Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Isabelle Marian McCulloch has Arrived!!!

The new McCulloch Family...
The newborn Izzy...
Sister, Dad & myself...
Mom, Izzy & myself headed home...

We are proud to announce the arrival of Isabelle Marian McCulloch!

I labored at home on Friday for 6 hours, then again Saturday for 12 hours, starting at 4pm. By 4:30am, we headed to the hospital to learn that I had only dilated to 2.5cm! The contractions were so strong, they kept me there and gave me pain meds. After 1 hour of pain meds, Dr. Teter decided to break my water since I was due on Monday the 8th and was already there (thank heaven he didn’t send us home!). He broke my water at 7am and that only got me dilated to 3cm. With my water broken, it increased my already painful contractions to not-normal levels. I received my epidural at 9am. They started Pitocin at 10am (as my cervix was not changing). At Noon, I was dilated to 8cm and by 2pm I was pushing!!! After 2 practice pushes, we were ready to deliver! 2 more pushes brought Izzy into the world at 2:26pm!!!

Isabelle has a head full of dark blonde hair and blue eyes…she weighed in at 6lbs. 8 oz. and 20 ½ inches long (with BIG feet like her dad)!!!

All is well with both mom and dad…we made it home yesterday evening and are happy to say we have survived the first 24 hours! The dogs are a little freaked out…Baxter could care less and Katie is the overprotective older sister. Super cute.

We have added a link on the left of ALL the pics from the hospital and from going home. Feel free to check it out. There were just way too many pics to post on here...

Thanks for all the phone calls and the visitors…we are so fortunate to have such great friends!

Proud parents,
Kelly & Mike

Thursday, October 4, 2007

3:00a.m. Reflecting...

I am sitting at my computer at 3:00am unable to sleep. I was woken around midnight by a text message my husband received from our friends, Matt & Debbie Musgrave. They are at the hospital and the delivery of their baby is quickly approaching (they were due Oct. 1st). When I heard this news, there was no way I could fall back asleep. Not only is it hard to sleep in my 39th week of pregnancy (contractions and baby kicking), I was too excited for our friends and then couldn't stop thinking about when our labor would start...where would we be? how will it all unfold? will I have to be induced? My mind raced. Which led me to my computer (by way of the toilet first).

At this hour there is not much to read on the internet, as most news sites are not updated until the morning. I found myself browsing through friends' blogs (and their friends' blogs, etc.) until I got to reading one specific blog that tugged at my heartsrings: I read this from start to finish...and cannot stop the tears from flowing. The story of this family got me to thinking about my own.

Mike has been the best husband a girl could ask for. I met him amidst a very difficult time in my life and he was a blessing I had no idea was headed my way. He was and is everything I wanted in a man: funny, kind, generous, loving, patient and devoted. Given how easy he was for me to love, I never imagined we'd be thrown such a curveball so early on in our marriage.

As many of you know, Mike and I struggled to get pregnant for quite some time. Although we did conceive quickly after we married, that pregnancy ended in a very unfortunate miscarriage. It's still a topic I can't quite get through without crying. And then the two years following that led us to many, many tests and doctor visits and heartache in dealing with our infertility. Mike and I attemped artificial insemination four times, to no avail. We sat out several months, as this was a very emotionally trying and very confusing time in our lives. Then we attempted in vitro...with the first attempt unsuccessful and reluctantly tried for a second, and final, attempt. We were not going to go back for a 3rd was too painful and simply just too much to handle. Thank God we kept trying, as it has led us to a beautiful, healthy pregnancy.

The above mentioned blog got me to thinking...will our baby be healthy when we meet her in the upcoming week? Will she have all 10 fingers and 10 toes and be able to breath and thrive on her own? We will have to wait and see, as Mike and I opted NOT to endure any of the prenatal diagnostic testing offered to us. Being sad and let down for two years took its toll on us and we decided we wanted to celebrate the miracle we created instead of dwell on an illness we could not have any control over for those 40 weeks. We chose together that we wanted to spend my 40 weeks pregnant as happy, positive weeks that only the two of us could share and rejoice in. And that, we have. I find myself in Izzy's nursery just daydreaming about the family we are about to start and the journey that has led us here. Although I often times find myself complaining about my sore back, or lack of sleep, or overall discomfort...I truly am tickled and overjoyed every morning when I wake up and look down to discover, all over again, that I'm pregnant! It's a dream come true for me every morning.

Even as I sit here, Isabelle is kicking and squirming in my belly and my body is contracting to prepare for her impending labor. My body has done a remarkable feat: I made a human being. We had visions of her for many years, and now that vision is about to become a dream come true. I honestly didn't know if I would ever be pregnant...and here I am, still.

I know I am emotional right now, after reading that blog...but these last few weeks of waiting gets me to thinking about our journey and how long we waited for this moment to arrive. So when I find myself saying, "I'm ready," or "I can't make it a whole week past my due date!" - I have to keep reminding myself that we waited years for this miracle...and I can wait a few more days to meet her.

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise."


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Butler University's Annual Bulldog Beauty Contest

The McCulloch family...
Pat & Deanna Murphy..and Owen, too!
Mike walking Katie down the "dog walk"

Owen was such a good sport...

This morning our friends Deanna & Pat Murphy were brave enough to join Mike and our dogs at the annual Butler University Bulldog Beauty Contest. Baxter the Bully was dressed as a SPIDER, Katie Monster was dressed as a LADYBUG, and the great sport Owen dressed as a PUMPKIN.

