( Instead, we found alternative activities to pass the weekend away. We ventured out to the Hamilton County 4H Fair (bet you didn't know we had one!?!?!). We met the Morses there and experienced a lot of firsts:
Izzy liked the new baby chicks
And we saw hundreds of prize bunnies and roosters (and goats, pigs, llamas, etc.)

Izzy ate her first corn dog (and funnel cake!)


And Izzy pet her first horse

We also visited the Falciones and their new baby, Christopher. At first, Izzy was semi-interested; pointing to his eyes and nose and mouth, then extending her arms in attempt to either hug or hold the baby. After that, she was not interested in him at all...instead, she showed off all her new tricks in front of a new audience. Katie is recovering well and Ricky is in full daddy mode. They make wonderful parents already!

This afternoon we were supposed to go down to the Indianapolis Museum of Arts (IMA) for some family photos with Molly; however, the weather did not cooperate and we turned the car around for home. I thought Izzy looked too precious NOT to snap a picture of her...
And one of her and daddy...

We are pleased to report that Izzy has slept two days in her big girl bed with no problems. She wakes up and starts reading her books that are on her night stand until one of us comes to get her. She's 100% moved in (clothes, toys, et al) and the old nursery is slowly being converted back into a newborn-ready room. Strange to have to pull out the Boppy, move the mattress back up to the highest level, find all my pumping gear, dig out the newborn clothes and find the sleep positioner & swaddle blankets. Visiting Katie at the hospital and at home made it very real that we will be bringing home a newborn in 6 short weeks. Yikes!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Who's the big girl?

After a week preparing Izzy for her big transition, we have success! Slowly, we have been moving her books, her stuffed animals and tonight her night light & cozies (read: frogger dogger, her blankie and her baby doll). We read lots of books to get her good and tired and I left her the way I'd normally leave her in her crib: flat on her back with her cozies in each arm with a blanket over her. She gave me big eyes like she was saying, "Mommy, why are you leaving me here?!" I went down for dinner and waiting to hear something on the monitor or overhead. And waited. And waited. Nothing. An hour later I went in to check on her and the picture above is what I saw. Peace. I can't believe what a big girl she has become! Her teachers at school are telling us that Izzy shows her "baby" to everyone at school (her belly). Guess she's getting ready for her little sister's arrival in a short 6 weeks. So stinkin' cute!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bathing buddies

Monday night Mike and I wanted to visit our friends, the Falciones, at the hospital. They had a perfect little boy on Sunday night and we couldn't wait to get our hands on the newborn. So what's a girl to do who has zero family in town? Call her bestie and have her pick up Izzalicious from school, since her son is in Izzy's class. I was secretly envious of Jaime that she got to pick up two of the cutest kids and drive home with them for a night of dinner, playing and tub time. Fortunately, Jaim is a GREAT story teller and remembers ALL details for she gave me a great play-by-play of the fun playdate they had. The picture above just makes me melt...Izzy looks at Luke like this all the time. She just adores him.
I'm so thankful that we have such great friends right around the block...they are our family.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend of preparations...

We had a three-day weekend (thank you for summer hours!) filled with LOTS of fun times and lots of preparing for the next few months. Friday Izzy and I spent the morning on a long walk and then at the pool (such a different crowd from the normal weekenders... stay-at-home-moms and nannies galore) while Mike stayed home to begin painting Izzy's "big girl" room. That night (and Saturday night) we painted Izzy's headboard, dresser and mirror.

Saturday it rained pretty much the entire day, so we got creative; we spent a few hours at the library for song/story time, we had manicures and pedicures, we ran many errands to get items for Izzy's new room and watched movies.

And thankfully today was a gorgeous day, so we again spent it at the pool and in the backyard in our own mini pool. Today we also had a 2nd interview with a nanny so she could have a playdate with Izzy. Turns out Iz loves her and so do we. We have offered her a job and are waiting to hear her final decision (she has another family she is waiting to hear from). Stay tuned to find out if she will be the latest addition to our family.
Izzy helping daddy cut fruit (you can also see our new backsplash, sink and faucet)
Such a big girl...she wants to be a part of everything we do

Here is a picture of Izzy's big girl bedroom. We've just finished the paint on the walls and the furniture. Now we have to get the finishing touches: Mount the headboard, install window treatment, hang mirror and wall decor, figure out how to attach the guard rail and move all of Izzy's things into the room. We spent a lot of time in her room today to get her acclimated and she seems to be taking to the bed quite well; she climbs up, crawls to the pillows, lays down, stands up and jumps and then climbs down. We're hoping to transition her in the next few days, as we'd like her to have the most time to adjust before baby Mac #2 arrives. (Which, p.s., we still haven't decided on a name yet!!!)

Here's a picture of Katie Monster sleeping in Izzy's chair. This chair will eventually make its way up to Izzy's room - to the foot of her bed. We're hoping she'll use this to climb up into her bed and a way to safeguard her if she (by chance) falls out near the foot of her bed.

Speaking of Katie...our friends, Katie & Rick, are in the hospital as we speak laboring their first baby. Katie was due last Monday (6 days ago) and was going to be induced tomorrow. Fortunately, Katie called me last night telling me she'd started laboring on her own. Phew! We're so excited for them and can't wait to meet their little man soon!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekend with the McCullochs

Daddy and Izzy at dinner
Izzy's big cheese
Izzy loves to play the piano
Playing in the backyard
Iz, Mike and Grandpa Bob
Great Grandma Betty & Grandma Laura
Cousin Laura (who surprised me with news she is expecting!!!)
After a few days with friends on Lake Tippy, we ventured into Fort Wayne for a weekend with Mike's dad. Mike's family always gets together at the lake each 4th of July weekend and this weekend didn't disappoint (minus the lack of sun). It was so much fun to see Mike's aunt and uncles, cousins and grandma, as we won't be able to see them later in the summer at the annual McCulloch Open in Wisconsin (as we'll have a new bambino). We ate a delicious (fresh) fish fry, played cornhole and dominos and caught up on life. Was a perfect relaxing weekend!
After we got back into Indy this afternoon, Izzy and I decided to head to the pool and enjoy the beautiful weather. Mike was home putting in a new sump he missed out on a non-packed pool!
Also, Mike and I have both noticed after a week of spending time with other kids (bigger than her) that her vocabulary has increased 10 fold. Seems she has turned into a 3 year old overnight. Painted nails. Sunglasses. Telling us when she's gone potty so we can go sit on the potty. It's truly incredible to watch. We're so in love with her!!! More today than yesterday. Amazing how much love can keep growing! So exciting that we get to do this AGAIN very soon!