Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We dyed some Easter eggs last night...Mike made a delicious ham dinner
Sitting down for dinnerIzzy enjoyed it...
A long, brisk walk
Cousin Taylor pushed Izzy
Aunt Kimmy snuggling

Reading with Grand Roo

This weekend was a beautiful one in Indy...not ONE single cloud in the sky and absolutely sunny! My mom flew in from Lake Tahoe and my sister and her kids drove down from Chicago for the holiday (mom is staying all week). We did the normal Keel things: ate, napped, went on long walks, played dominoes, dyed Easter eggs and played with Izzy. Was a good time. Now, back to the normal workweek. Sort of a big week, as we have our 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday to determine if baby Mac is growing and developing well and also to find out the gender. Stay tuned for the big news!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Such a girl..

Izzy loves her jewelry...taking it on and off all day long. Such a girl!

Always wants to be read to...

And is now starting to read to herself...

This weekend was another one spent at home without any major plans. Same old walks outside, playing in the backyard, napping, shopping and eating out. 'Tis our favorite way to spend the weekend.

Isabelle has always loved books (since she was teeny weeny)...but recently she's taken to reading them herself. Pointing to the pictures and "talking" like mommy does. In fact, Izzy will cry all the way through her nighttime diaper change and the second we sit down to read, she gets absolutely still and very in tune with the books for the 10-15 minutes that we read. Also, a new talent and skill Izzy loves is putting puzzles together and taking them apart. We have a bunch and she gets so excited when she completes one. Super cute.

My dad and step mom just sent me a note saying they hadn't seen any pictures of me on the blog lately. Um, there is reason for that...I'm rapidly getting larger and therefore try to stear clear of the pics. I am 19 weeks today, almost 1/2 way through. I feel the exact same as I did when I was pregnant with Iz; however, I'm obviously bigger sooner and have been feeling baby kick for about 3 weeks now (I felt Izzy at 19 weeks). Amazing...look how much smaller I was at 20 weeks with Isabelle:

I want a tan and long hair. ASAP. Wishful thinking...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where did Spring go?

Katie and Izzy looking out the window at the SNOW!!
Since it was back in the 40's this weekend, we had to bring some outdoor activities indoors (hence the lawn mower above). Seriously, where did the Spring weather in the 60's and 70's go that we had just one short week ago? I'm just sayin'...

I miss running...

It's Mini Marathon training season. There are runners EVERYWHERE. My co-workers run at lunch. My husband runs all week. Given I'm pregnant, I walk. But boy, do I miss the training, the camaraderie, the runner's high. More importantly, I miss the long runs on Saturday morning with my bestie, Jaime. She is training for a marathon in California at the end of May. I miss running so much I just had to bundle up and walk (briskly) to watch Jaime finish a 1/2 marathon this weekend near our house. It was COLD but Izzy and I were excited to be there to cheer her on. When I saw Jaime come up the hill to the final stretch, I got choked up and so did she. Watching my best friend finish a great race made me so proud of her. I wanted to be running it with her so I ran the last few yards with her with Izzy in tow. Congrats, Jaim, and keep up the strong running!

The gal who took this picture asked if I ran the race with, I can barely run to the end of the block!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's finally Spring!!!

Playing (on her tip toes) at the library
Izzy loved the tubes at the playground

Giving daddy a smooch through a peek hole

PEEK! Check out that static hair!

Who's there!?


Izzy was determined to climb UP the slides. To no avail. She wasn't happy that she couldn't reach the top. But did she ever try!

This weekend we spent a LOT of time it's officially Spring!!! Friday night Mike hung out with his buddies watching March Madness...while I hung out at home with one of my oldest and dearest friends from home, Erin. She was in town for business and we only had a few short hours together. After we put Izzy down we were able to spend several hours catching up. Priceless.

