Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Fort...

Mike, Delaney & I drove up to Ft. Wayne Wednesday afternoon to celebrate Thanksgiving with his dad & step-mom...and to reunite with our Izzy Lou!!! Izzy was spoiled rotten and had an amazing time with her grandparents...I don't even think she missed us! She slept in a tent (indoors, of course), which she thought was just the best. She giggled every time she had to go in there, as her lovies were in there and her books and her flashlight...a girl could get used to that for naps and nighttime! Anyway, we had a great time visiting, although it was short. I had to get back to Indy to work on Black Friday. It's our biggest sales day of the year and I volunteered to work. Let me tell you, it feels good to be back at work. I get to sit down. I get to go to the bathroom without 2 year old eyes watching me. I get to work out at lunch. Heck, I get to go OUT to lunch! Ask me again in 6 months if I feel the same way, though :)
Izzy snuggling with daddy. Notice her lovie is swaddled.
The twins surprising Grandpa
Mike, Izzy & Grandpa Bob
Grandma Laura, Izzy, & Grandpa Bob
Playing with baby Laney
Aunt Aimee snuggling with Delaney