Friday, May 28, 2010

Delaney is 9 months old!!!

This little girl is 9 months old and is movin' and shakin' all over the place! Delaney is a super crawler, climber, cruiser and talker. She is on the verge of walking on her own, which completely surprises us, as Izzy didn't walk until she was 15 months old! She has also weaned herself from all bottles. The pediatrician said this is common once babies start on solids and are feeding themselves. Let's just say that Delaney has been eating table food for almost a month...she is so over wanting a bottle. She's proven to have quite the personality already by choosing to be so independent. Wonder where she gets that from?
At the pediatrician
Delaney's 9 month stats: weight 17 lbs 1 ounce (50%), height 27 1/4 inches (25-50%), head 45 cm (50-75%). The doctor is beyond thrilled with her growth and development and couldn't believe she was crawling, climbing and pulling up on everything in the room. She also was able to witness Delaney feed herself with both hands (puff in one hand and pear in the other); Laney doesn't mess around when it comes to eating...double fisted all the way!
Izzy brought her doctor kit with us so she could play along!
What's so fun about keeping this blog as my journal is that I can look back at what Izzy was doing at the same point in her infant years:
Height 28 1/4 inches long - 50-75% percentile
Head 44 1/2 cm round - 50-75% percentile
Weight 19 lb 2 oz big - 50-75% percentile
Seems as if Laney Bug is shorter, weighs less and has a BIGGER head (who knew?!) than Izzy did at 9 months. However, Izzy was only ROLLING at this age, whereas Laney is near walking. Amazing the differences in siblings!


Sue said...

I agree about the differences, but mine seem to be reverse of yours! Carter was crawling at 7 months and Callen just started this week! Seems crazy! Happy race weekend to ya! (which seems so weird down here because we hear NOTHING about it! I almost forgot until someone said he was going to Indy for the race!)