Saturday, November 14, 2009


This last week has brought several changes in our house:
Laney Bug smiles and coos at us more than ever, as we've figured out her routine and my diet.
She's a HAPPY baby...who knew?!
Izzy is actually enjoying being WITH Delaney instead of just saying hi and kissing her all day.
This little girl got 3 inches cut off her hair from an amazing hair stylist named mommy.
Izzy actually shows Delaney how her toys work and even helps her accessorize.
Some intense potty training is going on in our house. Doesn't Mike look thrilled?!
And I got 5 inches cut off (from the back) of my hair. I figure I'm going back to work in another week, why not get a fresh cut, too?!
I took pics for JZF and to remember how much I love this cut!
Feels great not to have all that hair on my shoulders.
I told you we had a lot of changes going on around here!
**Oh yeah, and Delaney slept 11 hours UNINTERRUPTED last night!!! Fluke? Who cares! We slept!!!**


Sue said...

Hopefully not a fluke! Maybe it is just a new habit! Lots of fun stuff...your haircut is cute!

Unknown said...

Love the hair Kelly!