Sunday, May 4, 2008

Indianapolis Zoo...

Ready to rock the zoo
Baby Elephant w/ daddy
Privacy please?
Monkey business
Still going strong
Zebra butts

Mike petting sharks

Just chillin

Tuckered out after a long day in the sun!

After our cousin Steve & Nikki left this morning, Mike had the great idea to head downtown to the Indianapolis Zoo! I was chomping at the bit to see the baby elephant...I had a sneek peek yesterday during the Mini Marathon (we run past the zoo and each year the elephants head to the top of their hill to get an up-close and personal view of the runners).

So we packed up and headed down...the weather was sunny and 65, perfect day to go to the zoo! We saw all of the animals (except the dolphin show) enjoying the spring weather. The giraffes even had spring fever (Mike made me take pics but I refused to post them - too graphic)! My favorite were the elephants & Mike loved the monkeys and seals. He even got to pet some small sharks. No thank you. Izzy was able to see most of the animals from her stroller. It seemed that she enjoyed watching the other kids more than the animals at time. Too cute.

We may have to head back in a few months when the koala exhibit opens!

Another 1/2 Marathon...

It's official...we have completed yet another Mini Marathon (13.1 miles)!!! This was Mike's 10th year running and Kelly's 7th. Mike's cousin, Steve Jennings, made the trip down from Wisconsin to run with us this year. He's a marathon runner, so this 1/2 marathon was a piece of cake for him. Our good friends, Katie & Rick, also joined us....which they have for the past 3 years.

Mike ran in 1:59, Steve in 1:56, Kelly in 2:09, Rick in 2:04 and Katie in 2:22. The surprising fact was that Katie was supposed to WALK the race and she ended up RUNNING the race. Hadn't trained to run it...and check out her time. Incredible.

I opted to run alone this year...something I haven't done in quite a while (last year I was pregnant and walked with Katie, the year before I ran with Sandi, and the year prior I walked with Becki). A very good friend of mine (Molly) made me 5 hours of a music medley on her iPod for me to run to. The music made the time go faster and helped me pick up the pace (I sprinted across the finish line to BIG PIMPIN'). I stopped once to potty on the race track and a few times at water stations. And I was just diagnosed with a SINUS INFECTION that I've been battling for 5 that made my run that much harder. My goal was to break 2 hours...but it looks like I'll have to train harder next year!

After crossing the finish line, we proceeded directly to the beer tent where we all double fisted some Michelob Ultra to ease the pain. I believe we are all limping a bit today...but how fast we forget, as we are all running again next year :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Izzy's 6 month Photo Session

A few weeks ago, our friends (Courtney & Zach - came over to take some pictures of Izzy a day before she turned 6 months old. Try getting a 6 month old to smile, or sit still - it's near impossible. There were lots of crying moments...but amazingly Zach captured even those beautifully.
You can check out all of the pictures from the session at the link to the right, 'The McCulloch Family Pictures.' can ORDER pictures from this link. It's pure magic. And so is Izzy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tub time...

Can you believe she was fussy just moments before this?
Izzy loves her her mouth!!!

I thought I'd capture the fun that we get to witness when we do our usual nightly routine...bath time before bedtime. When Izzy gets fussy, we start the water and strip her down...and then this little girl turns into a giggly monster when her clothes come off (which doesn't bode well for her future!!!). Note that she is so big in her tub that she is nearly sitting up. We are overdue for the sit-up apparatus for the "big girl" tub. Just not looking forward to having to be on our knees and lean over to bathe her. It's been so fun to do it in the sink for almost 7 months!

Izzy enjoys the water so much (daddy taught her how to splash) that we're signing up for parent/child swim classes at the Y. Mike will have her swimming laps by the time she's three. Ha!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby it's warm outside...

Izzy loves her jogger...
A giggle fit...

The weather has warmed up & we have been spending a lot of time outside these days! Over the weekend, Mike put in several trees in our backyard & worked on the landscaping. We girls stretched out on blankets to play & watch daddy dig. Izzy really enjoyed the grass and all the noises of the great outdoors (birds, planes, etc.).

