Sunday, March 14, 2010

Grandfather's 90th Birthday...

This past weekend we spent 3 days with my family in Michigan to celebrate my Grandfather's 90th birthday. Everyone arrived on Friday and the events began on Saturday morning at the Michigan War Memorial Museum in Frankenmuth. There were about 30 of us in total that participated in the weekend's events, including 5 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Saturday morning we made the trek to see and hear all about Grandfather's time serving in the war as a pilot. His memory was very sharp, as he was recalling many flights where he transported the us many details. Was fascinating to learn all about his history.

Touring the museum
Grandfather's uniform
Grandfather in his flight regalia

History of Grandfather's time in the war

Many medals

Our very own hero

Saturday evening we went to the Club for some professional family photos (will upload them once I get them) - this is just 4 of Grandfather's 10 great-grandchildren listening to photo instructions
Self portrait
Kim & I with dad
Kim RARELY drinks, so I had to take a pic
My niece, Taylor, and cousin, Alyson...they both have their drivers' permits and were high-fiving when they learned they would be the designated drivers. Hilarious.
On our way to and from Michigan, we made an overnight stop and a pit stop at Grandpa Bob's house (to break up a long car ride). The girls are starting to play's so fun to watch them interact!
Occassionally I have to hop into the back seat of the car to help with one or both of the girls. This was my view. DJ Lance Rock. Don't. Be. Jealous.
Miss Iz
And Delaney Bug. We are HAPPY to finally be home!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sick day...

The nanny called early this morning to tell us that her son (who usually accompanies her) had a very high temperature. We decided that she should stay home with him and I'd stay home with the girls. I immediately got out of bed and got my run in for the day (which I usually do during my lunch at the gym at work) and hurried in the shower to take over the daily routine so Mike could go to work. The girls and I stayed in our jammies the first half of the day and then Aunt Gigi (Jaime) came over for a lunch date. After both girls got up from their afternoon naps, we headed out to the it was 68 degrees and sunny today!!! What a nice surprise on a sick day! Too bad Bug is coming down with something now. Perfect timing, as we're headed out of town tomorrow. Oh the joy.
Morning playtime
Pure excitement to be out of the house and at the park!
Down and up. Repeat.
Delaney and I watched from the sidelines. Note the runny nose. And the BLUE SKY!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Old friends, birthdays and bikes

For the McCulloch house, we had somewhat of a busy weekend! Friday night, per our usual, we had movie and pizza night. Saturday morning I woke early to go on a long run with a few girlfriends (thanks Sandi & Melissa for kicking my butt!) and then came home to get ready for a lunch out with an old friend.
My girlfriend, Chi, and I cheered together all through high school. And as with any sport, you tend to get very close to your teammates. We spent many nights at sleepovers or camps or dances together and have lots of fun memories. I haven't seen Chi since our 10 year high school reunion 5 years ago and it had been too long. Chi and her husband (and 6 month old son, James) are thinking about a move to the Carmel area so they were here looking at houses and the area in general. We met up at Bazbeaux's for an early lunch and it was just so special to see her again and catch up (and relive a few old memories!). Crossing my fingers that they make the move, would be so much fun to have her down here!

