Sunday, November 29, 2009

Minus One...

As mentioned last week, Izzy went to stay with her Grandpa Bob & Grandma Laura for a few nights (Sunday-Thursday), which left us home alone with Delaney! The house was VERY quiet. Well, at least in the evenings it was quiet. Mike battled our very stubborn Laney girl to take a bottle. Monday she went 11 hours without eating. Tuesday she gave in and took two bottles from Mike. Wednesday, she held out again. Thank goodness Thursday was a holiday! And then Friday Mike had both girls at home and was begging me to come home (to feed Delaney...and most likely to relieve him!). We have one strong-willed little girl on our hands. Wonder where she gets that from?!? Anyway, we sure did enjoy having one-on-one time with Delaney last week. Here are a few pictures of her super-smiles!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Funsters at Mardi Gra

Last night was our final Funster event of the year and it did not disappoint! Mike's dad came in town to watch the girls so we could enjoy a night out. This event was planned by the Bowdens and they kept it a secret until we got to our destination: Zydeco's in Mooresville. This is a cajun restaurant that has all Mardi Gra decor - a place like nothing we have in Indy. We enjoyed a pitcher of a drink called Hurricanes, Mardi Gra beads around our necks, Jumbalaya, crawfish, ettouffe and many other creole dishes. The food was delicious and we all laughed so much...was such a special evening with special friends. Here's to another great Funster year in 2010!

Molly, Adam, Mike, Kelly, Clay & Maggie (we missed the Allens that couldn't make it from Cincy)

Swimming and such...

Since this weekend was my last official weekend of maternity leave, I wanted to do something different and special with Izzy. We have had a beautiful weekend here in Indy, but I wanted to do more than the typical park/playground outing. So we headed to the Monon Center to swim!!! The indoor water park is kept VERY warm and so is the water...Izzy immediately loved it and ran right into the water (she has no fear and was walking until the water reached her chin!). Delaney hung out in the front carrier with me while we watched Izzy go down the slide and play.

Our social butterfly, she had to wave hi to all the kids and lifeguards right away. Giving a shout out to her peeps.

At the top of the slide...

Cheering for herself at the bottom of the slide

Playing in the water
Delaney fell fast asleep, as the heat of the park and all the white noise put her in a deep slumber.

This was too cute...while Izzy and I ate lunch, Mike swam laps (he's gearing up for a University of Evansville Swim Team Reunion in a few weeks). Izzy was so infatuated with watching him, calling for him every time he swam away and waving to him every time he came back. She was his biggest cheerleader and even wanted to get in the lap lane with him. Ah-dorable.

This is a picture of our (now nearly empty) freezer. I have been working hard the last few weeks to get approved to donate all my frozen milk from when I was on dairy. Couldn't feed it to Delaney (read: COLIC fit if I ingest dairy) and I didn't want to throw it all away. It was 6 weeks' worth of supply. After an intense physical background check, OB & Pediatrician approval and blood work, I was given the go-ahead to make my donation. My donation was over 150 ounces of milk, which I am told is the quantity ONE hospital orders each week. Milk banks help preemies weighing under 2.2 pounds and mothers who have had double mastectomies to feed their babies. Makes me feel good that I will be helping families in a small way. And that we have our freezer back to storing regular food items :)
This is a picture of Izzy mimicking mommy: she is tucking in her lovies for bed. She is very into swaddling and caring for her babies like I do for Delaney. Too cute.
This is what it looks like when we chat with my mom on the web cam. Mom reads books to Izzy (shown above) or Izzy will show my mom her toys or play dress-up with her. Too cute.

Mike and I might be web-cam-ing with Izzy this week, as we just waved goodbye to her: Izzy is spending 3 nights with Mike's dad until we head up for Thanksgiving. I will admit that I shed a few tears as she pulled out of the driveway. I am going back to work tomorrow and our nanny doesn't start until next week. Mike will be at home alone with Delaney while I'm at work (starting a new job - I got a promotion while on maternity leave!). Will be a big transition week for us, so please keep us in your thoughts!

Fall Feast & Visitors...

This last week was my final week at home on maternity leave...and it was filled with lots of fun activities! The girls and I hit up our weekly library "Shake, Rattle & Read," we my dad in town for a few days, Mike's dad in town for a few days, and a few other fun activities. Was jam-packed with family time and it made my last week home very bitter-sweet. I spent lots of time cuddling the girls and holding them, not wanting the time to end. are a few pics:
Delaney is very strong, she always wants to be sitting up. If we put her on her back or in her car seat, she lifts her head up and tries to sit up. Much stronger than Izzy was at this age...maybe because her head isn't nearly as big :)

Playing with Grandpa Tom

On our way into the Cool Creek Nature Center

Izzy loved the turtles (you can see one in the background)

On the lookout for birds


Thursday was Izzy's pre-school Fall Feast where we celebrated the holiday with songs, dancing and lots of food. Was fun to see her in her glory!