We've also spent some quality time in the jogger these days. Izzy can no longer withstand our long runs on the Monon. Anything over 7 miles and she is BORED. In fact, the last time we took her with us, she screamed the last 4 miles. We received many looks from others on the trail (you could tell which looks came from other sympathizing parents...and others who were not parents-judging). So now we take turns doing our long as not to torture Izzy for hours on end. She enjoys her slow strolls through the neighborhood. Last night I had to keep walking for over an hour, as Izzy fell asleep (and we know if we stop, she wakes up). I kept waiving to the same neighbors over and over...wondering when Iz would waken. I eventually got out my cell phone and caught up on some phone calls while girl slept. The things we parents do for a good nap!

New things in Izzy's life: she has mastered sitting up, she rolls in her sleep (sometimes she wakes up like a beached whale - unsure of how or why she got on her tum, but most times she sleeps solidly no matter what side she is on), she sleeps up to 13 hours a night, and finally (my personal favorite) she has taken to long giggling fits. She will throw herself back (see pic above) and laugh hysterically. Or she will watch one of the dogs and laugh for minutes on end at the chosen pooch. She doesn't even need an audience - we could be in a different room and she will bust out laughing...and laughing...and laughing. It's really a sight. One of my favorite sounds in the world!

ps-We Hoosiers got rocked with an EARTHQUAKE last week!!! It was a 5.2 on the Richter scale...which is quite big. Who knew Indiana was on a fault line? It happened at 5:40am and every single person/animal in our house SLEPT right through it. It's funny, b/c every single person I know in Indy was woken by a shaking bed, thoughts the world was ending, or they were being robbed. But the McCulloch household slept through the quake. I felt an aftershock...but that's about it. What a bummer.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It was a LONG weekend at the McCulloch house...thank goodness it was a yucky weather weekend in Indy. Friday night Mike and I ate burritos from Chipotle and laid low - gearing up for a long run on Saturday morning. Within hours we were both hugging the toilet...which lasted all weekend long. We not only forfeited our long run, but we had to take turns on who stayed awake with Izzy during the day. Yes, it was that bad. Neither of us ate all weekend. It hurt to move. I was never more happy to see Monday in my life...I finally felt better and was able to eat my first meal in 3 days. Phew.

The weather is turning up here...60 today and 70's the rest of the week. We have been spending more and more time outside either in the jogger or the front carrier. Iz loves to watch the trees, the sky, the dogs, you name it. She loves to be outside. Today I talked to her while she was in the front carrier about all the walking we did together when she was in my belly. I sang her the songs I used to sing while we walked with her in utero & told her stories of how she would sleep while we walked and be active when I slept. It was so much fun and brought back a lot of memories!

Monday, April 7, 2008

6 months old

Big girl sitting up
She loves her feet

Izzy is 1/2 a year old today. We celebrated with a trip to mommy's doctor and then to Izzy's pediatrician. Isabelle weighed in at 16 pounds, which is the 50% percentile...she has tapered off quite a bit with weight. They said it could be because she had a lack of appetite when she was so ill the past two weeks. Or that she is no longer exclusively breastfed (we are down to just two feedings a day from me) breastfed babies typically weigh more. She is 26 inches long-another 50% percentile which has also tapered off. She may just be evening out...and going to be quite average. We shall see. However, her head is in the 75% it always has been on the larger side. She just has a big brain. Must be all the avocado we feed her :)

It was 70 degrees we went on a 5 mile run. I just couldn't let her out of my sight today...I let Izzy sleep in my arms for all 3 of her naps, as I'm not looking forward to what tomorrow brings. But that's another post in itself. This one is to celebrate little Miss Iz.

In the 6 months that I have shared my life with this sweet little darling - I have never reflected on my own life more. Izzy makes me wonder what I was like at her age...did I love food as much as she does? did I investigate new faces and surroundings as Izzy does? did I have the same laugh and loving demeanor? was I attached to my mom as Izzy is to me? I love learning more about her everyday and getting to know her personality. I'm so in love with her...when I tell my mom these things, I tell her to remind me of these conversations when Izzy is a teenager :)

I have genuinely never been happier in my life as I am as a mother. The daily nurturing and cuddling and sheer joy I share with Izzy fills my heart so much that I can hardly bear to think of what my life would be like without her. I am so thankful that Mike & I continued to keep trying with fertility treatments...for had we given up, my cup would not be as full as it is today.

I don't know what tomorrow will hold for me. Tears, yes. Heartache, yes. But I do know this much is true - I love this little girl more than anything in the world. Mike and I are so very lucky to be her parents!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Poppin' her collar...