Laney is making the moves on James
After the girls' naps, we headed over to my carpool-mate's son's 1st Birthday party. Brenna and I have been carpooling together for almost 2 years. There were a handful of carpool groups in our division at work when I started, as gas was in the $4 / gallon price range and no one lives near our offices on the east side of town. However, Brenna and I are the only ones that still carpool. Gas prices have gone down, but we find it hard NOT to be driving together every single day. It's funny, when Brenna went on maternity leave last year I was BORED in the car alone. I mean, it was fun to be able to catch up on my phone calls (as most all of you know I am NOT a phone person) and sing in the car again. However, I missed Brenna's company. She returned to work and 3 months later I left for maternity leave. When she came over to bring me dinner while I was still at home, she told me she was looking forward to my return b/c she had taken to READING while driving - to pass the time. Needless to say, she wasn't driving safely. Ha! Anyway, we tend to talk about everything from celebrity gossip, to reality t.v., to issues at home and with family. I find it extremely therapeutic to talk to her, as she is a third party and gives great advice and asks great questions from a non-judgemental stance. Bottom line, I love carpooling with Brenna. So when Mike and I arrived with the girls to the birthday party, our husbands were finally able to hang which I found both fun and yet a little unsettling. I mean, if both Scott and Mike put their two stories together, they'd learn that Brenna and I know a LOT about the others' relationships and quirks. We all laughed several times over this. I guess it's just hard to put into words. We had such a wonderful time celebrating Jack's first birthday and I was so happy to finally put faces to all the names I hear about every week. Mike was simply happy there was booze served at a 1st birthday party :)
The birthday boy: Jack
Jack & Brenna
The sun was out all day today, so we got Izzy out on her tricycle. Her legs are finally long enough to reach the pedals so we had a lesson in "how to push the pedals to make the bike move forward." She hasn't grasped this 100% yet...but she's very close. Pedals a few times and then gets off and pushes the bike. Too cute.
And finally, I was going through Delaney's drawers (in the first year I feel that I have to get out with the old and in with the new on a MONTHLY basis, which is exhausting and time consuming!) and found this adorable hat from Sam & Bridget Tynan. I cannot believe I forgot about this little number. I just had to snap a few photos of Bug in this...too cute!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Izzy the Entertainer...

Saturday afternoon Izzy and I met Jaime & Luke at the Monon Pool for a swim. Although little man Luke was a touch under the weather, that did not stop Izzy from being in rare form. She went up and down the slide a blue million times...until she was "discovered" by some 12 year old girls. Izzy immediately started showing off for them; showing her new pink-painted nails, giving high fives and fist bumps, a little dancing and kicking. It was hilarious to watch because after each thing she did for the girls she'd get a laugh from them and then turn around to make sure I saw what was going on. Jaime and I were laughing the entire time. I do believe Izzy will have a future in it in ballet, singing, dancing, acting, anything with an audience. So stinkin' cute!
Her audience
This is blurry, but at one point in her "show" she took it to the wall and started to do some funky leg kick/dance. Jaime and I were in tears we were laughing so hard!
More showing off...the girls gave her some goggles and she did a little dance with them before she put them on.
This little guy wasn't feeling so hot, so we took it all in being at the comfort of his mommy's side. So pitiful and yet so CUTE!
Izzy badly wanted her playmate to interact. She kept on trying to hug and kiss on him and he wanted nothing to do with her. Ha!
Izzy baking a cake with Daddy (she squeals when we ask her if she wants to cook)
Pouring the batter

When the cake was done, Izzy just HAD to eat it right away. She didn't even care that it wasn't frosted yet! She loves her food - just like her mama!

Delaney is 6 months old!!!

Yesterday marked 6 months of Delaney's time with us and we can't believe it! The first 12 weeks were mind-numbingly slow; however, these last 3 months have just flown by! To celebrate, Delaney cut her first tooth this last week. I was telling Brenna (my work car-pool-mate and close friend) this last week that I thought having a second child wouldn't be nearly as fun as the first. By this, I mean that with Izzy every single milestone she passed (and still passes) is the absolute best. We rave about her new skill, word, tooth, trick for weeks afterwards and are in constant awe of these things when they come. I had no idea this would be JUST as fun with the second child (read: I thought since we had already experienced a first tooth or a roll-across-the-room or sitting up that the next time around wouldn't be nearly as exciting). Boy, was I ever wrong! We are in constant awe of Delaney's recent milestones: sitting up on her own and playing, cutting that first tooth, rolling, rolling and more rolling! She thinks her big sis is hilarious (so do we!). And she is eating solid foods three times a day now. Wow. Before we know it she'll have a sippy cup in her hand and running around the house. Time sure does fly when you're having fun!
Delaney's 6 month stats:
-Weight 15 lbs 5 oz (just shy of 50%)
-Height 26 inches (50-75%)
-Head 43 cm (just shy of 50%)
Here is the video I was talking about last week...I remembered how to upload it :) Enjoy!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This is why my cup runeth over...