This is a part of their Homecoming activities each year...and it keeps getting bigger every year! This year there were close to 60 dogs involved (both Bulldogs and "wannabe" Bulldogs). Categories included: Cutest, Meanest, Best Spirit, Best Wannabe, Best Dressed, and best of the rest. Unfortunately, we all walked away empty-handed...but we had lots of laughs!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Maternity Pics...

This morning our good friend Molly came over to take a few maternity pictures before I deliver. I just wanted a few pics to document my final weeks pregnant...and I think these turned out beautifully. These are just a few samples of the many she took! Thanks, Molly!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Nursery is Completed...

A view from the door...
Changing table with old window from our Broadripple house...this will eventually be filled with pictures of Izzy...
Nursing chair and frames that will soon be filled with more pics of Isabelle. The pic in the middle is of Kelly at 3 months...
Old dresser we painted to match the furniture and more frames that will be filled soon...
The crib and rug...

It's official...Isabelle's nursery is complete and ready for her to arrive! We absolutely love how it turned out and find ourselves spending time in there almost every day! The dogs know something is going we find them sniffing around and sometimes sleeping in the room as well. The only thing that is missing from these pictures is our new daughter...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

9 Months Prego...

32 weeks (8 months)
36 weeks (9 months)
Monday marks my 36th week of pregnancy...and I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by! It seems like just yesterday I was staring at my flat belly WISHING I would show.'s a different story! My belly continues to grow and I'm feeling that there is just no more room for Izzy to go. Sleeping has become very rare and even more uncomfortable than last month. I guess it's life's way of preparing me for the lack of sleep that is coming my way. 4 more weeks to go!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Prenatal Yoga...

Kelly in Bridge Pose...

A few pregnant friends and I have been spending our Saturday mornings at Lotus Heart Yoga in a prenatal yoga class. It was been WONDERFUL to stretch and learn breathing techniques to make uncomfortable positions comfortable...preparing us for labor and delivery. This morning our Yogi, Robbin, had me in a bridge pose (or my gymnastics coach would call it a back bend)! It felt amazing to get that stretching into my back that is feeling really cramped these days. Robbin had to take a pic with her iPhone to document that anything is possible...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day at the Lake...

Kelly, Katie & Bridget
Sam & Bridget
Rick & Katie
Mikey & Kelly
Rick & Katie Tubing...
Baxter the Bully enjoying the Sun...

This weekend we enjoyed some great sun at the lake with friends! Katie & Rick joined us at Mike's mom's lake house and then we visited the Tynans at Lake Tippy. We enjoyed boat rides, sun bathing, tubing and quality time with friends. Katie & Rick were celebrating their 3rd wedding anniversary, while Sam & Bridget were celebrating their 3rd pregnancy...lots to be thankful for!

I believe this is the last weekend at the lake for us for a while, as Izzy will be here soon & the weather will be changing soon!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hanging with Friends...

The whole gang in our backyard...
Brian & Holly
Sandi, Jason & Ben
Katie & Ricky
Kel & Mikey
Sunday evening we had friends over to BBQ and simply relax. Brian & Holly Diaz were in town from Michigan for the shower, Jason & Sandi Morse brought Ben over for some quality BOY time, and Katie & Rick made the long 1 mile trek over to our house for dinner. It was a beautfil evening without any humidity. Good food, good friends...could you ask for anything more?!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Indianapolis Shower...

The beautiful spread...
All my prego friends...
Meg, the hostess
Jaime, Molly & Kelly

Yesterday my great friend Megan Moosbrugger hosted a beautiful shower for all my girlfriends in Indianapolis! The food was delicious, the CAKE was amazing, the flowers were stunning and the company was perfect! Thanks for everyone who came...Isabelle received some great gifts! I will post more pictures as they come my way, so stay tuned!

It was a busy day, as we had some out-of-town guests at our place (we BBQed all evening) and I had another shower to attend after mine! Needless to say, I was exhausted by the end of the day...yet I STILL couldn't sleep (I'm uncomfortable in most all positions: standing, sitting, laying...).

6 weeks left as of today!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pre-Season Colts Game

Mikey & Kelly (& Izzy)
Zach & Courtney

Last night we were invited to join our friends Courtney & Zach at a pre-season Colts vs. Bears game. We sat in a suite and dined on free food and was so much fun! Can't wait until the real season begins!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Lake Shower...

An evening boat ride...
Feeling Izzy move...
Mike's mom, Cathy
My new monogrammed diaper bag!
A very special guest, Nancy Tynan
Perfect for Isabelle...a gift from Nancy Tynan!

This weekend Mike's mom hosted a shower for her girlfriends and mine! My best girlfriends Erin, Mary & Jenny from Chicago (whom I have known since grade school) made the trek to the lake. Although the weather was a bit gloomy, we still snuck in a long boat ride and some great girl time! Jenny & I enjoyed a little shopping on Saturday night. Then we all stayed up playing Dominos for hours (until Erin wasn't losing anymore)! We woke up to rain and a rescue mission to gather Erin and Ellie from their walk & out of the storm. Our step-sisters helped Cathy to put on a great shower filled with good food, games & prizes. Thanks to everyone who attended!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Shower Pics...

This was their first time seeing my BELLY!
Anna put together collages from old pics...
My sister, Kim, and niece, Taylor...
My three moms...

My step-mom just sent some more shower pics...and they were too cute NOT to post :)

Monday, August 13, 2007

8 Months Pregnant...

28 weeks (7 months)
32 weeks (8 months)
Today marks my 32nd week of pregnancy...which is 8 months. Just 8 more WEEKS until Isabelle is due to arrive. My mom accompanied me to my 32 week appointment to the OBGYN and was able to see Izzy on ultrasound, which was very special! She is measuring right on track and so am I. Still have more growing to do...and I don't know where it will all go!