Sunday, November 29, 2009

Minus One...

As mentioned last week, Izzy went to stay with her Grandpa Bob & Grandma Laura for a few nights (Sunday-Thursday), which left us home alone with Delaney! The house was VERY quiet. Well, at least in the evenings it was quiet. Mike battled our very stubborn Laney girl to take a bottle. Monday she went 11 hours without eating. Tuesday she gave in and took two bottles from Mike. Wednesday, she held out again. Thank goodness Thursday was a holiday! And then Friday Mike had both girls at home and was begging me to come home (to feed Delaney...and most likely to relieve him!). We have one strong-willed little girl on our hands. Wonder where she gets that from?!? Anyway, we sure did enjoy having one-on-one time with Delaney last week. Here are a few pictures of her super-smiles!