Saturday we walked to the library (we only live a mile away) for Izzy (and Mike's) first trip there. I spend a lot of time there, so it was special to share the inaugural visit with the two of them. We discovered books, toys, activity centers, other kids and simply had a great time. It was fun to watch Izzy play...she would get so excited that she'd shake her booty and get on her tip toes and yell, "Oh, yeah!" This has become her favorite excitable words. Lots of parents looked on and laughed...guess Izzy doesn't know library etiquette yet!

Sunday we walked to the park (we only live a mile away from this, too!) to enjoy the weather. Izzy was not a fan of the swing. Or the slides. Rather, she loved sitting in the large tubes watching all the kids and laughing/screaming at those around her. Towards the end of our hour visit, she started to warm up to the slides. But we'll have to keep going back to get her used to the equipment.

We are SO ready for more weekends like this!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Harp anyone?
Sporting her new jewelry

Hiding in the wagon

Peek! Izzy thought this was so funny!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Today was beautiful in the high 60's! Izzy celebrated with green socks and some new green jewelry (thanks Lori!). Mike celebrated with a Black & Tan. And I celebrated by basking in the sun while Izzy played in the front yard.
For several months, Izzy has loved giving everyone "Cheers" when she is drinking. Why not Cheers daddy today? Here's to another beautiful day tomorrow...Cheers!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mike's birthday week...

Mike's mom came down on Tuesday to spend time with Mike and Izzy for his birthday. I was at work while they played, so I only have these pics to share. Note in these pictures that Izzy is wearing a hat and carrying jewelry. This is her gig these days. She always wants a hat on and has to either be wearing her jewelry or holding her jewelry. Such a diva.

I have been traveling most of the week out East for business, when I returned I wanted nothing more than to lounge in my jammies. Which I did all day Saturday. Sunday welcomed beautiful 65 degree weather. Izzy and I went on a very long walk while Mike went downtown to meet some Wisconsin family members at the Big Ten Tourney. Then Iz and I went out shopping and returned home to go on another walk, this time with daddy. She enjoyed the red wagon coming out of retirement. So did Katie.

**We had our 16 week prenatal appointment last week and baby Mac is doing well. Growing and beating its little heart just perfectly! Next appointment is an ultrasound in 4 weeks, when my mom will be in town (!) to determine the sex and overall health of the baby. Super excited!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun weekend pics...

Izzy has taken to walking to the mailbox with daddy every day after work all by herself. We have had some beautiful weather over the weekend and Mike took Iz on his shoulders...she laughed so hard the entire time!

Mike pulled out the table & chairs today for a new activity in the house (still not warm enough to play outside for extended periods of time). They colored and played and even had a snack!
Concentrating on her coloring

Izzy is also really into trying things we gathered all her hats for some fun dress-up time!

She looks like an elf :)
Grandpa Bob and Grandma Laura come down Saturday for Mike's birthday. Here is Grandpa Bob (Izzy calls him Bob-bob-bob-bob) reading to Iz.

Izzy also loves to try on lots of jewelry...

And dressing her baby doll in her jewelry with Grandma Laura

Showing off her dancing skills...

The weather this weekend was beautiful...and we took full advantage of it by going on long walks. Today's walk was VERY windy and when we got home we were all tuckered out. Izzy just wanted to be read to while relaxing. So sweet!

She likes to eat, eat, eat...

It's no secret that Izzy loves to eat. Anything. She wants what you have. She wants what's in the pantry. She wants it all. And will eat it all. We play this game when she tells us (signs to us) that she is all done, we slowly take her food away from her. We do this slowly b/c she keeps reaching for food while we are taking it away. Friday night she proceeded to take almost 3 chicken nuggets and shove them all into her mouth at once. She couldn't even close her mouth. It was hysterical. Until she sneezed...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Izzy loves school...

It simply shows on her face:
School has started emailing us pictures of what our child does throughout the day...

