Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend with cousin Steve

This past weekend we had a visit from Mike's cousin Steve and his new (to us) girlfriend Amanda. It was wonderful to finally meet Amanda and so nice to have Steve here for a visit. It had been quite a while since we'd seen them last (cousin Laura's wedding last Fall or Christmas?). Steve is really more like a brother to both of us than a cousin, so it was very comfortable to have him in the house with a 10 week old, colicky baby. They arrived Friday night and Izzy just had to stay up to see them! We stayed up VERY late Friday catching up and drinking. Was so much fun. Saturday we took a long walk in a new (to us) park that was so neat: on the river and through some very tall wild grass...and this park is just 2 minutes from our house! We loved discovering this new place and can see ourselves spending lots more time there. I'm sorry to say I forgot our camera, as we were too busy trying to get 4 adults and two kids (and strollers, diaper bag, et al) into our car. The adults and kids enjoyed the park so much, I don't want to tell anyone about it in fear that it becomes inundated like the Monon Trail is :) Selfish, yes.
Saturday night we shipped the girls off to Aunt GiGi's house (thank you SO much Jaime for taking our colicky baby off our hands for a few hours!!!) and enjoyed our very favorite sushi at Sakura. YUM. We enjoyed adult beverages and simply being out withOUT kids. Was such a treat. Jaime and I rely a lot on each other in times like this, as neither of us have family in town. We are each others' extended family. Anyway, we had a great time and are looking forward to seeing them at the holidays and then for the Mini Marathon in May!
Happy to be out sans bambinos!
Izzy REALLY took to Steve - and he basked in it...playing non-stop with her and reading to her. L.O.V.E. He is going to make an amazing father one day.
And here's a quick picture of our Laney bug. She had a rough weekend. Partially my fault. With the visitors in town I splurged and added dairy back into my diet. Bad move. Delaney was colicky from 2pm on Saturday until 10pm that night. It was awful. Guess I learned my lesson! She is now feeling MUCH better now that dairy is out of my diet again and is an entirely new baby again. Sleeps well. Eats well. I think we'll keep her around.