Nothing spectacular happened over the weekend. Rather, it was the ordinary things that happened and the everyday people in my life that have made me end my weekend with a large smile on my face. I just feel like my heart is full. And this is why:

-I have a great job that I love...and love the gals (and a few guys) I work with. I never wake up loathing going into work. This is a good thing.

-I have excellent childcare (a nanny) that treats my girls as her own. I never EVER worry about them throughout the day. I simply know and trust they are having fun and eating and snoozing and just doing silly kid things in the comfort of our home. This is peace of mind.

-I have started training for my annual 1/2 marathon. I am out of shape, as I haven't run a mile since November 1st, 2008. Breathing heavily and running on sore legs is not fun. But I can run. I can run. This I am thankful for.

-I have a doting husband that loves all three of his girls so much. He plays, he cooks, he simply puts up with all of us and loves doing all of it. We aren't perfect, but we work at it daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. We are a team and I love watching us grow as parents. This is partnership.

-I have the best girlfriends a girl could ask for. Period. I simply don't know what I'd do without my family of friends here in Indy. Thank goodness I chose to stay here back in 2002 when my world crumbled around me. My very first friend I made here in Indy is still one of my closest and also introduced me to my bestie back in 2007. Fate brought me here and fate kept me here. This is a blessing.

-I have the best daughters. They make me laugh. They make me roll on the ground with them and dress up and splash and tickle and paint and dance and I could go on forever. I simply have the most fun when I'm home with them. Most people in our lives know that I'm the first to turn down plans or delay plans to stay home with my family...and these are the reasons. I just couldn't be happier in the comfort of my home playing with the girls and laughing with Mike at the fortune we have every single day. This is a full heart.

One of their favorite things to do: snuggle.

My two close friends: Jaime (and baby boy #2) & Molly

Happy Delaney! Mike likes to call her Deuce. I like to call her Bug.

Delaney is now rolling ACROSS the room. Back and forth to get where she wants to go. I took several videos; however, I can't quite figure out (or remember) how to upload them.

Daddy was getting rid of some clothes and Izzy wanted to try them on

Poppin' her collar

Baking brownies with Izzalicious

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And the 'Mother of the Year Award' goes to...

...NOT ME!!!

Mike went out of town for training for his new job, so I was on Mommy duty. I figured that I could handle this - I do it when Mike is at school, I can do it tonight. What's the big deal, right? Well, I decided to take out the two trash bins (to be a good wife) right after I put down Delaney for the night at 6:30. Izzy is waving at me from the front window and laughing. Little did I know what she was laughing about...until I tried to get back into the house. The door was locked. Bolted. Yep, that's right, my two year old locked me out. In 20 degree weather. With a sleeping 6 month old upstairs.

Panic sets in immediately. Mike is gone. All doors in the house are locked. My two year old is running back and forth from the t.v. to the back door, trying to answer my pleas. I spent about 20 minutes trying to explain to Izzy how to reach up and unlock the door. She couldn't get it. I asked her to bring the potty over and step up and reach. She didn't understand. Looooong story short, I had to leave her to go find a spare key (as all the keys in the center console of the car did not work in the front, back, or garage doors!). I got into the car (those keys were inside, thank goodness!) and drove (sped) over to Katie's house (less than a mile away). Was hysterical. I know when Katie saw my face that she was immediately panicked. They no longer had a spare key (we had to use it when we got locked out once in the summer by the same daughter of ours!), so we called Jaime. Got back into the car, Katie followed me, Jaime met us at my house (have I mentioned she's like 10 months pregnant!?). Key worked. Entered house..."Izzy, where are you?" Izzy comes running around the corner telling us the movie is over. Really? I was in awe that she so put together while I was so....not. Izzy was more surprised to see GiGi and Katie than anything else.

