Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fall Feast & Visitors...

This last week was my final week at home on maternity leave...and it was filled with lots of fun activities! The girls and I hit up our weekly library "Shake, Rattle & Read," we my dad in town for a few days, Mike's dad in town for a few days, and a few other fun activities. Was jam-packed with family time and it made my last week home very bitter-sweet. I spent lots of time cuddling the girls and holding them, not wanting the time to end. are a few pics:
Delaney is very strong, she always wants to be sitting up. If we put her on her back or in her car seat, she lifts her head up and tries to sit up. Much stronger than Izzy was at this age...maybe because her head isn't nearly as big :)

Playing with Grandpa Tom

On our way into the Cool Creek Nature Center

Izzy loved the turtles (you can see one in the background)

On the lookout for birds


Thursday was Izzy's pre-school Fall Feast where we celebrated the holiday with songs, dancing and lots of food. Was fun to see her in her glory!

Playing in the gym

Showing daddy how it's done

Grandma Anna & Delaney

Grandpa Tom with the girls

Grandpa reading to Izzy before bedtime. They brought her a Dora coloring book and Izzy wanted my dad to read it to her. Poor dad, he read the ENTIRE coloring book to Iz. Ha!