Just chillin'
Breathing treatments
Big girl

Big pimpin'
Learning to sit up..."tripod" style

This weekend was another low-key one in the McCulloch house. Izzy is still sick...and so is mom. So far, Mike has stayed germ-free. Wanted to post a pic of Izzy taking her nebulizer treatments. These last 10 minutes and have to be done three times a day. Surprisingly, she sits very still and endures the sessions like a champ. Mike and I do some entertaining to keep her occupied, which is quite funny!

Saturday we attempted a long run on the Monon and Izzy only lasted 4 miles (she usually snoozes). Had to cut it short, she was ready to be snugged in bed at home. Sunday we decided to venture out of the house and to the mall. Mike dressed Izzy and surprised me with popping her collar. It was too darn cute!

We are trying to get Izzy sitting on her own...she loathes the Bumbo, so we do lots of floor time with her sitting like a tripod. Mike attempted to get her to stand while holding the table. She wasn't such a fan. She'll be doing all of these things on her own before we know it!

Friday, March 28, 2008

More pics from last weekend

Okay, so I found some more pics from last weekend when my sister was here. I found these on my 13-year-old niece's myspace page!!! Nice. Enough said.
Izzy's illness has escalated from an ear infection to bronchilitis. She is on breathing treatments in addition to her antibiotics. Never a dull moment...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Weekend...

Sportin' the ears...
Cousin Taylor
Blurry, yes...but she looks just like me as a baby here!!
Aunt Kimmy

My sister and her kids, Taylor & Dylan, came down for Easter weekend. It was quite uneventful, but that's just how we like it! We watched Izzy show off, played lots of Mexican Train Dominos and baked Nana's famous apple pie. Yummy! Sunday morning was quite a treat, not only did Mike surprise us all with an Easter egg hunt...but the kids joined Mike and I for our long run on the Monon! Dylan rollerbladed and went to the skate park at Monon Center while Taylor walked Izzy in the jogger so Mike and I could run HANDS FREE! It was quite a treat! It was so much fun to have my sister and the kids here for Easter!

Unfortunately, Izzy has come down with her first fever and cold :( She started coughing Monday morning. Tuesday she continued the cough and then started gagging on her sinus drainage. And this morning she gagged herself so badly that she vomitted - quite scary at 5am!!! We went to the pediatrician this afternoon and turns out Izzy has her first ear infection - poor girl. Hopefully the amoxicillin will take care of that and her nasty cough. Fortunately, she is still sleeping long through the night. Phew!

Mike's mom, Cathy, came down Tuesday and Wednesday to help us out around the house and with Izzy. She was a God-send...taking care of our sick Izzy & cleaning the house/doing chores & simply loving on our little girl when she needed it most. I just cannot thank her enough!

Sorry there aren't more's quite out of character for me NOT to have more. But I suppose I was just enjoying the moments with my family. That...and I am sick now, too!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We tried peas today for the 1st time. After pureeing them...they turned NEON!!! Tomorrow's diapers should be very interesting!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Izzy's shirt says 'Mommy's Good Luck Charm'

Today is also Katie Monster's 7th Birthday.

Big day in the McCulloch household: We visited our first daycare (!!) and started weaning one of Izzy's daytime nursing sessions. I don't really want to pump three times a day when I return to work...not so fun at a new job. I am giving myself 15 days to wean 3 daytime nursing times...and Izzy took her first bottle (frozen milk for now - slowly adding formula) today like a champ! I was very nervous...but she did great. Now how I handle the missed nursing will be another story. I thought about drinking a beer to help with the oncoming pain/discomfort, but my girlfriend told me the barley helps the milk come in. Guess I won't be doing that! So it's either shots of vodka or ibuprofen :) Wish us luck.

The daycare visit wasn't as bad as I anticipated, either. No tears out of me (so far)! One visit down, three to go. We're hoping to make our decision by Friday. It makes me feel a lot better now that I can see what she will be doing on a daily basis and who will be handling her. Plus, she's almost 6 months's not like she'll be 6 weeks. A very good friend keeps telling me babies are very resilient and will deal much better with the change than the mommies. And my mom keeps telling me - this too shall pass. These next few weeks will be quite transitional for us all (sigh).