I'm still quite shaken by the whole experience. Feel awful that I had to leave the girls (Laney was oblivious-sleeping the entire time)...however, both girls are alright and fast asleep now. But SO happy that I had two great girlfriends to come to my rescue. Seriously, what's a girl to do without amazing girlfriends?!? Be locked out, that's what!
That darned bolt wouldn't budge! Poor Izzy, wasn't for lack of trying!
Not ONE of these keys worked. Was SO frustrated!!!

ps-PLEASE don't do anything rash, like call CPS on me. I mean, it's bound to happen at some point, right? Katie even told me Delaney will probably do this to us in another 2 this was just preparation. Ha!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

This weekend started off with me coming home to a very large Valentine made by the girls (with the great help from the Nanny!) and a yummy cake! Friday nights Mike works a little late, which means I'm left to dinner duty alone. Dinner time is the craziest hour in ANY home with small children, as the kids are hungry and fussy which = not fun to manage alone. Anyway...
Our Valentine and cake (Izzy helped bake and frost!)
Izzy's hand-made Valentine box filled with her classmates' cards and many Valentines from family...thanks for all of them, she loves getting mail!
This is how I fed Izzy on Friday night: rolled up to the family room so she can watch a movie (her favorite, UP) while I feed Delaney
And once the girls were both down, I cleaned up and headed out to a girls' night with Molly. I've been unable to really "go out" much in the last year and now that I'm no longer pregnant or recovering from childbirth...I'm trying to make a conscious effort to go out and have fun with the girls! Thanks, Molly, for continuing to invite me out and include me after all the times I've turned you down, girl! I had SO much fun.
We first had drinks (and apps) at a brand new bar in Broadripple called the Northside Social to celebrate Casey's birthday.
And then headed to my old stomping grounds The Wellington. The same blue grass band has been playing there for almost 8 years, and Mike and I used to go there to hear them play all the time. They surely didn't disappoint. This was also where our rehearsal dinner was almost 6 years it was quite nostalgic being there.
Saturday morning Izzy was going through all of her Valentines and discovered a lot of them came with tattoos (the ones Izzy handed out did as well). Who knew that tattoos were such a popular Valentine Day gift? Regardless, we had to put them on her hands. She looooved them.
Also a big thank you for all the Valentine's packages in the mail...the girls received so many fun outfits, toys and treats that it was hard to photo ALL of it. But a highlight are Izzy's new galoshes, her yellow monkeys!!! She is a HUGE fan of all things dress up and especially her boots. So thank you very much for all the presents!
Saturday night Izzy wanted to pull Delaney around the house in her wagon. I obliged, but not without padding the wagon with a blanket. Izzy loved it...
...Laney wasn't the biggest fan :)
Delaney in the Jumperoo...she's still not a huge fan, which we are surprised about, as she has been LOVING her exersaucer for almost 2 months now!
Delaney now sits in the high chair for our nightly family meals while Izzy now sits in her booster at the table. So fun that Delaney is getting to be such a big girl. She also loves being a part of the meal without being on a lap.
Other noteworthy news, Izzy no longer goes to sleep with her NUK!!!! We weaned her down to just using it at bedtime around summertime; however, I couldn't stand the thought of taking it away from her before Delaney arrived, as there was already enough change going to happen in her life (move to a big girl bed, arrival of a new sister, et al). Anyway, I came home from work on Thursday night and just decided it was time (Mike's been telling me it's been time for over a year now!). Izzy and I decorated a box, gathered her NUKs from her bed and night stand, kissed them all and said goodbye. We then wrapped the box and put it in the mailbox for the NUK fairy to come and pick up for all the new babies at the hospital. Izzy went to sleep moaning for about 10 minutes that night and woke up perfectly happy Friday morning. She never asked about it again, never talked about it, nothing. Hasn't been an issue ever since. If I would have known how easy it was to take it away - I would have done it a YEAR ago! Shame on me!! But it's so nice to have that habit broken. Delaney, on the other hand, has NEVER taken to a NUK and we aren't even offering one to her as we don't want to start this all over again. Now...potty training :)