This morning Izzy slept in until 8am (!) and therefore I wasn't able to put out clothes for her to wear to school. This meant 1. Daddy chose her outfit and 2. Daddy did her hair. This picture CRACKS me up b/c Izzy is wearing corduroy pants with a Spring-ish shirt (i.e. light weight fabric). It was 15 degrees today. Mike says it's Spring. Her hair is sprouting out on the side. I told Mike he needs a tutorial on how to put in a hair tie. He says she screams and wails and I'm just lucky to have the hair out of her face. He's right. He does an amazing job getting Isabelle ready for school every day and picking her up every day. So I should stop over-analyzing the pic. But I just can't help myself from laughing when I look at it...hysterical!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sad, sad day...

This weekend was a sad one for me. You see, we decided a few weeks ago that it was time to find Baxter the Bully another home. We were no longer able to give him the attention he so deserved ever since we added one Isabelle (and one yet-to-be-born babe) to the family. I still VERY much love him...the lack of love wasn't the issue. He just didn't get the playtime he used to: tugging (we took this activity away month before Izzy arrived, so as not to promote aggressive behavior around a baby) and walks (winter walks have been scarce, but even summer walks were we'd walk as a family to the pool for the day, sans dogs). This being said, he was a bit depressed and would act out around the house. We knew it was time.

It broke my heart to have to send out word that we were looking for a new family for my first "baby." I still can't talk about it without getting very upset and breaking down. I screened many phone calls and emails until I found several families worthy of meeting Bax. One family adopted another Bulldog before meeting Baxter, another family stood us up (the audacity), the third family was the family we chose, and the fourth family I had to cancel on due to third family's amazing-ness.

Baxter's new family arrived Friday night with their only child: a 2 year old American Bulldog. Their dog looked EXACTLY like Bax...white with brown spots, brown ears, et al. However, their dog was a good foot taller and 30 pounds heavier. Regardless, as soon as the dogs met...the gal had to stop their meeting for a second to wipe her dog's nose, the dog had a cold. What?! (I have to wipe Baxter's butt daily!) They literally wiped her nose during playtime. Then we got cozy and watched the dogs sniff, bark, play, tug and chase. The couples' eyes were wide and their faces were smiling: their dog needed this activity and playmate. My face read the exact same thing. As I got to know the couple better and learned about their lifestyle...I was believing that this was THE family. They have wanted a English Bulldog for years but couldn't afford one. They have been going through infertility for years to no avail. Baxter was my rock (as well as my husband) during the years and months that I cried myself to sleep due to infertility. It just felt right. We spent about 2 hours with the couple and their dog. After lots of tears, I told them they were exactly who we were looking for. And that I knew Bax would be happy with them. I mean, they let their dog on the couch with them....Baxter's dream!!! :)

After some snuggle time and a deep talk with Bax, I spent the entire night bawling on the phone to my sister. Who cried just as hard with me.

I woke Saturday doing things that only mothers who pack their children for overnight camp do: packing all necessities, cataloging health issues, detailing behaviors, writing emergency contacts (read: vet) and crying my eyes out. I wrote a very long letter to the family explaining how Baxter has been through everything in my adult life with me (divorce, single life, marriage, infertility, birth, etc.) and telling them I hope Baxter can bring them as much joy to their lives. I made a cd of pictures: Baxter's parents, his litter, and his 7 years of life. I made one final trip to the pet store to buy all of his favorite bones and toys. And a tug toy. He's going to tug again. He's going to be so happy.

Mike dropped Baxter off, as I didn't have the heart to go. He said that after he unloaded the bed, the toys, the crate, the food...he put Baxter on his leash and handed him off to his new mommy. They walked away and Baxter never looked back...

My mom wrote me a few weeks ago and said some words that are really helping me get through this. She said anyone that knows me knows how much I love Baxter. It's clear. It's written all over me. And that Baxter knows how much I love him.

Here's to a great new life, Bub...I hope you have so much fun and are so loved that you never look back, but always remember how much I love you.