Playing in the gym

Showing daddy how it's done

Grandma Anna & Delaney

Grandpa Tom with the girls

Grandpa reading to Izzy before bedtime. They brought her a Dora coloring book and Izzy wanted my dad to read it to her. Poor dad, he read the ENTIRE coloring book to Iz. Ha!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


This last week has brought several changes in our house:
Laney Bug smiles and coos at us more than ever, as we've figured out her routine and my diet.
She's a HAPPY baby...who knew?!
Izzy is actually enjoying being WITH Delaney instead of just saying hi and kissing her all day.
This little girl got 3 inches cut off her hair from an amazing hair stylist named mommy.
Izzy actually shows Delaney how her toys work and even helps her accessorize.
Some intense potty training is going on in our house. Doesn't Mike look thrilled?!
And I got 5 inches cut off (from the back) of my hair. I figure I'm going back to work in another week, why not get a fresh cut, too?!
I took pics for JZF and to remember how much I love this cut!
Feels great not to have all that hair on my shoulders.
I told you we had a lot of changes going on around here!
**Oh yeah, and Delaney slept 11 hours UNINTERRUPTED last night!!! Fluke? Who cares! We slept!!!**

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend with cousin Steve

This past weekend we had a visit from Mike's cousin Steve and his new (to us) girlfriend Amanda. It was wonderful to finally meet Amanda and so nice to have Steve here for a visit. It had been quite a while since we'd seen them last (cousin Laura's wedding last Fall or Christmas?). Steve is really more like a brother to both of us than a cousin, so it was very comfortable to have him in the house with a 10 week old, colicky baby. They arrived Friday night and Izzy just had to stay up to see them! We stayed up VERY late Friday catching up and drinking. Was so much fun. Saturday we took a long walk in a new (to us) park that was so neat: on the river and through some very tall wild grass...and this park is just 2 minutes from our house! We loved discovering this new place and can see ourselves spending lots more time there. I'm sorry to say I forgot our camera, as we were too busy trying to get 4 adults and two kids (and strollers, diaper bag, et al) into our car. The adults and kids enjoyed the park so much, I don't want to tell anyone about it in fear that it becomes inundated like the Monon Trail is :) Selfish, yes.
Saturday night we shipped the girls off to Aunt GiGi's house (thank you SO much Jaime for taking our colicky baby off our hands for a few hours!!!) and enjoyed our very favorite sushi at Sakura. YUM. We enjoyed adult beverages and simply being out withOUT kids. Was such a treat. Jaime and I rely a lot on each other in times like this, as neither of us have family in town. We are each others' extended family. Anyway, we had a great time and are looking forward to seeing them at the holidays and then for the Mini Marathon in May!
Happy to be out sans bambinos!
Izzy REALLY took to Steve - and he basked in it...playing non-stop with her and reading to her. L.O.V.E. He is going to make an amazing father one day.
And here's a quick picture of our Laney bug. She had a rough weekend. Partially my fault. With the visitors in town I splurged and added dairy back into my diet. Bad move. Delaney was colicky from 2pm on Saturday until 10pm that night. It was awful. Guess I learned my lesson! She is now feeling MUCH better now that dairy is out of my diet again and is an entirely new baby again. Sleeps well. Eats well. I think we'll keep her around.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween day was a FUN one at our house. We did lots of practicing what we do when we get up to the door (knock, knock) and then how to say Trick or Treat and thank you. It paid off, as Izzy's treat basket was FULL by the end of the night!
Mike and the pumpkin, Delaney
Izzy the Tinkerbell and Luke the Cowboy
Delaney was watching everyone get dressed and ready to head out
This was the first house and the kids did wonderfully! Izzy was trying to start conversation with the family that opened the door, who were dying of laughter trying to decipher what she was saying to them. We had to tell her you just get the candy, say thank you and walk away...such the social butterfly she is.
So proud they accomplished their task
Walking in the COOOOOLD evening
Sometimes they got pulled along to the next house
Jaime and I were FREEZING. So we all called it a night and went home for a delicious pulled pork dinner with homemade mac-n-cheese and cole slaw. The kids stayed up until 9 - playing, wrestling and giggling. Was WAY past their bedtimes, but it is so stinking cute to watch them play! We had a great Halloween and are trying our best to hide the candy from Izzy (and ourselves!). Here's to a relaxing Sunday at home...